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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/19 in Posts

  1. I’m 6’ even. Early 50’s. Last November I was at 237 and the doctor warned that my fasting glucose was high and that if I didn’t lose my belly he was going to start me on metformin. No thanks. I started losing immediately. By February I was down 10 lbs and feeling better. All my numbers fell into line. Doctor said, you’re on a low dose of BP meds now, and if you continue on this track, somewhere around 210 you will start getting dizzy occasionally. Yell when that happens and I will take you off your BP medicine. That was the first time I even knew that was possible. Well, I hit 210 and he was right. I’ve been off it a week or two now. Still losing. I will pause at 200, then probably proceed to 190. You can do this. It has changed my life already.
    7 points
  2. if ya wanna really do something good for your health, eliminate stress.
    6 points
  3. I am not eating "healthy" but have stopped eating like a fool, which helps. I stopped drinking soda years ago (still drink too much coffee), dont ingest any "fake" sweeteners, and gave up on fast food. Everything else is just moderation. I hope to further improve my diet some day, but these moves have kept me off meds, which I avoid. Just had a knee replacement and had just about everything possible checked out prior to surgery and everyone comment on how healthy I was. I dropped 20 lbs prior to surgery to help with the rehab, hopefully I can keep it off. Once the knee heals, I hope to be back to walking 4 - 5 miles a day (not including normal day to day wondering) Good luck!
    5 points
  4. After my brother passed , It made me think I need to start taking a little better care of myself. Im far from perfect but doing much better. Ive been eating berries and nuts every day. Ive take blueberries,strawberries,iceladic skyr, which is about the same as greek yogurt, layered with almonds on top and its almost like cheating. Try it you may like it! Looks about like the bottom pic but they are using granola.
    4 points
  5. At the OSU Heart Hospital they don't have salt anywhere. Talk about withdrawals. Then when they let me walk around I hit the buildings connecting tunnels and found my way to the Wendy's in the basement of the regular hospital. There I was in my gown ordering a large fry and taking a handful or salt packages back to the Heart hospital. Great fries and I wanted to sell the remaing stash to my roomie before I left. I was nice though and told him to pass it on to the next guy if he wasn't salt restricted. Hahahaha All my nurses were laffin their butts off.
    4 points
  6. I hope I didn't make it sound like it was easy. The key is to do it when you are ready (providing you can wait)! I was ready and made the changes. Now it is habit. I wouldn't eat most fast food not on a bet. It doesn't appeal to me. I still haven't progressed into the "healthy eating" phase, I hope I can some day. You do what works for you. You have already made many positive lifestyle changes which is admirable. Keep up the good fight.
    4 points
  7. I had a 3egg cheese omelette with salsa, sour cream and 2 slices dry toast for breakfast. I stay away from Drs. I go once a year for a medical exemption. I'm to the point where if they get hold of me and fix all what's wrong, I'll come out in a box
    4 points
  8. The doctor was trying to get me hooked on some meds as that is the answer for everything these days. I refused and started exercising. Lifting and walking. And eating better! As my ol buddy Hippocrates always told me. ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’
    4 points
  9. Just relax a bit....PWK was pretty quick to begin "sizing-up" people he didn't yet know in conversations with them. One of the things he dearly loved to do was throw out a quip or pun to see the reaction...but even moreso, to see if they even CAUGHT it! At that point he knew how to carry on a conversations with them. He would throw something out, then pause and look at the person and wait for a reaction...and if there was NO reaction he would still wait...HOPING for a reaction! I went thru that routine with him myself...the first conversation we had...and it didn't end with that conversation, either...he was a conversationally "playful" sort of character...very witty with relatively dry humor. All he wanted was a reaction of some sort...I normally just gave him that "Yes, I actually GOT THAT!" look, and he immediately KNEW...and would continue on with the conversation. That is one trait that Roy either picked-up from PWK ...OR, already had...which is probably exactly WHY they worked so well together for so many years, IMHO! It is a kind of "intellectual respect" thing, ya'know? During one of our conversations, PWK just stopped in midstream, looked into my eyes, and said "You are able to think and conceptualize in three-dimensions!" Then he just continued on with the conversation as though he had said nothing. I'll never forget that! He WAS paying me a SERIOUS compliment, though!...and as I left after our conversation, I thanked him for telling me that he realized that about me...he just smiled really big! Why did I consider that a SERIOUS compliment?? Think about it...how could somebody conceptualize something like the Klipschorn bass bin WITHOUT the ability to do it three-dimensionally?? He was actually able to perceive that ability in others, too! Go figure!😉
    3 points
  10. Have you ever considered that MAYBE PWK was doing his "audio pun" thing when he told the interviewer that about the pronunciation of his name??...CLIPS, as in an amp that clips when pushed to hard?? He had a habit of interjecting puns into conversations with those unwary of his habit, in case you wondered. I had many conversations with him during the 7+ years while I worked there, and he never once winced over how his name was pronounced when I pronounced it the German way...like EVERYBODY else in the plant pronounced it. He was kinda "PUNNY", that way! By the way, he was the one who came up with the term "Klipschirt" for the most popular of his t-shirts for employees.
