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    • I've got Dave's schedule now. Heard a couple of these live!    
    • Lots of faces I recognize on that cover! Give that Scorp lp a listen on something decent! It is their most eclectic, strangest, experimental release ever. Their talent was evident with that first release!
    • Like me some DIO   Like this tribute medley.     
    • Hi John, Thanks for your question and very kind compliments!   TBH I'm no expert on the sound of different quality parts so I'd probably defer to others that are better experienced to answer this. There's so much written about the subject it's all a bit much for me to follow.   What I would say is about my objective with the KG5.5's - it was my opportunity to learn how I could deal with the overly hot top end that to my ears and preferences made listening a bit fatiguing after a while; and to achieve a better balance so that the bass potential of these terrific speakers could be realised.    The other outcome I think the new crossover achieves is better off axis response by improving the integration between the woofers and tweeter, in part achieved by going with a 2.5 way crossover. This outcome makes the KG's sound better in more places in my room.   Thinking about my objectives in the context of your question then, my focus was on making some pretty gross changes to haul down the tweeter. From this perspective I didn't need to use expensive parts to achieve that.   The other consideration for me was validating a design, without spending lots on parts that might have gone to waste if I didn't achieve my objectives. I was so happy with what I got I simply left it there.    TBH as a single dad, spending big on expensive parts that I didn't seem to be able to hear, and that would be hidden away in the cabinets never to be seen again, just wasn't much of a priority.  🤷‍♂️   Hope this helps. Cheers.
    • Schenker Bros    
    • Well, now-a-days they won't drive around a road closed sign, when everyday Dick & Janes can get through that way. Regime arrested a helicopter pilot who brought in donated supplies.   Regime shows after a certain so-in-so does every time. Then they get in the way to impede & regulate. And where do my taxes go?   I know the resourceful folks here could see that if they bothered to look past a certain portion of the media.   The lack of/slowness of/disdain for the response disgusts me.  
    • Hey @wheelman Love that badge under your name!!!   Can you dig this?  Do like the ^^.       or maybe early 90s LA style?    
    • Dear Maz:      Like many others, I appreciate all the work that you put into your crossovers and your sharing the details.  I have a had a pair of KG 5.5's for about 28 years (!) that I bought new and have enjoyed through the years.  Lately, I was wondering if I might upgrade sound and also perhaps reduce the size of my speakers, so I tried KEF R3 Metas and MoFi Sourcepoint 8's and ending up sending them back, as well as B&W 703 S3's which also could not beat them to my ears.  One thing that the comparisons did reveal was that upper end intensity, which is *part* of what I like about them but maybe just too much.  At any rate, I would like to build your crossovers for my speakers.  My question is how you decided on what level of components to use.  From the photos you show, it looks like electrolytic capacitors and ferrite-core inductors.  HarryW talked about using film caps and air cores.  I know that there is a lot of controversy about to what extent the quality of such components (perhaps other than tolerance) matters for audio, with some swearing by it and others dismissing it (like audio cable quality!).  Did you consider that in making your choice or just go with what you had/could get easily?   Thanks very much,  John 
    • I like Rogers LS series from the 80's for smaller room/ near field listening,  or just to switch it up now and then. I prefer the non titanium version tweeters that later came. Old AR speakers are good too. Just some older options to  consider. Just hope you get good ones though Rogers are typically safer bet than AR for used. Just because AR has tweeter pots in the back and issues with aging woofers. Good stuff though if working right. 
    • ^^ That Jethro Tull is beautiful music as always with the prose to match! @Full Range
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