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Hi @RandyH000,

How was you Christmas?


  Our was very nice. No drama. Kid came with her dad around 8. I fixed some scrambled eggs for breakfast. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen... my day started at 5, Making pies. Then I threw the bird in when they were done. Didn't do sweet potatoes...  Very basic bird, stuffing, mashed spuds, gravy and jelly cranberry sauce [that's what she likes]... buffet style.  No sit down dinner. Here's a pan of tates, bowl of gravy, pan of dark, pan of white, in bird dressing and a pan of "because I like dressing"......

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Here we go again folks

C,C,C & C plus Cassettes? Well for me it is temporarily. It's feeling sparse in here to be the house I grew up in. Chilly the last few days too .









& the Polks sound like cr*p so close together, never understood folks that put their speakers close on each side of their gear, unless the environment dictated it.

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I don't make fancy dressing. Onion, celery, butter and chicken stock....I got to use home made bread in it.  Tossed some mushrooms in it, because we had them... I put the [turkey] neck in the pan of extra and cover the pan while cooking... it come out soft. What comes from the bird is moist.....



and NO, I DID NOT HAVE A PRE-COOKED BIRD this time..... I'm still mad at that stupid thing

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2 minutes ago, JohnJ said:

, never understood folks that put their speakers close on each side of their gear, unless the environment dictated it.


I do. They aren't into music... and least recordings.  Music is much important to some folks than others... that is something to "not understand".  My wife is one of "them" that isn't particularly into music...


My family were all exposed to much music. We had a piano to play with. Dad was a jazz musician.

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3 hours ago, grasshopper said:

I opened one of my Christmas gifts just now...

... the bottle of Glenfiddich.   14yr old single malt.  I'm smilin'.  My glass is, what I think was, a votive candle holder/glass..  A mini-snifter w/o a stem. 


  take that !!!

an on-topic


I haven't had any Glen Fiddich in about 10 yrs. I love it...

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Mornin' all


Y'all have seen the vid of the guy clearing snow from his driveway with a flamethrower ?  Notice he's not wearing [long] pants and one of those hats with earmuffs...

I thought Randy Quaid died...


My sister had an interesting idea for this piano that I don't care to rebuild....

Since  the case is built to "amplify" sound.... use it for a speaker cabinet...

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4 hours ago, grasshopper said:

Mornin' all


Y'all have seen the vid of the guy clearing snow from his driveway with a flamethrower ?  Notice he's not wearing [long] pants and one of those hats with earmuffs...

I thought Randy Quaid died...


My sister had an interesting idea for this piano that I don't care to rebuild....

Since  the case is built to "amplify" sound.... use it for a speaker cabinet...


Well, unless you have a second old piano of similar shape, it would be a stereo unit with a very narrow speaker spread, although you could put a driver in either end.  That would improve the “Wide Screen Stereo” effect.  Would family and friends gather around this giant speaker to sing along with its tunes (everybody knows the words to “Wonderwall”, right?), just like they did in the 1940s and the first part of the 1950s?


The really big single-unit stereo cabinets never really did catch on, even the ones by top speaker manufacturers.  My two cents worth.  


For that matter, we don’t even have pennies in Canada anymore, and it was recently announced that one and two dollar bills will no longer be legal tender after January 1st, 2021, nor the $25 (I’ve never even seen or heard of one of those) or the $500 or $1,000 bill.  The $1,000 was said to be mostly used for large scale illegal drug deals, so the Canadian government had that one in its sights for some time.  No matter, I haven’t seen a $1 or $2 bill in use for decades, since the “Loonie” and “Toonie” went into circulation in 1987 and 1996, respectively.  I suspect that the next new Canadian coin will be valued at $5.  In Japan, the ¥500 (500 yen, which is equal to about $5.50 CAD) coin has been in use since 1982.


That last paragraph could be a symptom of “old”, a widespread condition among hi-fi enthusiasts and their equipment, both electronic and flesh and blood.  Looking at something and realizing all the different meanings of it, and then typing or telling a connected story, which may be pointless or boring for much of the tale teller’s shrinking audience, is an example of that symptom.


It can sometimes be hard to tell if the teller is old, stoned, or old and stoned.  All conditions are possible.  Further examination is required, if you can get him to stop telling you more of these stories.  Please!  Stop!

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17 hours ago, RandyH000 said:

Tx for asking , it's been a much quieter Christmas than usual , we're usually over 50 , this year it's only the 6 of us ,  plus our 2 dogs   --the lockdown is stricter down here - 

Ain't you almost in Canada? Is that down WRT Canada:)

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