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Audible Nectar

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Everything posted by Audible Nectar

  1. I still have one, and love it. I'd buy another one if they were still around, they just have that magic and life.
  2. This is why I pay other people to rebuild my crossovers. If I did it things would probably only minimally look better, LOL. Are those caps Klipsch approved?🤣
  3. I guess everyone has their preferences. I prefer Amperex (Holland) late 1950's/early 1960's in both the 12AX7 and 12AU7 slots.
  4. This place is gonna LOVE me when I post on my home theater that's in the works..... I learned it all right here. 😇
  5. Corporate world has been pulling back from this stuff big time. I know several who work in related businesses setting up/catering to this kind of stuff (conventions/exhibits/meetings.etc). People are backing out of bookings to the tune of 40% or more over the upcoming fall (this outta Vegas, why they are frantically putting in a vaxpass system because the convention end is bleeding cash). Corporate types don't yet trust these type of public events and are voting with their dollars and feet.
  6. They seem fixated on the "M" word, as well as the topic of sex and body parts in general. Everything old is new again.
  7. Oh, come on. Stop baggin' on Uncle Kevy.....he's as American as hot dogs and apple pie, and dare I say that the Ah! Tjoeb 4000 CD player I got from them is still one of my favorite components ever. So much so I wish I had another one or two 🙂 It's a real trip to see Upscale Audio selling Klipsch, too.
  8. I have a set of these from 1968, the grills are removable and a tannish wicker style. I set one on it's side (lowboy'd) as the center channel in my all-Cornwall theater, this speaker is mahhhhhhhvelous for this purpose. :: currently undergoing renovations :: :: ding :: 🦴 🔔
  9. I am in awe of the woodworking/finish restoration. The only thing I ever succeed in by attempting such is making it worse, save for maybe giving the oiled cabs a BLO treatment. Any resto work I do, I have to hire people to do the work for me - crossovers, grill cloths, and so forth such that I am in the area of "assembly". I would like to do this to my Cornwalls that I am redoing for my theater, but as I say, I'll screw it up. Which is what impresses me the most about these threads - some people seem to do this like breathing, whereas I view it as "Flying Wallendas" sort of stuff.
  10. I've walked the walk with vintage Mac for actual operational purpose, where best sonics are a consideration, and I can tell you without question that these pieces benefit from the rework. Collectors who have these sitting on a shelf might well do just fine leaving them original, because after all they are doing it for the collecting, but for actual operational use - not to mention safety - an electronic restoration by a competent technician well versed in reworking these pieces is highly recommended. In this case, we have one who can do their own work and have gotten the requisite excellent results. There's certainly room for discussion as to exactly what parts should be used to best keep the "signature", but I've found that there's more leeway than you might think, just listening to the different builds that I have, but certainly know that a good build does wonders for the pieces. C22 has a solid state rectifier where the C20 is tube rectified, and that seems to account for the obvious difference in its signature......more authority in the bass response the C20 a bit more "rounded". Both really have a magic about them, though......
  11. 90 to 95 db at the listening position is about right for most live shows (taken from one who has seen over 500), and this includes/included Grateful Dead/related family performances. Heavy metal shows in small halls or larger places with mega systems will skew the sample louder,, most acts I see in arenas, festivals, and "sheds" will put you in the 90-95db "area" at the seats......this typically covers "sweet spot" locations from the 10th to the 30th row inclusive. Most people don't know just how loud 110db really is, that can literally ruin your hearing permanently and is getting into pain threshold.100 is pretty flipping' loud in it's own right. If it's metal bands, yeah, they're louder but most everyone else doesn't hit 100db save for rare instances (and yes, if you're front of house at Bonnaroo or major stadium it will be loud but back off 30 rows and the setup presents itself much differently). 100db is more like the inside of a Las Vegas club, at peak. Smaller room dialed in so that sound is pumpin'..... As for Al's crossovers, yes, they like having some power put into them, and this 90+ db at your listening position is about right. Larger rooms, solid state power, bigger volume would be "the lane" for Al's ES product. I have Cornwalls and Belles in more modest sized rooms and find the simple networks work best for me, because while I will hit that 90-95 db area at the listening position, it's in more modest sized rooms, where a 20 x 30 or larger room would present a different situation/larger room to load.
  12. I have to admit that I had recollections of Gilda Radner sketches on the old SNL when I first saw the thread title.
  13. I'm going through similar with one pair of Cornwalls for my theater that's under refurb. Took the frame and cloth to a local upholsterer who said they understood what was supposed to happen, then had his "helper" do the work and screw up the whole damn job. There are gonna be the most expensive speaker grills for Cornwall in history.
  14. Very cool. Too bad that most all my applications for these (well, three out of four anyway) couldn't be seen when installed, they are most certainly awesome for anyone who has these such that they could/would.
