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  1. Past hour
  2. Sorry woofy I thought @babadono made the comment above. A couple decades ago when the Klipsch Forums started many of us also got together in local gatherings and it became the community fabric along with the Pilgrimages.
  3. This is the T18 build. They are great projects, if you are reasonably handy.Buy the plans & follow Bill’s instructions to the letter and you’ll get good results. If you decide to go this route,there are some folks here that are ace builders, and great resources. Good luck, I’m happy to offer any advice that I can. https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/182249-t18-subwoofer-project/
  4. Okay, I am going to have to get my ST70 in the queue. I have an Audio Research SP8 preamp that might go well with it. @Audio Flynn, do you still have your Audio Research SP12?
  5. Today
  6. What? I didn't ask, but I am trying to understand what point you're trying to make. Typically, you go against what I say. Are you, again, trying to correct me? I am not sure if you're catching on to bantering between Michael and Eric. They are a part of a small group who have audio gatherings. I don't know the head count for the Pilgrimage in 2018 or 2019, but it was only getting larger yearly. After the Covid lockdown was lifted, everyone was ready to get out and that would have been a record-setting attendance, if there wasn't the squabble that resulted in the departure of so many members.
  7. I found the thread, for my Table Tuba build. It turned into my “Pandemic Project, as I’d just finished gathering parts before the world shut down. it documents the whole build.
  8. Thanks for the tip, I did some research as I had not heard of that brand. Will order a quad to check them our when current tubes die.
  9. Actually, I’ve documented the two I’ve built in threads on this forum. I’ll find the links to those threads. Here’s a pic of the one that probably would suit your Heresys fairly well, it’s the T18.
  10. If you haven't already done it replace the other one now. Then you're set for another eon. lol
  11. Thank you for the answer... thankfully, all is working the additions I like for the most part... If the wood is intact still beneath the front carving, I may remove that and restain it... Many thanks! Regards, Richard
  12. Yesterday
  13. Just wanted to update everyone who helped out with this thread! I was able to replace the gasket on the midrange drive and the distortion is gone! Thanks to the group for their input! GS
  14. Some (recorded) music is very dynamic, so how much more do I need if 1/4 watt average?
  15. If you’re hoping for an answer or to educate the OP with your findings, they haven’t been on the forum since October of 2008.
  16. BR on the serial rag devotees Birch Raw. In other words, everything that you see that makes it look different than a typical Klipschorn was done after it left the factory.
  17. Thanks @nickyboy6100 If interested, I can meet you half way!
  18. I have recently acquired a beautiful pair of Klipschorn Khorn. The design is different than others I have seen. I know they are Birch Veneer. 1. The entire cabinet is enclosed 2. There is a relief carved ornamental rectangle on the front panels 3. There are large moldings on the bottom and about 4. It all seems to be from the manufacturer since it all looks like the same wood and design. See the photos attached. Questions: 1. Was this custom-made by Klipch from the factory since it all seems to match perfectly? 2. It is missing the OEM emblems, are they still available for purchase? 3. Is there anything else special about this pair of Khorns? Thank you for any help or insight... kind regards, Richard
  19. dawaro: I've been doing research to find the v.2-400 DIN layout and have been advised by someone else in the forum (from 2008) that the v.2-400 DIN has at least 5 different wiring setups. To make matters worse, if you pick the wrong sequence you'll blow amps and the woofers. (Probably by accidentally connecting the power supply to an amp input.) Going the DIY route, It turns out that the connections in the subwoofer are buried so tight against the back panel by the amplifier chassis that you can't get to the wires with a VOM with disassembling it. So, I'm wiring up an 8-pin plug and socket as an open extension so I can determine the wiring sequence myself.
  20. We call going AWAL ‘Going on walkabout
  21. Don’t know if he’s involved with any of the day-to-day stuff but he is 81. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  22. nickyboy6100


    Thanks for the comment. I love them too. I’ve been through about every speaker Klipsch has made and the La Scala splits are the ones that have stuck around.
  23. Heya @billybob how many pair of those Jockey whitey tighties ya going thru a day now? Gotta hook Abomb up with the REAL weather report! Good to her that she's ok. Out in the middle of BFEgypt isn't good when something like that happens. Crazy place out there for sure.
  24. Sorry I have been busy myself. Almost had to make an emergency trip out to New Mexico. My Mother-in-law was rushed to the hospital via life flight. They live in the middle of nowhere. Thank goodness she is okay. So...back for now. Heading down to Florida on Sunday though. Not looking forward to the effing heat.
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