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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/23 in all areas

  1. One of six albums that were stored and resurrected today I pretty sure that I haven’t posted them on here but I am sure that you will love them all First up Artist - Lou Reed Title - The Bells Album ID - https://www.discogs.com/release/5045416-Lou-Reed-The-Bells
    7 points
  2. @Full Range my doughter sent a postcard from Melbourne , took two weeks till I received it today.
    5 points
  3. and try to cash some of that daylight you've been "saving". daylight saving time is just plain stupid.
    3 points
  4. The USA mainland has 4 time zones We set our clocks back an hour this coming weekend. it always takes me a little while to get used to the new schedule.
    3 points
  5. My internet is quiet slow , can use my laptop with the mobile hot spot from my smartphone only . Needs to much time till threads loading it´s content. It´s time to take care of this issue soon , have an Idea and will solve this problem a.s.a.p. We had returned our clock´s last weekend by one hour, now we´re back in our regular c.e.t. , even it´s only one hour , waking up earlier and going to sleep earlier as well . Body and mind needs two or three days to be familliar with the change of time. How many different time zones do you have in the states ?
    3 points
  6. rained all day through , was in a soft mood today and spun .... The Astrud Gilberto Album Randy Crawford´s debut from 1980 " now we may begin " followed by Victor Lazlo " She " finally Swing Out Sister " it´s better to travel "
    3 points
  7. farmers don't care what the clock sez. If it needs to be done and it is light enough to see ... nature doesn't take holiday
    2 points
  8. Well apparently it was good for the farmers way back when. But not sure how many of them have been eradicated in the last decade or two. Sad but true. That extra hour was really good back when I was lit all the time that did last call twice that night! Hey, I posted something by that band yesterday or the day before!
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Okay, I'll start at the beginning. Please don't be reluctant to post here. Like you, and like quite a few others here on the Forum, I've technically been an adult for roughly half a century. Wow, what a wild concept! So, that should mean that most or all of us have got it all figured out by now. Hah! If this were a public square instead of an online forum, and I asked everyone to put up their hand if they'd never said anything stupid, or accidentally offended someone, it would get real quiet and everybody would be looking around to see who thought they were perfect. Well, none of us are. The main thing is not to confuse what you say with what you are. You say you have good intentions, and that's good enough for me. We all know how typing out our words misses our various emphases, our body language, and so on. For most of us, except those millennial types, and you know who you are, we didn't learn texting/keyboarding at the same time as we learned to speak, so we don't do it at an almost instinctual level, with very few misunderstandings. Hmm, I don't have a millennial nearby whom I can confirm this with. Maybe they screw up as often as we do, even with all those emojis to convey the nuances of what they're saying/typing. Rambling? If that was a problem, I would have been booted out of here long ago. Next, feeling cantankerous is not the same as being cantankerous. One may last minutes or hours, the other can last a lifetime. Worn out? Oh yeah, I can relate. Still, gotta get out of bed sometime. It might be a bad day, but it's not a bad life. Thanks for getting back to me about the tube amps. I'll have to have a listen to one sometime, but the idea of replacing tubes like lightbulbs, and whatever tube biasing is, make owning a tube amp sound like some kind of work. Is it like that? Or is it like owning a chain-driven motorbike, that needs to have the chain lubed regularly, and needs the chain slack to be checked regularly and adjusted sometimes? That didn't seem too bad when I was doing it.
    2 points
  11. Another photo from Saturday night’s party. other than the face paint, this is pretty much how we usually dress.
    2 points
  12. I might be spending some time in the doghouse tonight. there will be an estrogen overload in the house. Wife, SIL and "my other wife"/wife's secretary.... I'll record the game and speedwatch it later. My humor is wearing a little thin with the current wave of phone solicitation. For the past week, only on weekdays, I have gotten a solicitor from "Eldercare" at 5 AM. It seem [to me] that controlling robocalls would be a fairly simple thing.... except the phone companies is in business to lease lines, no matter the use. I'll stop the rant here. coffee didn't get cold this AM. I lit the stove. The cats are angling for position in front of it... w/o disturbing Stumpy, the senior and alpha. All he has to do to get them moving is to give them "the look".
    2 points
  13. small update, i bought a pair of Crites CT125 tweeters to replace those cheapo plastic tweeters. the sound now sounds less fatiguing, highs are smoother and warmer. Next job is to fill all gaps in the woodwork, repair the sides and the do a veneering job. Was thinking about birch veneer, and put some danish oil on it afterwards. The look is going to be the same as my upgraded Lenco L75 turntable with custom birch plinth
    2 points
  14. right this minute Maze feat. Frankie Beverly live in LA 1986
    2 points
  15. sooo pity , I´m not a facebook member Charles
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. My VTA ST-120. At this time I'm using it with a pair of Scandyna A-20, but I want to buy a pair of Klipsch RF-63.
