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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/14 in all areas

  1. Happy Tuesday folks. Not much on the agenda today. Already voted by mail-in. Perhaps today is the end of obnoxious political attack ads. Hope so.
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Morning gang Trash Tuesday, nothing to do really with the Voting, i must get my trash to the curb. Told the wife she is riding with me yesterday, after hitting the Pub and collecting light winnings and dumping old 12Ga reloading gear, hit Bev Mo, they will price match Total Wine if you ask them. My Lagavulin 16 was up to $89 bucks, after price matching, $60 bucks, meanwile i sent the wife over to Skeetchers? shoe store. Then off to Red Lobster who just updated their menu same day. Im sure the wife enjoyed her day off. Retirement, it's something to look forward to, just dont wait too long.
    5 points
  4. I got this off of CL, the owner had it fixed at a local repair shop and then thought it still had problems, turns out he just liked to listen to music real low and the internal amp would shut off. It took the repair shop 8 months to fix it and in the meantime he got another sub. It is pretty much like new and sounds fantastic, blends well with the Forte II's and will shake the house. Best of all I got it for a 100 bucks. This is the one with the single 12" no passive and rear mounted amp. Hard to imagine you get that much bass from a 13" cube.
    4 points
  5. Third cup-o-joe w/Duggans down and going for the forth. 70 Degree days i like, getting many projects completed. Cables/wires i hate, cleaning up the desk area after the Tv install...FINELY after four years of hanging wires everywhere. In the Pic, to the right is the CCTV coverage of the homestead, the monitor below it is indeed Radar, (weather), something to play with during those rainy days i hope we get this winter.
    4 points
  6. Tried that line on the wife, didn't work. There have been MANY bad "organ" jokes in our house. Keep trying!!
    4 points
  7. If they stretch it past, there will be an uprising... Good organ playing weather... You got that right ...on both counts! Then again, ALL weather is good organ playing weather. Think I'll call up a buddy who keeps a guitar at my house (he's a sometimes pro musician) and see if we can do some jammin'.
    4 points
  8. Tried that line on the wife, didn't work.
    4 points
  9. The moral of this story is to get the proper center or use nothing at all (go phantom). Sage advice.
    4 points
  10. Washed two cars....my Volvo....her Mercedes. Made breakfast.....cheese eggs and left over fish steaks from last night. Went to the Arboretum to show LF the gardens and to feed the Koi. Dinner at her place tonight. Lunch and then to the polls to vote some rascals out Cheers Gents
    3 points
  11. That looks very nice and clean looking, you almost don't have to leave that spot. Your not the only one, I watch the radar a lot when there is weather around.
    3 points
  12. Tried that line on the wife, didn't work. There have been MANY bad "organ" jokes in our house. Keep trying!! Need to play some Jon Lord. Really like organ music, sometime in rock and roll. Have a bass here. Electric. Hardly playing.
    3 points
  13. If they stretch it past, there will be an uprising... Good organ playing weather...
    3 points
  14. Doing the math on retirement...Good Morning...frisky as a squirrel's tail...fall here for a certain. Next I will be complaining about it being too cold...what a malcontent. Nice weather is something to not complain about but, to celebrate here in Cleveland. It never rains in California :emotion-29:
    3 points
  15. Visited the old Stutz factory in Indianapolis last month, finally with my camera. That place is just begging to get its picture taken.
    3 points
  16. Agreed there are too many people who say they don't care, until the minute they wake up and realise that seemingly innocent piece of technology has eroded away a piece of THEIR privacy. I can never understand that attitude. This is MY world, my life, and my freedom, and I value it.
    3 points
  17. As requested by dtel, here are several pics of my house as it was being built, pics obviously suck and were taken on a phone so I apologize. We took inspiration from colorful houses we like in the Bahama's and Key West. Don't have a lot of finished ones on me but I took several facebook pics while it was being built. I did most of the interior work, I painted the whole thing myself, did all the base boards, all the flooring, all the theater room wiring, all the insulation, all the design work, a good chunk of the electrical, and most all of the land development such as driveways, clearing trees, running trenches, my dad and me did all the porch rails and steps, etc. It took forever, pretty much every night and every weekend plus three weeks of vacation just to do my part. Living room, yes the ceilings are blue, there is a southern tradition that came from the caribbean where people believed that a certain type of really mean spirits called "haints" could not cross water, and painting your ceiling sea green or light blue, especially over doorways, tricked them into thinking they could not come in. Most "haint blue" has more green in it but my wife wanted it to match the sky more than water, which is harder than it sounds. We tried matching pictures of the sky with a color but it just doesn't work. master bathroom, crema marfil countertops from near the eastern Mediterranean coast of Spain, mother of pearl mirrors, Italian tile: front porch with a matching Mojito: back porch, colors are off here for some reason. We upholstered our own pillows with Sunbrella material. front while still being built, my dad and me did it all: kitchen before completed, KraftMaid cabinets with blue pearl granite from Norway: exterior at night: kitchen now has shelves I made, there are Jimmy Buffett records and colorful fiestaware dishes on them: All the bedrooms are sea green or blue, this one is Tiffany blue, you can't actually name it that due to copyrights but we got a Tiffany's bag and matched it. pirate room:
    2 points
  18. Good day so far, hit the Pub for a couple of brews @9am, costco does not open till 10am so breakfast was in order. Found a new breakfast joint, Koren, and they has warm saki, interesting with breakfast. Costco has Peets coffee, so stocked up on Major Dickinsons blend, the norm would be to just purchase paper products, maybe $35 bucks, however with Saki being involved $90+ later good thing there are no audio stores around here
    2 points
  19. Not sure what is scarier - the fact that they can and do spy, or the fact that we do not care.
    2 points
  20. Top Notch! I'm voting on my way home. I wanted to start a "Remember to vote today" thread but had visions of it spiraling out of control.
