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JL Sargent

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Spent the summer remodeling our retirement house in Colorado. New paint, floors, molding, all plumbing fixtures and shut off valves, new windows, and a full demo and re-do of the kitchen. (The last two were contracted out)

  Before the countertops were installed in the kitchen, I put Billy Bones in a “Dead Space”. Playing the long game here. My wife put a note in the rib cage with our kids telephone numbers, so that whoever next remodels (after we’re gone…) can let the kids in on the joke.



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On 12/8/2023 at 12:36 PM, Invidiosulus said:

Sunset off the Blue Ridge Parkway.




Twice I tried to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway (1986 and 1992), with a buddy who had ridden it numerous times, and twice he crashed before we got there, causing us to abort the trip each time.  The first time, he injured one leg and foot after sliding on some gravel he failed to notice.  After he was seen to at a rural hospital, I had to rent a cube van to transport him and our bikes back to Toronto from upstate New York.  Was he unlucky, or do I bring him bad luck?  Who knows?  So I don't have any pictures from the Blue Ridge Parkway.


Here's something I wrote about bike trips, while I was still riding.  At least I don't have to explain to you guys which Parkway I'm referring to.





I saw beautiful sights, 

And spent chilly nights,

Camping by the Parkway.


Though I miss you each time

Into the saddle I climb, 

Sometimes I must just get away.


Just me and the bike

On that lonely turnpike,

It really does do my soul good.

To let my mind roam, 

I must ride far from home;

I don't leave you behind to be rude.


I need solitude,

Like my body needs food.

Sometimes I must just get away!


On a twisty mountain ride

I've got to see the other side, 

Though we know that getting there is half the fun!


There is nothing like the feeling,

I'm on holidays, I'm wheeling!

It sure feels good to be back on a run!


When I set up my camp,

Park the bike, go for a tramp,

The wilderness is where I want to be!


Though I miss you every day,

In my own peculiar way,

For one more week the highway man is free!


Then I'll come back to stay,

Though it's far, I know the way.

You're my lover and I've always known it's true.


When the highway run is done,

Finished trav'lin, had my fun,

You're the one, the only one, I come home to...






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