    3 points
  11. I just finished with a 2 mile walk. Thats as far as I go, because it can be done in a reasonable amount of time, and its not so far I dread it. I do it 4 or 5 times a week, and work out with weights 2. When you got off the sugar its like coming off drugs I would think. The third day was the worst for me. Foods you only tolerated before suddenly taste much better, Eating healthy foods helps your mood also. Im far from perfect but doing much better! The fall festival is in a town over from me this week so pray for me! http://www.nutclubfallfestival.com http://www.nutclubfallfestival.com/festival-food/munchie-map
    3 points
  12. I'm given to snacking. Wife asked why I don't keep snacks.... Um.... because I eat them a bag of almonds and some raisins are good by me. I'm death on chips and crackers. I feel bad afterwards, too. Not guilt bad... bad bad
    3 points
  13. i don’t eat breakfast. I only eat once a day ... generally about 3 o’clock. Problem is that i eat too much in that one meal. Portion control is another one of my problems. If I ate three meals a day, i’d probably be 250 instead of 214. I was down to 178 a few years ago; but, then my brother moved in with me and he doesn’t eat out very often. cooks and stuff. so suddenly there was food in the house and snacking out of boredom became an issue.
    3 points
  14. that’s my problem ... for over a decade it’s been 90% fast food ... every meal ... every day. i know my lifestyle can change; but so far i’ve proven too weak. OCD really destroyed my ability to cook ... it’s became so stressful that i just avoid it. was talking to friend once and I said “okay, i have a heart attack and die ... so what” he said, “You’re presupposing the first heart attack will kill you.” That statement was scary. By the grace of God i’m still healthy ... at least all the medical tests say so. I hope someday that i can make positive changes.
    3 points
  15. We couldn't get my BP much below 155/100 (often was higher) even with meds. I cut down to 1500 mg of sodium 3 weeks ago. Regularly hitting in the 125-135/70-75 range. A couple of days it was 117ish/65ish Amazing what that did. I'm a believer. Now to do that for the rest of my life.....
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. I've been doing intermittent fasting , where I skip breakfast and lunch and eat dinner no sooner than 3pm , sometimes wait untill 5 pm to eat my first meal of the day Weekends , I'll eat breakfast but no lunch https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNSZl5L7mOSM24uDCEbOt1DJTpI3AQ%3A1570463490858&source=hp&ei=Al-bXaT-MYj5-wSVuI_wBQ&q=intermittent+fasting&oq=interm&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l3j0i131l2j0l4j0i131.3336.9211..12123...0.0..0.134.766.0j6......0....1..gws-wiz.......35i39j0i67.Q-lHMmn_fWQ From August of last year to May of this year I was on the Keto diet , I loved that diet
    3 points
  18. I try to eat 4 complex carbs about the size of my fist and 4 protein sources about the size of the palm of my hand per day. 4 meals a day. 400 cal per meal and less than 35 grams of carbs. I add some veggies and thats it. Cheat some one day a week. About 1600 calories a day. You can't starve yourself.
    3 points
  19. Wise! Prolems? Everyone has em. Stress off the charts, Type II diabetes, A-fib, 2 ablations, now have half a heart w/a pacer? Kudos to the ex for some of that! Finally, starting to listen to my youngest daughter who's rock solid everywhere. She's a former baller and weight lifter. I used to worry about her but not anymore cause she'd absolutely kill anyone who jumped her. All I've heard from her for the last 5 years is dad do this and dad do that. In the last 6 months I've started listening. No 2 litres of diet, eating tons better and feeling better. It'll work if ya let it.
    3 points
  20. My stress has been a problem for awhile. Funny you said that. Ive worked shift work for over 35 years. It was getting to me and the last 4 months have been a healing process. I won't tell the whole story but ive been off work for awhile and going back latter this month. Was getting some help and I feel better than I have in YEARS!!! My brothers passing took it over the top. I have three more years of working and then I can retire. Im not nuts but life has thrown some curveballs lately. Hard to admit for a guy and its been a rough ride but I needed it. Peace!!
    3 points
  21. meat and associated fat are not bad. butter is good, too. Eggs? they're all over the place on them.... If ya like 'em, eat them. Fresh are much better. The ones in the store never saw each other before the carton. I do a lightweight paleo type diet. I eat what is in season. Is it coincidence that citrus is in full season at the height of the flu/cold season? quality of the food you are eating can make a difference. Folks think I don't like veggies. Wrong... I won't eat them if they aren't worth chewing. I'll eat a good tomato out of hand, like an apple. Store bought only works if I know who grew them. and DO allow for some "cheating"... stress relief. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I could make joke about my health going bad... right after I got married. Good thng I waited until I was 50+ to do that.
