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Heard a similar pair, not those, earlier models I would guess they sounded very nice. The only problem was the power needed, it took a bunch of WPC. 

They sure love power that’s for sure

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They did sound great at low or mid volume, very airy and open. I was told the few hundred WPC they were hooked to ran out os steam to go any louder. 


Should be a nice change in sound, it's good to listen so something a little different on occasion. 

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Those look nice !

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Pretty excited to try them out, all the reviews have been very positive.

Can’t wait to hear what you think of those new Martin Logans. That’s some next level gear!

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3 minutes ago, Thaddeus Smith said:

Rodney, I have some Digital Audiophile Oil that will protect your cables and equipment from the detrimental sonic effects of gravity. You just pour it over everything in an even coat. $5,000 per 5ml bottle. Shoot me a PM if interested.

you were always ahead of the curve.

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Rodney, I have some Digital Audiophile Oil that will protect your cables and equipment from the detrimental sonic effects of gravity. You just pour it over everything in an even coat. $5,000 per 5ml bottle. Shoot me a PM if interested.

I’ve been using cat urine for years

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8 hours ago, Thaddeus Smith said:

Rodney, I have some Digital Audiophile Oil that will protect your cables and equipment from the detrimental sonic effects of gravity. You just pour it over everything in an even coat. $5,000 per 5ml bottle. Shoot me a PM if interested.

Well not quite that expensive.

 Says in part "Use on IC’s, transformers, circuit boards, any where noise could be a problem". Did not say if it was effective on spouses.




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I always wanted to try these tubes, but the brand new price of these scared the H#!! out of me!
I came across these used on Canuck Audio Mart at a decent price and pulled the trigger...

Great Tube , use them in a headphone amp

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1 hour ago, A1UC said:

Great Tube , use them in a headphone amp

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The new, to me, EMLs will be going in my Triode Labs amp that powers my K402 atop the Peavey bins.

I can not really complain about the JJs that are in there now but am really looking forward to doing some listening this weekend

with the new bottles in there.





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46 minutes ago, HPower said:


The new, to me, EMLs will be going in my Triode Labs amp that powers my K402 atop the Peavey bins.

I can not really complain about the JJs that are in there now but am really looking forward to doing some listening this weekend

with the new bottles in there.





I see a Wyred preamp on your stand - you like it? 
I have the same black/black model and like it with some amps, not so much on others. I don’t find a low gain amp 

matches well with its passive/active design. But it is damn quiet and again, with the right amp, a hell of nice preamp.

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37 minutes ago, richieb said:

I see a Wyred preamp on your stand - you like it? 
I have the same black/black model and like it with some amps, not so much on others. I don’t find a low gain amp 

matches well with its passive/active design. But it is damn quiet and again, with the right amp, a hell of nice preamp.




I do like the STP very much.

It has only been used in front of my Xilica XP-4080 which in turn feeds the TL 2A3 for the 402s and the Classe, CA-150 for the FH-1s.


It has all the connectivity that I could need with multiple XLR ins and out along with single ended connections.

But you are correct about it being VERY quiet!!!


Last weekend I rolled my newly refinished La Scalas out from the garage to the patio by the pool and then ran a pair of 25ft XLR cables

from the STP out to a pair of bridged Crown D-75s.

Instant remote system with volume control, via the gain knobs on the D-75s

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