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Has it sunk in yet? Life, a terminal condition.

JL Sargent

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It's always tough when the body doesn't stay as young as the mind. Heck, I still have a 12 year old's sense of humor, and my brain still thinks I can do what I did when I was 18. Obviously, the rest of me doesn't agree with the latter! Meanwhile, I regularly meet people in their 80s who, in spite of various physical disabilities, still work full time (because they enjoy it, not because they need to work) and have a far better outlook on life than many younger people.


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I dropped the 20 pounds from 205 to 186 and the aches and pains did not go away. Thumbs still have the very low ache as well as the lower back. Surprisingly they subdue after two full cups of coffee and wheat toast in the morning or a very healthy crap. Moving the picnic tables activated the right shoulder pain. Running activates the right knee pain. I remember this quote very well, "A man has to know his limitations".


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Guys don't remind me....I have trained my mind to ignore the fact that the years of riding life hard and going to bed wet have taken their toll.........

I have to ignore it since I'm still doing it everyday.....my very wise and fun loving father told me in his golden years....do the things you enjoy before retirement because they will be much more enjoyable with a 100% healthy body and relatively youthful attitude...

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Jim, folks are complaining physical symptoms. (Their immortal souls are another story.)

To everyone, here's to your good health, cheers! :emotion-46:

Hi, Ski,

Yup, a lot of the comments do center around physical health and ageing. And a lot of them go beyond that, too (shown below). I guess that as I am likely in the oldest 20% or so of the posters here on the Forum, and I see some introspective and "philosophical" ideas talked about, I am reminded forcefully that each one of us is able to decide his own eternity, on any one of the days that we are unable to number.

So, yes! To our good health--all of it--and to traveling through life in confidence, good cheer, and gratitude!

" Maybe I should just keep marching onward with blinders newly adjusted"-- #1

"Life. round and round we go... where it stops, nobody knows."-- #5

" . . . the one thing that you will have your whole life?"-- #6

"I try to view this life as a journey to be enjoyed, not a destination. When I do that I can take in the gifts today brings. I think that's the deal - stay in today and in the moment."-- #7

"Getting old sucks but the alternative really sucks and is permanent."-- #8

"I'm truly blessed with an amazing wife and 4 wonderful (well most of the time) children. I'm excited about the life I'm now living and even more for the one to come. :D"-- #15

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A word to the youngin's that are still working, dump a "C" note a week into your 401, you will not miss it, when you hit 60, you will thank me.

When getting near 55 make sure you have your toys, buying on credit if that is what it takes, get them and get it done.

@ 59 1/2 you figure out what you owe, take a 401 draw, pay everything off, once you do that, just TRY and sleep for the next week debt free, im tellin ya waking up debt free is the chit.

Im living every dam dream iv ever had, well except for giving up the BigDog Bike, other than that, it's party time.

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A word to the youngin's that are still working, dump a "C" note a week into your 401, you will not miss it, when you hit 60, you will thank me.

When getting near 55 make sure you have your toys, buying on credit if that is what it takes, get them and get it done.

@ 59 1/2 you figure out what you owe, take a 401 draw, pay everything off, once you do that, just TRY and sleep for the next week debt free, im tellin ya waking up debt free is the chit.

Im living every dam dream iv ever had, well except for giving up the BigDog Bike, other than that, it's party time.

Good points however, as someone with 27 years behind me helping folks with their finances & planning... I'll let you all in on one thing that has never, ever everrrrrrrrrr yet been said to me.....

"Richard, I think I saved too much money!"

Nope, I have yet to hear that from anyone.

Yeah, getting old and having ailments isn't fun. I once posted a chart for kicks. I titled it for stock chart readers.... I was hoping to get some fun opinions.... and decided it might have been offensive to those who participated in it so I let it die.

It isn't a chart of a stock but rather, my weight.


You can see by being cryptic... I'm "all in" with this one as there is nothing I can do.

Interestingly, from the date of that chart I've lost another 20 pounds and am down to 140.

