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Why Is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think


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46 minutes ago, Jeff Matthews said:

Should people be permitted to publicly hang themselves?

No.  Then it involves others.  Nor on public property.  Give them a ride to their back yard or wherever.  I might also add that I'd be in favor of intervention...but only to establish the person is sane.  Granted, laws could be passed to declare committing suicide to be insane...but I don't think real psychiatrists would support that and civil libertarians would fight it.  And, such examinations should be speedy. 


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52 minutes ago, Jeff Matthews said:

Not that you could necessarily stop them, but I find it difficult to know where my rights over my body begin to infringe on others' rights to... whatever.

Won't go into the details here, but if you think on it for as many years as I have it gets pretty clear...not a gray line at all.  Didn't take me any time whatsoever to know my response to your previous question. 


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1 hour ago, Mallette said:


2 hours ago, Jeff Matthews said:

Should people be permitted to publicly hang themselves?

No.  Then it involves others.  Nor on public property.  Give them a ride to their back yard or wherever.  I might also add that I'd be in favor of intervention...but only to establish the person is sane.  Granted, laws could be passed to declare committing suicide to be insane...but I don't think real psychiatrists would support that and civil libertarians would fight it.  And, such examinations should be speedy. 



OK.  How about videotaping it and putting it on the net?  Does that involve others in the same way?  Or does that kind of involvement not equal "involving" others?

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53 minutes ago, Jeff Matthews said:

OK.  How about videotaping it and putting it on the net?  Does that involve others in the same way?  Or does that kind of involvement not equal "involving" others?

Sounds like a pretty good trick for a dead person.  Maybe I'm not following you.  Certainly makes prosecuting them rather problematic.


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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 11:35 AM, Mallette said:

And I stand against all laws that do not respect the sovereignty of the individual over their own body.  Laws should proceed from this self-evident concept.  Restrictions on actions should deal only with those items we agree infringe on the freedom of others.  Riding a motorcycle, requesting euthanasia, smoking pot or tobacco in your own home, and the like involve potential danger to oneself but no one else.  One may be spiritually or simply biased against those things but I don't see it as my right to rule over others when it comes to their own bodies. 



IK Dave I'm conflicted here.  If we're having a conversation on a Tuesday night after eating copious amounts of tacos and I have to fart, do I hold it in to refrain from infringing on your olfactory senses or to I release the sphincter and respect the sovereign right I have over my body and comfort? 

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1 hour ago, CECAA850 said:

IK Dave I'm conflicted here.  If we're having a conversation on a Tuesday night after eating copious amounts of tacos and I have to fart, do I hold it in to refrain from infringing on your olfactory senses or to I release the sphincter and respect the sovereign right I have over my body and comfort? 

Lord knows why you are conflicted and picking on minutue.  I am not writing a Constitutional amendment to protect the sovereignty of the individual or statues to support same.  Way out of my league.  But application is NOT rocket science.  Your suggestion is, while far less consequential, related to the right to juggle sharp knives in a crowd.  It doesn't exist.  I was put on the road to my opinion on this many decades ago by a teacher who explained these rights by the story of the guy protesting, after having been flattened by a neighbor whose nose he'd slugged, "But I have the RIGHT to do that..." The response was "Your rights end where my nose begins."  Elementary, but good point that extends to farting in a crowd.



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