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    • Large for front speakers and "Plus" for subwoofer according to the manual.   Note • If you select SMALL for the front speakers, the subwoofer will automatically be fixed to YES. Also, the center, surround can’t be set to LARGE if the front speakers are set to SMALL. In this case, all bass frequencies are sent to the subwoofer. • If you have a subwoofer and like lots of bass, it may seem logical to select LARGE for your front speakers and PLUS for the subwoofer. This may not, however, yield the best bass results. Depending on the speaker placement of your room you may actually experience a decrease in the amount of bass due to low frequency cancellations. In this case, try changing the position or direction of speakers. If you can’t get good results, listen to the bass response with it set to PLUS and YES or the front speakers set to LARGE and SMALL alternatively and let your ears judge which sounds best. If you’re having problems, the easiest option is to route all the bass sounds to the subwoofer by selecting SMALL for the front speakers.
    • Who would have thought when you were teenagers, perhaps enamored with Panasonic Thrusters or Radio Shack Mach 1's.....  that later in life you'd be enamored with not one, but multiple actives.   Well done!    
    • The road to red !   L.t.i.a. , S.&.bb , and RED !   it's hard to listen to other music after listening to the trio of music Fripp , Muir, Wetton , Bruford, & Cross.   https://dgmlive.com/news/king-crimson-the-casino-1974-2024?fbclid=IwY2xjawDyfSNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHbJyuCfULoyv-Q0TrgBsl3XZyyFfVhDktsHJWtpkmz0D9adNg52cHqaldw_aem_fZA5cd4gExi4GGte_I5wFA    
    • that is precisely when I have doing... dual three channels and a sub channel running an array. that leaves me with a free single unused channel on the dsp.   for what it's worth, my subwoofers are in a line array, they should run off a single source channel and daisy chained because we are trying to couple them.   I will try and see what that software looks like sometime this week.
    • Cannot get any output from the analog sub output of the Bar 48. Verified that is where the problem is. Any software update fixes for that? Or is the port just inoperable?
    • I am tapped out on the first Xilica running 3 way Jubes and 2 independent sub channels. Bought a second one brand new through EBay/Hong Kong before they completely become unobtanium so in future I can run center and/or surrounds. All center/surround mixing will be handled at my mixer. All that said mainly I was/am curious if anyone has tried the Peavey unit. There is(at least WAS) a lot of knowledgeable people and experience here. 
    • I have 4 of them now each one driving 1 driver in bridge mode for the mids and highs in my 3 way Jube system. I am no connoisseur of amps but man are these things quiet at no signal. Still have not spent the cost of 1 AHB2 and value is important to me.
    • here you go @moray james : https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/topping-la90-discrete-amplifier-review.43756/ Oops sorry I see geezin already posted it.
    • Getting the First Watt Sit-4 today should be interesting to see how it sounds with the Forte IVs and Volti Razz…
    • I just replaced mine with the power supply previously mentioned, and my sound bar is working again. It didn't turn on right away, and I thought that I might have messed something up so I turned it over to check to make sure the power cord was plugged in all the way, and when I turned it back I saw the light came on. Did some sound tests from Youtube videos and it's working correctly and in good order. I have not tried the Bluetooth functionality as I have never really used it.   Overall it was very easy to replace, I just needed to cut the old wires and strip them with a wire stripper. The hardest part was taking off all the screws holding the back panel in.
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