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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/15 in all areas

  1. Morning all.... Coffee is good...... I'm still stuffed from last nights dinner... was really good. Me the wife and My old shop helper and his wife... and I forgot but this time it was a free dinner for all of us.. oh yea... We were all there last week and the service SUCKED... I mean it was bad... our regular waiter was not there... It was one of the worst meals we had in a long time... the food was still good... but when I go out to dinner I want to have a good time. The food is the main part of going out but I want to have a good time with the staff. So last week my wife called the steak house and spoke with the "main" man there and told him all about our meal. He said he wanted to do a re-do of our meal... Last night was that re-do.... our waiter was there...we called to make sure and he new about our meal from last week. We got this waiter a few months ago and try to get him when we go... He is a great guy.... he does the waiting thing part time, he is a sales rep for Yokohama Tires. We told him we have a shop and sell more Yokohama's than any other tire. He laughed and said he doesn't do the car tires, He does the big truck tires, he has contracts with trucking company's around MD, VA, PA, NJ, Del. Just talking with him I think he's one of those guys that makes good money and just like being around people. Well he's our man. Don't know what I will do today... might do some stuff in the garage.... I got all these empty self's lol lol... or maybe cut the grass.. this might be the last cut of the year??? I'll check in later... wishing all a great day... MKP :-)
    6 points
  2. Good productive weekend gents. You guys are energetic except for Mark or "Napster" as I call him But hey someone has to drink the Coronas and sleep. Went to a large trivia party at the LF's club house Friday and I over indulged. Yesterday I just rested up Feeling a little more spry this morning so Jake may get a bath. LF wants to stop at a new watering hole to pull for her Steelers at 1:00. I am not happy to be watching the team who picked up the dog killer Vick Cooling off here starting Tuesday.....ready for that but not for winter. Cheers Ladies and Gents
    6 points
  3. Well just finished about 9 Samuel Adams Octoberfest and a half a pot of coffee. So I built a shed and cleaned the garage out. Then had a fire, So now chilling in the garage. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    6 points
  4. Happy Sunday guys. Fun day yesterday at a wedding. Ceremony at the Air Force Academy chapel followed by a reception and dinner at a mountain resort. Usually not a big fan of wedding parties but this one was fun. These kids did it right ... glad it was on someone else's nickel. Gonna kick back a bit today and bbq late afternoon. Cheers!!
    5 points
  5. Happy Sunday folks, Nothing much here today.................another boring day, Had to restore the computer damn thing would not start Hoping this does not become an issue
    5 points
  6. Afternoon gang.... Just got caught up on the posts..... The yard sale today was a hit..... It was alot of fun... Got home from the shop early yesterday and set up all the goodies on the lawn... I was out there till 9:00 last night. Covered it all up with tarps. I was outside at 7:30 this morning, I set up the EV's and my little Crown for some tunes. By 8:00 the wife got my coffee to me and the 1st customer rolled up.... what's the 1st thing he goes for.......He starts walking past the things for sale to my EV's and was saying "oh how much for the EV's" .... lol lol.... I quickly tell him there not for sale and point him to the all the tables of goodies. Well like most yard sales... one or two might stop in.... then no one for some time.... then a wave of people stop in... then the wheeling and dealing will start..... By 12:30 or so I was really happy with what I sold... but I was still looking at all the stuff I would have to take back in to the garage..... Then two guys pulled up in an old Camry and some other guy in a F-150... These guys started checking out all the stuff and there was still alot of good stuff. For the next two hours we were wheeling and dealing. They loved the music... they were buying alot of stuff. So we were kinda wrapping things up.... and I looked at the tables of things I still had..... I said to the one guy..... Lets make a deal so I don't have to take this stuff back in.... He said I don't have any more room in the car... I said that's ok.... Lets come to a good number and I will tarp the stuff back over and you can get it later... He spoke with his buddy and the deal was done.... OH YEA.... Now, we did the deal.. he gave me the money and we shook hands.... then a few more people stopped in and they were looking at the stuff..... I looked at the guy that i just made the deal with and said.... "hey man it's your stuff sell it"... lol lol.... yea we were all laughing it was quite funny... This was a "Mans" yard sale..... tools upon tools upon tools and cool stuff ..... Two years ago I purchased the contents of a garage. This yard sale was the "left over" "left over" stuff. For the last two years Iv'e had four yard sales with this stuff. Iv'e also done a bunch of E-bay and CL... So today was the end of the stuff... Well I do have some more stuff over the lady's house I still have to get.... Like a 9" South Bend lathe that's still there and some other bigger items. She also wants me to buy the contents of the other garage she has.... we'll see.. OK.....well with pocket full of money I have.... I think me and the wife will get a nice steak dinner..... she did alot of work (NOT).. well she did the DJ part of the music today.... Yea was really a fun fun day doing the yard sale.... Wishing all a great weekend... MKP :-)
    5 points
  7. Morning gang 3am up eating Dates, hey sounded good. 67 and cooling down the Cave, i think we are in for yet another warm day. Bass Bin still outside the cave, may shoot the sides as im not pleased with the "Roller Effect". Time for a little more rest before starting a day of taking it easy.
