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K402 newby setup


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Finally took the plunge and have bought a pair of K402 horns from Cory. I will be using these on top of quarter pie bass horns a with Xilica active crossovers. I have read that these will need some serious EQ to sound right. Anyone have a good bass line setting for me to start with? I will be using REW to get everything just right but would love to have a good starting point.

Any other tips from experienced users would also be appreciated.

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30 minutes ago, tromprof said:

Finally took the plunge and have bought a pair of K402 horns from Cory. I will be using these on top of quarter pie bass horns a with Xilica active crossovers. I have read that these will need some serious EQ to sound right. Anyone have a good bass line setting for me to start with? I will be using REW to get everything just right but would love to have a good starting point.

Any other tips from experienced users would also be appreciated.

@Chris A   @HPower

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16 hours ago, tromprof said:

Finally took the plunge and have bought a pair of K402 horns from Cory. I will be using these on top of quarter pie bass horns a with Xilica active crossovers. I have read that these will need some serious EQ to sound right. Anyone have a good bass line setting for me to start with? I will be using REW to get everything just right but would love to have a good starting point.

Any other tips from experienced users would also be appreciated.


Congratulations on the the K-402s. Didn't the vendor provide any DSP settings?


As far as "serious EQ", well they do need some EQing since they are controlled dispersion horns (it is a byproduct of their design). 


Before you take anyone's advice please make sure they know which driver you are using (eg, K-69A or 691 or a 3rd party one). They also need to know what your intended crossover point is (the bass bin is not a Jubilee so you could run into some problems). They will also need to know the amplitude response (and distortion) of the bass bin. Be prepared for the possible need to change the crossover point (and how to determine that new point). 


To do this properly and get the most out of the K-402, you may ultimately need to do some measurements (using a mic and some software like REW or Holm Impulse etc). Please don't try and do this "by ear". That is saved for the last step when you are fine-tuning things. 


Good luck,



PS: it is worth the effort to do this correctly !

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Well, the K402s arrived today and the carrier smashed them!. Despite fragile stickers and a big sign saying "do not stack" clearly they put something heavy on them. IDIOTS! 

Paducah Home Theater is working on it and will make it right but what a waste. One horn lens smashed, both bases damaged, I didn't look further for more damage but it wouldn't surprise me.

This is the second thing I have bought from them and the first time was perfect so I am not blaming Paducah, just stunned that the carrier could deliver something in that condition like it's normal. 






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This is brutal, tromprof!!!


But rest assured, once the 402s are replaced in one piece and you get them dialed in with your pies... you will be a happy camper!


At least that is what Jackson Browne(and David Lindley) are telling me right now.






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I guess this is why Cory wrapped each pallet in 3/4" plywood when he shipped my Jubilee system.


I have the base Xilica settings files.  PM me your email and I will send them to you.


If you get to keep them, looks like they could be epoxied back together. 

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Aww, that was sad to see.  I hope you can get them replaced soon.  The 402s really do sound great, even better than the K510 horns.


The EQ for them is kind of complicated.  I started out with K-69-A drivers and K510 horns, and tried to set them up by ear, which didn't work out too well.  "Shelving filters, anyone?"  It was over my head.  Then I got the proper settings and punched them all in, but even so, I still needed help to integrate the Electro-Voice Dx38 processor (this is what Roy used before the Xililca was available, so that's what I got), which uses pro voltage, into my home system, which has a 6 dB difference in the voltage it uses.  Sorry for the poor explanation, but life was simpler after I got an ART Cleanbox Pro, which is a matching unit exactly for connecting pro sound gear to home audio systems.


If your preamp has balanced (XLR) outputs, and your processor/EQ unit also has XLR connectors (I don't know if the Xilica has them), and so do your power amps, then there's no problem.  Everything will probably connect just fine, but in my case I'm using an AV receiver as a preamp, so its RCA connections are not what the Dx38 wanted to see.  That's why the Cleanbox was needed, but it wasn't very expensive, at about $90CAD, plus another $70 for a pair of XLR interconnects.  It also reduces the faint hiss that you might hear from the drivers on the 402s, which is another benefit.

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I have worked a deal so that I am getting a new pair but will keep the damaged ones as well (at a huge discount).

I have been researching repairing the damage and think I should be able to do it without it being overly noticeable. A paint job will also be in the works. I will post pictures of the repair progress once I start.

Looking forward to getting these up and running and I'm sure I will be bugging all of you for help.

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32 minutes ago, tromprof said:

I have been researching repairing the damage and think I should be able to do it without it being overly noticeable.

ABS pipe cement should work good. First unbolt the horn from the brackets, turn the horn upside down and re-attach the brackets to the undamaged flange. Then you can listen to the horns while you glue the pieces back together. 

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20 minutes ago, Coytee said:

Won't the sound.....be upside down??  OHHHHH, you mean for him to be standing on his head while he'\s gluing things, now I get it.  Come to think of it, how will that glue affect him??!!



I think you meant if he put his head inside the horn it would be surround sound.

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