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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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That's good! I'd steer clear of snakes that look like those.

Now a Chinese Water Dragon? He was sooo cool until the day he got out of his aquarium and could run 30mph+ on his back legs around that house! 

They aren't herbivores either! Have teeth like you'd expect from a dragon. You have to buy little white mice for them to hunt and eat!


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Rain thru last night and hit 71 this afternoon.  Didn't have to wait too long this morning on death row's blood draw.  Don't know who the vamp was that hit me but after about 4 sticks she deicded to drill a new hole in my arm.  Started the coffee before I left and I'm into the 2nd pot.  That's about enough excitement for one day.  :)

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On 4/13/2024 at 6:37 AM, Tarheel said:

Yes he did.  Temporarily at Carolina Beach but just bought a house about 12 minutes from me.

True.  We're gonna see how pissed off the neighbors can get.  My strategy is my rugged La Scalas on wheels and toolbox audio system - if any of the 5 neighbors in the cul-de-sac want to have a party, they may borrow them.  Can't really complain about me if they're doing it too.


12 minutes?  It appears we are about 1 mile apart as the crow flies.


Oh, and about 3 more weeks here at the beach.

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10 hours ago, codewritinfool said:

Oh, and about 3 more weeks here at the beach.

Don't forget to bring a pressie home from the beach for Chuckie!  Beach ball for the hot tube?  Just something to share the love.  😂


Don't worry about the neighbors and gain.  Prolly the first time they really heard a system cook.  Upper 70's around here today.  Got my spring cleaning done.  Blew almost every teensie wittle bit of dust out thru the french doors.  Bwa ha ha...  Sounded great too!  :)


Ok, no @grasshopper yet so gonna have to nose and see if I have his number.  I'm thinkin somewhere between Dave1290 & Dave 1291. That doesn't work I'll have to call the Sheriff's office down there and have 'em do a welfare check when they get down that way.  Cat's may have got him.   😂  😂  😂


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@babadono here's one for ya.  Ordered a Schiit Mani+ just to play with on Thursday night.  Schiit posted that USPS and FedEx were having delays so I went w/USPS @ 13$.  No big hurry.  Monday my mail dude tapped on the front picture windown so I went out.  There it was from TX to Ohio over the weekend?  Totally clueless.  Yea, it's laying here.  Blah.  😂

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1 hour ago, Dave1291 said:

There it was from TX to Ohio over the weekend?  Totally clueless.  Yea, it's laying here.  Blah.  😂

That's some of your tax dollars at work. I don't mind that, and USPS pretty much has routes figured out.


Waiting for you to give a review...

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2 hours ago, Marvel said:

Waiting for you to give a review...

Welllll, their Mani does a nice job for the price.  The Modi+ is just another toy so we'll see how it goes.  I could go w/a Puffin or a more expensive dac but I won't use the dac too much.  The Puffin is down the road.  I'll let ya all know.

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16 hours ago, Dave1291 said:

Totally clueless

so USPS is coming along.....Fedex is still way, way to hit and miss out here in cal-i-for-ni-ay. My mixer had to go back to Presonus in Baton Rouge and I was VERY leary as it went Fedex both directions. Had to buy a box from Presonus to ship it in and I packed/padded the be jeepers out of it. Come through relatively unscathed TG.

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Whoa, excitement in Duckburg this afternoon.  Power company txtd me and said they were ready for storms if need be.  Blah it was about 74 yet they said severe storms were moving thru. 


So the more it looked like rain I thought I'd slip down to Wendy's and grab a salad.  Backed out and it started raining, by the time I went the mile to Wendy's it was pouring.  Two cars pulled in before me so I waited and it REALLY started pouring,  My turn at the lil box to order and it hit.  Power went out, pouring rain, and the winds were actually lifting both sides of the car up bouncing it.  Talk about a wtf moment?  Felt like I was on a coaster ride.


Saw the blue ball of an exploding transformer a couple blocks away and bypassed the two cars waiting for their food.  Traffic was at a standstill so slipped out safely, bypassing a big tree limb on the main drag heading home.


Got home and found out I rode out a tornado that cut a swath thru town.  Not too terrible but it was bad.  The worst part so far was some guys two story house was moved 10 yards off the foundation and took his truck along for the ride..  He was upstairs sleeping.  lol


That would be his driveway running thru his house, which is relatively close to Wendy's downtown.   


My hood on the South end of town is 100% fine.  No power pretty much everywhere along the route it took across town.  Trees down, roofs off and a patient engineer in his train sitting til he can move North again.  Prolly danced around for a couple miles the way I'm hearing it.  Don't know too much yet but it sounds nasty for a lot of people. 


More spot news to follow if it's worth it.  Carry on!

Jimmy Olsen

Cub reporter 

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usps is baaaaad, m'kay?

They mark stuff as delivered when it is not delivered! Like yesterday here! And a dozen times before.


* My doorbell takes videos of any & all activity on the second hundred feet of my drive up here!

no notifications, No video = nobody was here.


They forged my signature once a couple years ago when I was in the ghettos of a sc swamp!

That forgery was listed as an alias when I closed on my home!! I don't have aliases. 


Not only baaaad but criminal.

No, they're exempt but I did get my $300 back.


"There's no Place Like Home!" huh Dave?

Updraft before the storm can be pretty bad, then you know what's coming!

Glad you only got rocked and not rolled!


Edited by JohnJ
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In cycling related news:


The fork on the Cannondale Prophet Lefty that I bought a while back was leaking oil.  Unfortunately Cannondale has changed hands 2+ times since the bike was built and no longer services old Lefty forks.  Fortunately there's a company in New York, Mendon Cyclesmiths, that services older Cannondale Lefty and HeadShok forks.  I sent the fork off to them and it should be arriving today.  I'm really looking forward to riding it as much as possible now that the weather is getting nicer.  I didn't want to ride it too much with the fork leaking oil because these forks brand new are $1,000+ and I only paid $300 for the bike.


Surprisingly, they only charge $85 for rebuiliding the fork!


2005 Cannondale Prophet 600 Medium For Sale For Sale

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4 minutes ago, babadono said:

lemme guess..the shipping back and forth cost more than the repair?

Let's go Brandon!!


It was $38 to ship to NY.  Mendon pays for half the return shipping cost.


I have no involvement or interest in politics.

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