  15. The Technics amps/receivers were biased towards class A anyway and ran hot to begin with. They had fans for a reason. If the fans quit working, or anything else within that circuit falls out of sort, the heat could easily get "out of hand" so to speak and cause the issue described. This was not unusual with a number of Technics branded amps/receivers of that era; many people thought that was a defect, but in reality that they were set up to run towards the class A side of things, which gave them a certain sonic characteristic that made them fairly popular/well liked among those who took the time to listen to them (and especially true given the price point).....but also that they oft ran pretty hot, which I never really felt all that comfortable with. Supposedly normal, though.....
  16. I'm still doing five Cornwalls and two JBL professional theater cabs (each 15" twin woofers)......in fact, doing a refurbishment of that system pretty much across the board, save for the woofer cabs and the display itself. I find that the "universality" of the 5.1 concept is sufficient to keep it as a long term multimedia room strategy, just like any "stereo" system would have two speakers. Cable/sat providers broadcast in 5.1, and that's really about as universal as it gets in video formats generally, which makes it worth the investment. I'm not even all that much of a movie buff anymore (save for what is falling into the realm of "classic film") but when one combines concerts on video with broadcast and other occasional multichannel music stuff it becomes enough to justify doing a 5.1 system well. Despite the lack of interest in recent Hollywood I still can't justify getting rid of it, as I had a number tell me "why not just do 3.1, etc....." WRT this rebuild. I suppose that lack of interest in newer releases contributes to a lack of interest in Atmos/etc but I really don't think I would do it even if a greater interest in new releases were the case. I just can't see myself planting Heresys in the ceiling, which is what it would likely take to "do it right" in my own mind, anyway........
  17. Yes he does. I was thinking about some of the SpaceX misadventures and it gets one to thinking about the risks of riding a rocket. The return on the risk is immense, and looks like a thrill of a lifetime, which still seems a pedestrian way to describe this. What a rush!!!
  18. On a more humorous level. one of my favorite drug related vids:
  19. The problem in America is that we (re: this subject) sell drugs instead of solutions. Meds can be a part of the solution but we don't really get in depth in a lot of cases (save for palliative type angles). Like "causes" as an example, which I am convinced that addressing causes brings less need for meds generally. When we take away the stigma and discuss openly all possible solutions to an issue, we get more sensible, evidence based answers. I'm one who has forgotten more about chronic pain than most will ever know, and understood decades ago what cannabis could do. In fact, it probably prevented me from becoming an addict with regard to other substances (which I've always had a healthy respect for), because any doc (and several did) would in part suggest pain relievers being available for a pair of legs with such obvious roadmaps and surgical history as mine. You would never be able to convince a prospective employer of this, but cannabis has made me infinitely more productive than I would ever be without it, because save for a straight up desk job I would be unable to do the work everyday. Pain management plus weight management has done wonders for what I can now actually do, even pouring concrete and building retaining walls in some cases. And now that you can pick specific strains (think what a paint palette display at a home improvement store would translate to cannabis) and you'll understand how many "degrees" there are WRT medicinal properties of that stuff. So for me, cannabis was a solution, as was weight management and other health factors. I learned how to take some control over my body, which I had a good number of issues with before. My mobility depends on it. Save for a rare few-day stint on meds (like wisdom teeth pulled/other surgery) I don't take/use anything else, save for coffee, and that makes things pretty simple.
  20. They seem to have a reputation for being "tubey" with pinpoint imaging/spatial characteristics yet with high damping factor. Seemed an amp right in a Klipschers wheelhouse and as such was curious if they had any representation in here. I hadn't heard anything much until a few years ago but as stated primarily a European popularity.
  21. Oh, but in America, we take it a step further with the ads - these literally say ""ask your doctor if Fukitol is right for you", and it's so ubiquitous that Comedian Bill Maher will look into the camera and say as a joke to the audience (as he advocates for legal cannabis) "ask your doctor if cannabis is right for you" - as a comedic thing, AND also in a sort of literal sense. And the viewer completely "gets" both "sides" of the observation, because that phraseology is as present in drug ads as stop signs are on city streets. Bill Maher also reminds us that you can get all of the drugs you want in America - legally in fact - so long as you "let the professionals do it." That's why it's "ask your doctor........."
  22. Carpet. See also any form of "hanging cloth" type decos that can be placed on the walls. Short of actual acoustic treatments, I find these to be the easiest and best for allowing for "living situations" to be blended with "sound rooms". Of course, that carpet meant my iinvestment in cleaning equipment beyond the norm (I'm an Aerus guy myself). So many have chosen to ditch the carpeting in lieu of hardwood floors/surfaces, and I understand the practice on a lot of levels, but for sound enthusiasts it's really difficult as those rooms get sonically unruly really quick (especially once presented with significant acoustic load, as in the volume knob going up on the pre, like in a home theater). Just the act of dropping those shades on those windows will alter the acoustics/"bouncy/live" will be cut down a bit. High end movie houses and theaters are plush for good reason, they make for very good environments to control acoustically.
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