Probes & prods are no fun, especially the day prior....iffen you know what I mean.

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My perspective had changed after losing my older brother in 2013 at 46. I woke up a few days ago realizing that I have already outlived him. I remind myself often that I have a exceptional wife and wonderful kids and for that I am grateful. If that were not enough I have been lucky enough to be friends with people I respect and admire. Life is a gift so I am going to make it count today by making the folks I love happy. Tomorrow when I wake up I'm going to try to do it again.

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A word to the youngin's that are still working, dump a "C" note a week into your 401, you will not miss it, when you hit 60, you will thank me.

When getting near 55 make sure you have your toys, buying on credit if that is what it takes, get them and get it done.

@ 59 1/2 you figure out what you owe, take a 401 draw, pay everything off, once you do that, just TRY and sleep for the next week debt free, im tellin ya waking up debt free is the chit.

Im living every dam dream iv ever had, well except for giving up the BigDog Bike, other than that, it's party time.

Good points however, as someone with 27 years behind me helping folks with their finances & planning... I'll let you all in on one thing that has never, ever everrrrrrrrrr yet been said to me.....

"Richard, I think I saved too much money!"

Nope, I have yet to hear that from anyone.

I have always subscribed to the following: Pay cash for everything and live below your means. If you get used to the increased income, it will not make you more happy, but will increase your obligation to maintain it (and we all learned how quickly that can go away in 2007).

Never play "keeping up with the Jones" or associate with anyone who does.

You should also pay more and get things that are high quality and built to last, it will stop the ridiculous merry-go-round of constantly buying and throwing away.

And, take care of yourself. (I get diappointed that I do not exercise enough). The pleasure you get from horrible food ("I can't live without cake, chocolate, ice cream, bacon, etc.) is minimal if you factor in the loing term consequences. It is amazing how much pleasure you can get from feeling good every day when you don't eat crap. Your taste also changes so that all the bad stuff no longer tastes good.

So don't eat anything that comes in a box.

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eating better (rarely, if ever do I eat fast food) and cut back on portions.

Cutting out the fast food, sugar and breads tend to help me lose weight and gain energy; however, for some reason this reminded me of the old novelty song "Junk Food Junkie."


