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Send me a prayer please.....and thank you


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Thank you everyone. I got a picture this morning of the damage and almost went into shock. I tried to post it here just now but the forum won't allow it to post?...


She has two holes from bolts under the running boards of the golf cart that embedded themselves into her ankle. The holes are about two inches apart and the doctors have to evaluate now if the skin in between with recover or if they need to have surgery to remove the chunk of flesh in between the holes to correct it. The one larger hole is probably deep enough and big enough around to place a roll of quarters inside her leg. The second hole is about half that size. They are concerned about gangrene, staph or another host of bacterial infections being present since it took nearly eleven hours to properly evaluate her wounds. 


She was transferred by ambulance to Gainesville pediatric trauma unit this morning from the hospital in The Villages, FL. She is resting now and being pumped with morphine to lessen her load. I am home in Michigan so it sucks being here and she is there.


We just had to purchase tickets to fly my daughter's friend back to Michigan. Because she cannot fly alone (has no ID) her mother has to be flown to Florida from Michigan and then fly back home to Michigan. We have no idea how long my daughter's hospital stay will be yet and school starts back tomorrow. Driving down to save money was not a wise investment.


Anyways, I will try to update as I get news. My wife has not slept since 6am yesterday morning so she switched off with her parents at the hospital just now to go home and shower. Some good news to share though, the house they are staying in was not rented out at all in April so she can stay in it as long as need be. That is a blessing. 


Thanks everyone for your continued prayers and support.




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Round 2 of prayers for Shania and to give the doctors wisdom in the proper procedure and the perfect antibiotics so nothing nasty sets in.  You and your wife need to dig deep and show unwavering strength so Shania's spirits will be up.


Please keep us all updated on the changes, good or bad, so when we do keep praying, it reaches God in a powerful way.



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Say a prayer for my daughter Shania. She got in an accident while riding in a golf cart in Florida. She has broken toes, road rash and a big chunk out of her ankle. She is headed to see a pediatric surgeon at now a second hospital, as the first hospital did not have one on staff.The surgeon will need a CT of her ankle to determine what needs to be done as the Xrays were inconclusive. I guess the divot is pretty deep in her ankle and they are not sure if it is the bone or a ligament they are seeing from the outside. It is now almost 2:30 am and the accident happened around 5:30 in the afternoon so this has been a long day of waiting. I hope we get good news and that she won't need surgery.

They were going to start the long drive home in the morning but that is obviously not happening now.



The doctors just put her under for about half an hour and cleaned out her ankle. They think she chipped the ankle bone but don't think anything else is wrong in there. No ligament damage that they can see and the joint seems okay too so far. They are worried however that the accident happened eleven hours ago and it is just getting taken care of now. They administered antibiotics and everything and they admitted her just now for at least a 24 hour stay so they can monitor the wound to make sure no infection has or will set in. My wife is supposed to be out of the rental home by eleven in the morning so she is scrambling to figure how or where she is going to stay. My MIL is going to call the home owner to see if she and the girls can stay longer, at least until my daughter gets released.

Please pray with me that no infection takes hold in my daughter.


Thanks in advance for your prayers and well wishes.


Tim (teaman)

10-4 prayers sent indeed. 

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Thank you everyone. My daughter is in a surgery right now. The surgeon has to remove any flesh that does not look healthy. On Thursday my daughter has to go into surgery to have a skin graft surgery. After the surgery they have to monitor her in the hospital for at least four more days to see if there is any repercussions. At that point they will determine if any further grafts are necessary.


My wife and kids are going to leave the rental home they are in right now and move their stuff into my in laws on Wednesday. My wife just paid to fly one of my kids friends mothers down to Florida and fly both of them back to Michigan so she can return to school. My daughter that is injured has her friend down there with her still but they have to make a decision on what she should do now because school starts back today and whatever time she misses she has to make up.


This trip has become a nightmare for us.


Please continue to send prayers our way, it is only our faith in God that will help us through this.


Thank you, Tim

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My daughter has a big day tomorrow. The skin graft surgery is scheduled and how it goes will give me a time frame of when I might get my family back. Sounds like the earliest she will be released will be a week from tomorrow. Then comes the long ride home to Michigan. Please keep those prayers coming.




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