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1 hour ago, dtel said:

I wish they would make up their minds, we were set to just freeze to death in the past.

They have. Climate Change is real. Whether the majority of it is man made or not could be debated.

45 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

There's nothing like new data to upset previously held assumptions.

EXACTLY! Alot has changed since some of us have been in high school.

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1 hour ago, oldtimer said:

There's nothing like new data to upset previously held assumptions.

fixed it


 There's nothing like new data/assumption's to replace old data/assumption's. They did have data in the 70's and 80", just not reliable data, apperantly. 


They can make data fit anything they want, it will make no difference if Yellowstone burps, more data/assumptions.  


Not saying any of this is real or not, I do not make data but if it's like weathermen do all I need is a window and change my oponion every couple days.




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1 hour ago, dtel said:

fixed it


 There's nothing like new data/assumption's to replace old data/assumption's. They did have data in the 70's and 80", just not reliable data, apperantly. 

Technology and measuring have improved DRAMATICALLY since 50 years ago.



They can make data fit anything they want, it will make no difference if Yellowstone burps, more data/assumptions. 

No they CAN'T "make data fit anything they want" and I don't understand what Yellowstone has to do with anything.


Not saying any of this is real or not, I do not make data but if it's like weathermen do all I need is a window and change my oponion every couple days..

Respectfully, I suggest you look at what the top people in Climatology say about Climate Change and not weathermen or people on the internet--There is no reputable Climatologist claiming that the globe isn't heating up and 97% of them think it's man made: Do scientists agree on climate change? – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (nasa.gov)

From the link: 

Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most of the leading science organizations around the world have issued public statements expressing this, including international and U.S. science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the world. A list of these organizations is provided here.


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Fwiw, googled how many scientist believed we were going towards an Ice Age in the 1980s and evidently not that many after they started looking at the data: Climate myths: They predicted global cooling in the 1970s | New Scientist


From the link:

The calls for action to prevent further human-induced global warming, by contrast, are based on an enormous body of research by thousands of scientists over more than a century that has been subjected to intense – and sometimes ferocious – scrutiny. According to the latest IPCC report, it is more than 90% certain that the world is already warming as a result of human activity

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11643-climate-myths-they-predicted-global-cooling-in-the-1970s/#ixzz6zObgWlga

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4 hours ago, babadono said:

Yep until the next ice age:)


The last Ice Age ended around 12,000 years ago, and the glaciers completely covered the island of Ireland, scraping away every possible bit of evidence of human presence before the ice came.  Like in Canada and the northern US, the glaciers shaped the landscape, leaving behind drumlins and moraines, ridges produced by the rock and dirt the glaciers pushed ahead of them.  Even 12,000 years from now, if and when the next Ice Age arrives, will we have advanced enough to preserve our civilization, or will we be reduced to a Stone Age existence, like our ancestors?  Who knows what happened back then, before the ice came?


Just thinking of cooler times.  The worst of the heat wave seems to have passed, so temps are more comfortable now, plus our usual breeze has returned.

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5 minutes ago, babadono said:

Pssstt....I'll let you in on a secret...Google hides stuff that they don't want people to see..


Pssstt--Don't trust google as much as the respected scientific sites it leads you to....Too many people rely on what they see on Social Media instead of what the experts in the scientific community are trying to convey. ;) 

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1 hour ago, Zen Traveler said:

Technology and measuring have improved DRAMATICALLY since 50 years ago.

Yes but the guessing is still the same.

1 hour ago, Zen Traveler said:

No they CAN'T "make data fit anything they want" and I don't understand what Yellowstone has to do with anything.

Right, sure they can't. If Yellowstone erupts little else makes no difference, maby the dust in the air will cool off everything to reverse the warming trend, just different data.


1 hour ago, Zen Traveler said:

Respectfully, I suggest you look at what the top people in Climatology say about Climate Change and not weathermen or people on the internet-

Weathermen was just an example of how all the latest data sometimes does not work out as expected, I wouldn't trust them further out than a couple days at best.


1 hour ago, Zen Traveler said:

Fwiw, googled how many scientist believed we were going towards an Ice Age in the 1980s and evidently not that many after they started looking at the data: Climate myths: They predicted global cooling in the 1970s | New Scientist

Very possably, but they were wrong, that does not mean there right now.  


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12 minutes ago, dtel said:

Very possably, but they were wrong, that does not mean there right now.  

Well...Very rarely do you get 97% agreement from the top experts in their field. Given my link was from NASA and they've landed people on the moon and a rover on mars I agree in the whole realm of possibilities there could be some nuances in their theory that's not correct. Otoh, I am not sophisticated enough to wrap my head around string theory but that could be significant as well.


12 minutes ago, dtel said:

Right, sure they can't. If Yellowstone erupts little else makes no difference, maby the dust in the air will cool off everything to reverse the warming trend, just different data.

Okay. If you're interested in pursuing this please post a link, but I haven't seen this as big of an issue in the whole scheme of things.

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