You know I love that organic cooking

I always ask for more

And they call me Mr Natural

On down to the health food store

I only eat good sea salt

White sugar don't touch my lips

And my friends is always begging me

To take them on macrobiotic trips

Yes, they are

Oh, but at night I stake out my strong box

That I keep under lock and key

And I take it off to my closet

Where nobody else can see

I open that door so slowly

Take a peek up north and south

Then I pull out a Hostess Twinkie

And I pop it in my mouth

Yeah, in the daytime I'm Mr Natural

Just as healthy as I can be

But at night I'm a junk food junkie

Good lord have pity on me

Well, at lunchtime you can always find me

At the Whole Earth Vitamin Bar

Just sucking on my plain white yogurt

From my hand thrown pottery jar

And sippin' a little hand pressed cider

With a carrot stick for dessert

And wiping my face in a natural way

On the sleeve of my peasant shirt

Oh, yeah

Ah, but when that clock strikes midnight

And I'm all by myself

I work that combination on my secret hideaway shelf

And I pull out some Fritos corn chips

Dr Pepper and an ole Moon Pie

Then I sit back in glorious expectation

Of a genuine junk food high

Oh yeah, in the daytime I'm Mr Natural

Just as healthy as I can be

Oh, but at night I'm a junk food junkie

Good lord have pity on me

My friends down at the commune

They think I'm pretty neat

Oh, I don't know nothing about arts and crafts

But I give 'em all something to eat

I'm a friend to old Euell Gibbons

And I only eat home grown spice

I got a John Keats autographed Grecian urn

Filled up with my brown rice

Yes, I do

Oh, folks but lately I hae been spotted

With a Big Mac on my breath

Stumbling into a Colonel Sanders

With a face as white as death

I'm aftraid someday they'll find me

Just stretched out on my bed

With a handful of Pringles potato chips

And a Ding Dong by my head

In the daytime I'm Mr Natural

Just as healthy as I can be

But at night I'm a junk food junkie

Good lord have pity on me

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I have always subscribed to the following: Pay cash for everything and live below your means. If you get used to the increased income, it will not make you more happy, but will increase your obligation to maintain it (and we all learned how quickly that can go away in 2007). Never play "keeping up with the Jones" or associate with anyone who does. You should also pay more and get things that are high quality and built to last, it will stop the ridiculous merry-go-round of constantly buying and throwing away. And, take care of yourself. (I get diappointed that I do not exercise enough). The pleasure you get from horrible food ("I can't live without cake, chocolate, ice cream, bacon, etc.) is minimal if you factor in the loing term consequences. It is amazing how much pleasure you can get from feeling good every day when you don't eat crap. Your taste also changes so that all the bad stuff no longer tastes good. So don't eat anything that comes in a box.

Great points, the first one is our favorite and the last one seems to be the hardest, not the one about the box.

Just do my best to live with an attitude of gratitude. My life is rich with joy, especially my granddaughters!

Yes it is, some of your best work DD. I know how you feel.

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attachicon.gifEE and girls.jpgGreat thread. thanks for the thoughts.

Just do my best to live with an attitude of gratitude. My life is rich with joy, especially my granddaughters!

pic is daughter number one and Claire Bear and Caroline.

Great photo Dee....

EE and girls.jpg

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So much is beyond our control. And, in fact, who among us can say with absolute certainty that anything we do will make a difference in anything, 1000 years in the future? Or, 500, or 100?

Reminds me of a story I heard somewhere.

A Gentleman was walking on a beach which had thousands of Star Fish on it and was calmly throwing them into the water one at a time.

Second Gentleman come up with him and asks "What difference do you think you can make. There are thousands of them."

First Gentleman picked up another Star Fish, flipped it into the water. Then stated, "Made a Difference to that one."

Who is to say that someone you help may not influence your community, country, or even the world. Or that their child, grandchild or great great.........Grand child might not make a difference in someone's life. Or YOUR'S.

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A word to the youngin's that are still working, dump a "C" note a week into your 401, you will not miss it, when you hit 60, you will thank me.

When getting near 55 make sure you have your toys, buying on credit if that is what it takes, get them and get it done.

@ 59 1/2 you figure out what you owe, take a 401 draw, pay everything off, once you do that, just TRY and sleep for the next week debt free, im tellin ya waking up debt free is the chit.

Im living every dam dream iv ever had, well except for giving up the BigDog Bike, other than that, it's party time.

Good points however, as someone with 27 years behind me helping folks with their finances & planning... I'll let you all in on one thing that has never, ever everrrrrrrrrr yet been said to me.....

"Richard, I think I saved too much money!"

Nope, I have yet to hear that from anyone.

I have always subscribed to the following: Pay cash for everything and live below your means. If you get used to the increased income, it will not make you more happy, but will increase your obligation to maintain it (and we all learned how quickly that can go away in 2007).

Never play "keeping up with the Jones" or associate with anyone who does.

You should also pay more and get things that are high quality and built to last, it will stop the ridiculous merry-go-round of constantly buying and throwing away.

And, take care of yourself. (I get diappointed that I do not exercise enough). The pleasure you get from horrible food ("I can't live without cake, chocolate, ice cream, bacon, etc.) is minimal if you factor in the loing term consequences. It is amazing how much pleasure you can get from feeling good every day when you don't eat crap. Your taste also changes so that all the bad stuff no longer tastes good.

So don't eat anything that comes in a box.

Bacon :emotion-21: I cant give up bacon

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The chart looks like a company that has intermittent success and can't hold the future. The tops are short lived. The long downturn looks like something catastrophic has happened and the stock is head to the drain.

That totally cracked me up. Love the chart Coytee. :D

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