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  1. Past hour
  2. I don't know if I would describe Belles as "sleek". Spectacular comes to mind!
  3. Today
  4. Just adding in my experience here. I use an ALIENWARE M17 R2 computer. With an RME AIO HDSPE external sound card. It’s built as an internal. I make it external by assembling it in a SONNET CHASIS. they have two slots. Thunderbolt to LAPTOP connection. For anyone running anything similar. I would suggest this a hundred times. Best system setup. The only thing that I would suggest after that would be a sound conditioner through a mixer through your send and receive. And if you have additional peripherals like a Maschine MK3 I would connect it by digital cables to the Sound card that my DAW well then recognize the 16 individual channels output or input. It’s a hoot. First time I connected digital cables they just popped up. I was actually able to see the individual tracks and assigned them out for the music that was being produced. Anyhow, hope this helps
  5. I thout I had posted. ,πŸ™„ Perhaps another Tread. πŸ™‚ Watch Danish Finish
  6. Today and tomorrow? Booked solid. Cya when I cya! Wild! lol
  7. Those kids with the eyeliner can jam! Found a show I'd almost forgot about, might get the one week free and binge on three seasons of action, awesome almost uninhibited, quirky, blasphemous, kick-a** action! Great casting, original script and this fun little tune was in the pilot at one point! BAM !
  8. I guess a moderator or someone would have to give the details on this post https://www.cmohssatx.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/CMOHS_SA_Celebration-Week_4-11-2024.pdf the .pdf is for SPONSORSHIP Unsure who is doing sound. Good Luck filling it out.
  9. Anywhere from $500-5000 depending on finish and condition.
  10. No Affiliation (2) Marketplace - Klipsch Heresy IV Black Ash, Perfect Condition | Facebook
  11. I collect old radios and many have type45, 47 and my EH Scott All Wave 23 has four 2A3s in push pull. Thirty watts @ 5% distortion before I modified the circuit and got it down to 1%. The Philco model 90 cathedral has push pull 45s. The Radiola 60 has a mighty 71a for a staggering .79 watts. That was big stuff back in 1926.
  12. No Affiliation Marketplace - Klipsch Quartet Speakers | Facebook
  13. No Affiliation, Run Don't Walk Marketplace - Klipsch Chorus II Speakers * Mint Perfect Condition | Facebook
  14. Consecutive # 10270001 & 10270002 and both on the left..What type of glue did they use? I would like to move 1 but I don't want to ruin the grill.
  15. Maybe I'll walk down to the dock after coffee in the am. Not been there before lunchtime yet. Ate all my Goldfish, have to get more for the bisque! I'm on a roll getting back to normal... coffee three days in a row! It's been every day for forty years until about Jan this year, then once a week or so. Got a good JBM Blend, 100% is too much $ now, (*^^%*
  16. Is the Flea Watt amplifier available?
  17. The 2230 is capacitive coupled making it behave somewhat like a tube amp. Those big blocking caps on the output soften the sound and keep collector voltage away from the voice coils. The very next models from Marantz went direct coupled and used a relay to protect your speakers.
  18. Uhhmmm....any for sale??? πŸ˜›
  19. If I wasn't out of money, I would buy them.
  20. Yesterday
  21. Klipsch version IV speakers should only be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth. I used Howard Feed N Wax on my forte II in the past with great results.
  22. https://littlerock.craigslist.org/for/d/higden-set-of-klipsch-belle-vintage/7751525212.html
  23. Yes, it was disappointing and contemplating sending them back was no fun. Thankfully, the Trade Secret furniture polish saved the day.
  24. I am sorry to hear this..after you waited so looooong.
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