    2 points
  18. I have only been to Melbourne on 2 occasions But Melbourne is the coffee capital Post is still faster now than the old days 🤘
    1 point
  19. After looking at the Jubilee setup in the picture and your comments about them fiddling with the DSP bass/treble gain controls, I'm fairly confident in saying that you probably did not hear Jubilee as they should sound. Unfortunately, I think some of the blame rests with Klipsch for not providing adequate detailed guidance for properly setting the Jubilee up. The manual is definitely inadequate for the task. After having them in my relatively small living room for a year and a half now, I have some of my own "lessons learned" that I'm hoping will make it into a future version of the manual or at least a Klipsch blog post linked to the product page. The first is to have speakers positioned such that main listening position is as close to on-axis of the K-402 horn as is practical, both horizontally (i.e., via proper toe in) and vertically (i.e., tilt the horn down as necessary). The manual gets the toe in part mostly correct but does not mention anything about possibly tilting the horn down when needed. Next is getting the in-room bass response correct. This is where Klipsch really needs to provide guidance as what I'm about to say I only know because of my own experience or from information that came directly from @Chief bonehead. Unlike the Klipschorn or the Underground Jubilee, the new Jubilee does not need to be near a corner for full bass response. Roy has said on this forum that the Heritage Jubilee is designed to curve flat in half-space (on the floor away from the room walls). This is not mentioned in the manual. So, once the new Jubilee are placed near walls or corners (as they will likely be in most normal-sized rooms), there will be room gain that will cause a departure from flat response. They can start to sound boomy. In my room most of this gain was in the very low end (20 - 30 Hz range), so it wasn't apparent when listening to a lot of pop/rock material. However, once I put on material that had significant content in that range (e.g., certain orchestral music), things became unlistenable. This cannot be corrected with the gain knobs on the DSP as that's not what they are for. Some other form of bass room correction is needed to fix this. Unfortunately, the Jubilee DSP cannot be used for this as the end user cannot modify the settings. I feel that this is a mistake on Klipsch's part. They should open up the DSP for those who know what they are doing. This forces the user to use an additional level of processing for bass correction, either automatic room correction systems like Audyssey, Dirac, etc. or manually with another DSP or parametric EQ. Luckily, my processor has a multichannel parametric EQ built-in that is compatible with REW. So, at least I didn't need any other external gear to do this correction manually in my room. I have a feeling that the people running the demo at that show weren't aware of any of this. Therefore, they were constantly fiddling with the bass in the hope of getting it right and failing.
    1 point
  20. My God, after reading from the start of this thread till the end, I wanted to start weighing in about 8 pages ago on the discussion of SS vs. tubes. Not to support one side of the argument or the other, but to call out those self-appointed "experts" that vehemently argue that their position (equipment choices, or equipment philosophy) are the only correct path, and ridicule and belittle others who disagree with them. That actually pisses me off especially in such a subjective forum as audio. Everyone has their own experiences, opinions and tastes, and minds will not be changed by anything posted here - nor should they as personal tastes and how one wants to spend their money on audio is their right. NO ONE has the knowledge or credibility to scrutinize and criticize other's choices and preferences in audio equipment. When you start belittling and name calling you have lost the argument ... and all credibility. As a person who has had a lifetime, and made a successful career of, designing test protocols, obtain the relative test data, analyzing that data, develop relevant predictive models, and prove those models with rigorous statistical methods ... I can firmly and without hesitation say there is NOTHING in this thread that offers ANY true proof supporting one side or the other...period. And it never will because audio satisfaction is purely a subjective, human taste. Anyone who has been around this hobby for any length of time and listened to many other's systems and listen to other's personal tastes cannot reach any other real conclusion. If that were not true there would only be a handful of amplifier, speaker, etc. manufacturers and music format providers.
    1 point
  21. No takers? First is Metallica's "Black" release. Then some progressive rock... Our Lady (of) Peace with "Naveed" And Pink Floyd's "Division Bell"
    1 point
  22. Awesome speakers…
    1 point
  23. Well, you have not given us any idea what the overall design might be (priorities, budget etc). So comments by me and others might be be wildly off the mark, but that is not our fault since you were the one that did not provide the design goals. That said, I don't believe the K-402 with an adequate driver needs a super tweeter. I say this for several reasons. First, there is not much energy in the highest octave (either from the instruments originally or in the recording). Second, most of us, if we are willing to admit it, don't have very good hearing up at the top of the spectrum. We think we do, but in reality......... That sad, the original, commercial version of the Jubilee was 3-way system and used a K-510 horn with a K-69 driver as a tweeter and the K-402 was limited to the mid-frequencies. In a commercial application the systems are run fairly loud, 12 hrs/day and 7 days/week so they needed a more robust combination of driver & horns. In a home environment a 2-way is fine. Second, although Be drivers can sound wonderful, finding them is very difficult and spares are nearly impossible to find. In either case, those drivers and spare diaphragms can be prohibitively expensive (again you never specified budget considerations). There are others who used Be drivers on the K-402 (JBL 24xx with Truexent diaphragms or simply used TAD 4002 drivers) and reported great success. These were mostly used on the "old" Jubilee systems. My personal advice is that you should first layout your design goals and priorities. Good luck, -Tom
