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@subxero yeah not really sure about my sub placement. To be honest the A5-350's are so big the room doesn't feel or look right with the subs out front between my center and fronts. I'll post a shot of where I put the other sub as well. When I get the new onkyo I'll try to figure out the best placement for them. I originally wanted them for the front too but just don't think I like them there. Maybe I should have bought some smaller subs?

This is the placement of my 2nd A5-350. It's under the stairs facing the main seating position. It also happens to be against the back wall. My seating is only 10.5 feet from the screen.Putting the subs between the 64 and the 62's would place them about 7 feet from my face. It's not that they did not sound good up front but just didn't look right. I thought I would try them placed out of the way and see if the sound quality decreases. I have only had 2 movies with the current set up so I need more time. BUt honestly so far it's hard to tell. Perhaps when the Onkyo arrives and I run the multiXT it will make a bigger difference.




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I'd say you chose well for subs, i have heard those really are great subs. As far as size, im afriad you are gonna have to do the sub crawl, see how they sound in different places and from different listening positions. In the end you have to choose between asthetics or sound Your distance is slightly, and i do mean slightly longer than mine is so i sympathize with you as far as having a sub or two 7 feet from your face. Something smaller may have been beneficial in your case if you test and find out that the best place is just in the front.

Interesting how you have it setup though, once again though, nice setup!

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Do the subs fit under the screen? If you move the mains out a bit and toe them in and then put the subs between them and the center, that might look pretty bada$$. Good looking set up either way, and nice to see the beer fridge down there too.

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