    2 points
  21. Ah, TV for the ADD crowd. Looks like command central!
    2 points
  22. Nice setup there Mark! Hoping you are finding some Ku to watch too. Maybe your receiver will get there soon. Good fortune!
    2 points
  23. VINTAGE RCA VICTOR RADIO MODEL 6K2 YEAR 1936 - I picked this up last night for 10.00 , I don't know why or what I will do with it but I think its pretty cool
    2 points
  24. Well I decided to keep these, setting them up in the bedroom. Funny thing happened today, I got a call from Fedex with them saying they found my "lost" receiver I sold through Ebay back in May. It never made it to it's destination and they wrote it off as a loss and payed me for the unit. They asked me if I wanted it back and I said yes. So they are sending it back, and letting me keep the money they paid me for the unit when they lost it. So I guess it's a sign not to sell these. How do I go about taking these off the market here?
    2 points
  25. There was just an announcement by the President of my shop that we are closed tomorrow for election day. The Pres.....my wife....yelled from her Presidential office into my Vice-Presidential bay and said......... "shop closed tomorrow.......nothing on the schedule and it's election day"........ My Pres is "OK" withe me :-)
    2 points
  26. Yep I read it, it's amazing you made it home in those tough conditions, almost like a fireman. I bet the plants and grass didn't even recognize what was happening, and to think some places have frozen water falling from the sky ! These places are uninhabitable most of the year for normal human beings, as it should be, but some crazies live there anyway, it's called northern states, Sounds crazy but it's true !
    2 points
  27. Really like some of your ideas. Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  28. great news. I'm planning to pick up a gen 2 of this amp pretty soon here to match up with the Stealth DC-1. Not my pictures, but definitely a slick little package..
    1 point
  29. Thanks, whats kind of funny is I took the guys word for it that it needed repairs and sold one of my home made subs to cover the costs, a real nice guy came and picked it up yesterday and then I tried out the sub only to find there was nothing wrong with it. Oh well I can always build another, but really like what this puts out and the size of it is just insane vs. output.
    1 point
  30. It is a Heresy II, (you can tell by the K79 tweeter horn), with a different network and usually pebble paint, corners, handle. But as TS noted, like Hersey and HP, HIP, they were frequently custom ordered for churches and schools and came in a multitude of cabinet styles. Actually they do better in the LF department than the beefier KP250 with it's 200 watt woofer and port. Usually it's a sacrifice of low bass for more output on these models.
    1 point
  31. I have two pair with Crites xovers and tweets. They will rock with just about everything out there...
    1 point
  32. The sub is pretty powerful for it's size. Great grab!
    1 point
  33. Should be gone now. Mods deleted.
    1 point
  34. Well thank YOU Greg, a killer deal I just could not let pass. It is actually for fellow forum member "Video Guy", I did the deal 1. because my sister lives about 30 miles from Greg and could do the pick up thing and 2. If VideoGuy Larry got cold feet and backed out I would be overjoyed to add another Academy to the Klipsch pool. Thanks again Greg and thanks to Klipsch for this forum that makes us all one big family.
    1 point
  35. If you build, please keep us updated. I waited for years to find a pair of Belles locally.
    1 point
  36. He posted some in the gallery Jim https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/gallery/image/888-img-0283/
    1 point
  37. Waiting for the red oak Belle pics.....with cane grills I suppose?
    1 point
  38. i liked oblivian. thought it was cool.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. There you go, another enthusiastic endorsement for the Outlaw 7500 from a man who has the same speaker setup. Bill
    1 point
  41. That opening is a bit alarming, I have never heard that much output from my F20s. I wonder how many subs it as killed. Good flick. many. There is a whole thread about it on Avs. Lol. Poor subwoofers. We watched it tonight. While I'm not sure what the point was, it was kind of fun. I popped it in and the conversation went something like: me: Yeah the intro of this is supposed to give your subs a good workou..... subs: BRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP me: Yeah, there it is... subs: BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP.... me: Well that's interesting, I didn't know that wall had so many rattles in... subs: FFFTTTTHHHPPPTHTHTPPPHPPPPPP subs: flap flap flap flap flap flap whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh me: ugh.
    1 point
  42. I have 3 topless 904's. We should get those kids together.
    1 point
  43. A photo or two of my reworked Garrard 401 turntable Project was just completed last week
    1 point
  44. Active.....hmm........and you have noise. Can I ask if the amps you are using have gain controls? If you have an active system and can't reduce the gain on your amps, and are using your processor to do this, you are going to get noise. Changing amps won't fix it. Edit.........to qualify that.........changing amps won't fix it unless you don't have gain controls and you change the amps to amps with gain controls. Then you should be able to dial out the noise if the amps are half way decent.
    1 point
  45. I personally Love KG 5.5's and wouldn't hesitate to purchase a pair in excellent condition for $400 , but that doesn't mean I wouldn't try to bargain a little first.
    1 point
  46. You know you've gone straight to hell when you get up at 3 AM to pee and forget that all five of your puppies have diarrhea. You know that you've gone straight to hell when...
    1 point
  47. Looking at the specs and driver compliment it appears as though it is identical to the Heresy II except for tweeter protection and cabinet materials??
    1 point
  48. Estate sale Polk Monitor 10s for twenty bucks.
    1 point
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