    1 point
  24. Watco rejuvenating oil is the "go to" oil for speaker finishing. With anything else, try it on a small area first.
    1 point
  25. HUGE news outta Ann Arbor! It really was a BYE week for blue! 😂😂😂 https://www.wsj.com/sports/football/jim-harbaugh-michigan-contract-sign-stealing-21d5e1b6?fbclid=IwAR3OGvIc0TwANubYvojXdgDR-mWW1RQy7X95bBs3INJiJdSmHaJf5mwCbas
    1 point
  26. Geeze @Dave1291 do they not know Halloween immediately proceeds All Saints Day? I know some folks can't get to their grandparents house on Christmas morning and have done it Christmas Eve or later for the kids so I guess this is the same deal. But darn it. I didn't get two or three Halloweens when I was a kid. We were resourceful with king size pillowcases and covering literally probably a three square mile area from dark until midnight ! Did have a cavity twice back then!
    1 point
  27. I'll have to look up those soundtracks! Had to go back where I'm from and let me tell you it's hot down here 83 right now where I am and I had gotten used to the nice cooler weather up in Virginia. I did get to change out my CDs for a little while. Have business to take care of tomorrow here so might change some of the ones I've played already. Punch Brothers phosphorescence has been playing since lunch (it's dinner time now) and these are on one side of my CD holder. I've got an extreme variety in here , between this half-filled side and the other side, can you tell what they are besides the first one?
    1 point
  28. there was a band last night ... late night for us . They played until midnight. Halloween ... The cops come. Close the town off ... Everyone sets up on main street. The kids trunk or treat. always a party at the bar. try to stop it. I dare you
    1 point
  29. Last night I went out to one of the local cover band’s annual halloween show and hung out with a bunch of friends.
    1 point
  30. I used Tung oil with awesome results on my oiled oak forte IIs. Some recommend Watco rejuvenating oil.
    1 point
  31. https://www.discogs.com/release/14998285-Jonathan-Hultén-Chants-From-Another-Place Good stuff.
    1 point
  32. Will write something on Monday. Today I will listen only.
    1 point
  33. An artist that has worked for some great names in a long career In his whole career, he has recorded only one solo album, but has worked with Santana Al Di Meola, Chick Corea and Return To Forever, Tod Rundgren, XTC and The Tubes Artist - Mingo Lewis Title - Flight Never Ending
    1 point
  34. Extreme caution!! Those are known to cut finger tips like razor blades!! Next time get the Classical air guitar ones :), they require less stitches after playing
    1 point
  35. Bought that today ..don´t know how to handle that ..any advise ?
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Guess what came in today???????
    1 point
  38. @Bacek from one of "the red-headed stepchildren" as the "DJ" puts it welcome to the show & tell vinyl thread! The way I understand it the 45 rpm LPs are of better sound quality and are used by Analogue Recordings for their high end offerings. Bet it does sound good!
    1 point
  39. Pink Floyd Live at Knebworth is spinning. Wanted to write slowly but it's actually 45 revolutions per minute.
    1 point
  40. Put on John Lennon's "Imagine."
    1 point
  41. Sitting next to my wood burning stove, enjoying a glass of Leffe Blond and playing some great music!
    1 point
  42. Looks like a Low Rider to me! That thing is almost draggin!
    1 point
  43. It's about reserve power for TRANSIENTS Some many flea Power amps fall on thier face with heavy kick drum
    1 point
  44. Welcome to the Wine spinning Thread 😂 Prost and Cheers buddies
    1 point
  45. was in a nostalgic mood today first I spun Kid Creole and the Coconuts " Tropical Gangsters " than Nina Simone " My baby just cares for me " right this minute Ella Fitzgerald " Greatest Hits "
    1 point
  46. Thinkin about grabbin some of Devin's stuff just haven't jumped yet. He's a whiz coming out w/new guitars so I've heard. As a matter of fact I think Joe wrote a song about him. Cables look great @AndreG. There I go again showing my age. 😂💪
    1 point
  47. Another set of speakerwires done. These will hook-up the KGs to the Kenwood.
    1 point
  48. I've been doing low carb for 6 weeks and dropped from 197 to 183. I'm 6'2". Yesterday I had a cheat day as I have been craving a roast beef wedge with lettuce, tomato, and white cheese. $14 but enough for 2 meals. I expected to gain a pound or two but delighted to see I was at 182.8 this morning. Lady friend suggested that I have not been eating enough and that has slowed my weight loss. She may be right. I use to keep something from a magazine on the door of the fridge that states "nothing tastes as good as slim feels". That said I'm making Osso Bucco chili for tonight😊
    1 point
  49. Man, those are some huge Gargoyles... I'd sleep like a possum too.
    1 point
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