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  1. Today
  2. Maybe, They're making other audio products, dividing the workforce. Double the workstations. Run 3 shifts. Farm out workload. Easy to say...🤔
  3. I'm up about 5:30 and prep some things for our breakfast and lunch. We both still work and take our lunches. I'll be 75 in a week and a half, but it's IT work and not usually too hard. The pay isn't too great, being a non-profit, so I'll probably work until I can't.
  4. Fellas life is full of choices. I would say there’s plenty of info out there on the time this takes to receive your order, if you choose not to wait ok if you choose to wait ok if you choose to change your mind and cancel your order ok but the only person you have to ***** at is your self for making your choice leave The guy alone
  5. Yesterday
  6. This work was supported by the DOE Office of Science. Other authors include Brandon Fisher
  7. I measured my forte IV grills and they were 32 1/2 tall and 15 3/16 wide. I don't know if the magnets would line up.
  8. As far as I know, it is not. I was a big fan of his tung oil varnish. I used the last I had on my Raw Birch, LaScalas.
  9. I got my fortes for FREE from the transfer station a couple years ago. ~Thanksgiving 2021. Very early s/n's probably 85. No kitty claw marks, minimal dings exc., no cigarette smell. What a @#$%ing score. I got em in my dads basement. Am driving w tube amp. They are so choice, as Ferris would say. a ha ha ha ha I RULE Ha ha ha ha I needed this
  10. Here is a link to Corey's page
  11. No affiliation https://www.facebook.com/share/NnuV6ncP5VZ42TvH/
  12. Hello everyone! I have owned the Klipsch RP 1600 SW for about 3 months and for about a week now it has been emitting noise similar to Morse code or rumbling. The noise occurs with and without a connected source after approx. thirty minutes of operation and can also be heard from a distance of more than one meter. As a result, the user experience is noticeably limited. Unfortunately, turning the knobs for the crossover frequency or volume does not change the noise. I have already tried the following: - Swapped cables - Tried another receiver - Connected to a different power supply If you would like to listen to the noise, you can do so here: https://www.file-upload.net/download-15337221/Subwoofer5.m4a.html The noise in question starts at 00:00 and is audible until 00:22. For comparison, there is a provoked ground looping noise from 00:22 - 00:31. My dealer denies that this could be a defective amp. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  13. ssh


    Lol. Currently, I have no idea. Try getting in touch with Corey. You can search for him on the Forum. SSH
  14. I'm using six KI-102-SMA-II as Atmos speakers for my Jubilee, modified Belle, La Scala 5.0 ground layer. They work really well and have the advantage of being really easy to mount and point toward the listening position when mounted using the optional SB-102 U-bracket.
  15. I run 4 KPT 8000M hanging off the ceiling. Push them with an Emotiva XPA 5 Gen 1 for 200 WPC. SO far the best of what I have tried. I have 3 1980 LSI in the front 1978 LS rears and KP3002 for sides.
  16. Searched, but could not find an answer. Want to change my drills out to linen. Found a set of new Forte IV grills for $250. They appear to be abut the same as the II grill. But can anyone tell me if they will match up before I drop money on something I can't use.
  17. Just quick note, dac preamp, often have more than 2v output, last wiim pro, has choice of 1 or 2 volt output and also does wonderful job has preamp with my pair of Schiit mono amp (2watts stereo/4w in mono). from what i have heard, with good recording, tube amp, prefer 1volt! especialy with ceramic TT/aux entry
  18. lol! well, so i listen and discard, bad producer decision! and listen, before purchasing! So with bad producer, even in Hi-Res, i'm gonna have High Crap! lesson learn, thanks Wisdom man! don't fight the river, just take the boat, avoid the rock, let the river transport you out of this dump, and flow where water is clear and have a nice fishing Day!
  19. You're replying to a 20 year old thread!
  20. That's a song name on the new Lenny Kravitz album. Sounds quite good too.
  21. I signed up. It accepted the code. got it.
  22. Are you a child of the revolution
  23. The ID.ME discount code that I was given did not work. Are there any for use codes that are active? already a good price. But, saving a few bucks is a few bucks. g.
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