    3 points
  22. Just a quick note to say RIP to a fantastic drummer, but more so He was a complete musician Ginger Baker RIP Cream - Hawkwind and more
    3 points
  23. This album came out in 1983 - one year after I was married 💎 An addictive album with a signature sound Artist - Huey Lewis And The News Title - Sports
    3 points
  24. An audiophile is walking on the beach and he finds a bottle. He picks it up and immediately a ghost appears: "You can make two wishes." "Wow," says the audiophile, "I want world peace." "That's too hard," says the ghost. "What's your other wish." "I want speakers that will play back all my recordings as they are supposed to sound." Ghost: "What was your first wish again?"
    3 points
  25. I' m going to listen to it again, for sure. It was the female journalist who said Klips. Both my assertions above are wrong... It is Klipsch, the German way. All recordings are 'caricatures' of the original sound... No matter if the carrier is a vinyl record, magnetic tape, or a digital file. The miracle is that an amp together with the speakers can fool the brain in believing it hears the sound of, PWK's example, a 16 foot long organ pipe sound wave. As always, I was jumping to conclusion.
    2 points
  26. back in LA, i ate a lot healthier. they had what I guess are the equivalent of fast food joints ... such as Flame Broiler ... bowls of rice and veggies (most people add chicken; but, i’d only get the brown rice and veggies). Sadly, they don’t have one here and i haven’t found anything similar.
    2 points
  27. yes.... results may vary and do what works per individual and makes you feel good HFCS, I won't start on that
    2 points
  28. 10cc lyrics can be thought provoking. who can forget these classic lines ... we’ll on second thought, i guess these are pretty straight-forward ... I like to see you But then again That doesn’t mean you mean that much to me so if i call you don’t make fuss don’t tell your friends about the two of us I’m not in love ...
    2 points
  29. Prefer sea salt. Iodine for thyroid still important. Had access to raw sugar in earlier days. Processed sugar, not so good. HFCS, even worse. Back on raw sugar for awhile now. Only season food while cooking. Per doctor advice back then...thanks and whatever works for individual s.
    2 points
  30. that is just about what it takes to "keep the lights on" w/o extra expenses
    2 points
  31. was just reflecting on how salt and sugar were once highly prized/rare. Maybe they should have stayed that way?
    2 points
  32. You out of all of the people here, I thought you would get the song connection. This is a lyric from an obscure song.
    2 points
  33. don't be surprised if you hit a "plateau" and results slow or stop. Not a dieter. My problem is lack of weight... but, I have a friend who has fought his weight forever. He does keto and lost a significant amt and it stopped. Not because there isn't more to give, either.
    2 points
  34. Yes @Dave1290... did not know. Leary of the word diet, as opposed to lifestyle changes... That said, there is the cabbage soup weight loss thing. Not as bad as it sounds, as can eat steak, bananas, brown rice. Lasts a week and goes by a couple or more names, Mayo Clinic...Dolly Parton...Got this from sister and can lose 17 pounds in that one week without starving. It seems that the more weight you have to lose, the more you do I lost 12 in a week. The loss is mostly water. It gives you a headstart on weight loss which up to you to maintain and confidence builder. Would recommend.running by Doctor first. Should be easy to find. Good fortune...
    2 points
  35. Sorry Mike, that question just registered w/me. Sound quality is great and it's worth it if you get it. Sounds a LOT better than the old one!
    2 points
  36. now you've done it I'm thinking about food Mango salsa with fish and shrimp "cooked" in lime juice damn you.. lol
    2 points
  37. You can get pizza crusts made with a cauliflower mixture. They cook up pretty nicely, uniformly crispy. Generally speaking the older you get the less calories you need and the more fit you are the less calories you require because a well maintained body is more ‘work’ efficient.
    2 points
  38. I make it like Chic Fil A does. Same as you except Splenda as the sweetener. Another way to make it that's really good is to make 1 gallon Crystal Light lemonade per directions and add the juice of 1 lemon.
    2 points
  39. Yes, you're in for a treat. Your LaScalas will make nice little centers for the MCM stacks.
    2 points
  40. My daughter just started a diet and as a result my wife and I are eating healthier. We're very conscious as to what we eat at meal time with her and what food we now keep in the house.
    2 points
  41. @dirtmudd The mage of the lyrics. Week we've had... it might be nice to visit another plane of existence where everything's good and the langoliers are held at bay.
    2 points
  42. Agreed. But the tiny loop in the line is pre-knotted.... Think I'd have to reach back there and nudge it for it to jump the groove
    2 points
  43. I live by my Dad's motto... I wear a size 34 jeans But a 36 size feels so good I go ahead and get 38s 😀
    2 points
  44. I don't have a reliable SPL meter however my neighbours 11 yo grandson tells me he can hear it in every room in their house that sits 75 yards away.
    2 points
  45. "JC" is Judy Clayton, she sanded them after they were built. Eventually she ended up in final assembly and then testing.
    2 points
  46. I've come to realize that I'm years out of date in documenting the configuration of my main rig. Dual Rythmik sealed subwoofers (E15) have been on the screen wall since May 17. Not shown is a third generic subwoofer on the back wall, which I will someday replace with a Rythmik, possibly an L22 (dual 12-in sealed).
    2 points
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