    4 points
  8. 3 cups down, burger king breakfast was in order. Now at my son's football game. Weather here has been great. Suppose to be in the 90s next week, we will take advantage of the weather and go camping. Well got to run. Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. Morning yet again gang Good Nap id say. Messed up though, wife made the coffee, and man-0-man there will be NO napping today, strong! Was going to do the front yard, however it's heating up quick in these parts. Coffee run #2.....
    3 points
  10. Thank you guys Hahahah damn right he is buying beer
    3 points
  11. Because they only make 55 and 75 inch tracks. Two 55 inch tracks are too short. It only gives you 7" of overhang on each end and that's not enough. Totaly agree, overhang is a must! nothing like doing a 7' cut and finishing freehand, that would be BS. We have ALL used devices like this sometime in our past, A 2X4 and a couple clamps, there is our straight edge. Some guy who thought of this is sitting in Cabo saying FK the world, i did good. Festool W/Vac, buy it once, do it right. CeC is the most EXPERIENCED user of Festool iv seen to date. As 2x4's are never really that straight its best to use the clean factory edge of a full sheet of plywood for a make shift straight edge. Particleboard would work too but it gets chipped much easier and will not last nearly as long. You use what you got at the time, and for me that was 30+ years ago, been using a dead straight alum angle iron(3/8"thick) since then.
    3 points
  12. Because they only make 55 and 75 inch tracks. Two 55 inch tracks are too short. It only gives you 7" of overhang on each end and that's not enough. Totaly agree, overhang is a must! nothing like doing a 7' cut and finishing freehand, that would be BS. We have ALL used devices like this sometime in our past, A 2X4 and a couple clamps, there is our straight edge. Some guy who thought of this is sitting in Cabo saying FK the world, i did good. Festool W/Vac, buy it once, do it right. CeC is the most EXPERIENCED user of Festool iv seen to date. As 2x4's are never really that straight its best to use the clean factory edge of a full sheet of plywood for a make shift straight edge. Particleboard would work too but it gets chipped much easier and will not last nearly as long.
    3 points
  13. It does indeed mean what you think... and thank you. I hope I wont be let down because these have a very tall order to run with my cornwalls in their current configuration.
    3 points
  14. Evening gangI Up from 2ed heat of the day Nap. Was signing in on the forum and having a hard time signing in, realized user name is not CORONA Now that iv cracked one, crankin tunes Waiting for Buritto Saturday coming my way pretty quick
    3 points
  15. Good afternoon everyone. MKP, SO glad you were able to sell off your lot! I was out cutting up MUCH cardboard in the garage and looking at all my PATHWAYS to get around the 24x22' space, it is just rediculous At least I got rid of some huge boxes for some of my keyboard gear etc. and are all in neat, wrapped up panels for the recycling crew to take away come Tuesday morning... Other then that, getting ready to start up a dinner and relax over in RTM later with some music from the 'Hall' with friends there.... Enjoy the rest of your day and evening................... Diamond performance for me tomorrow (12pm to 2pm.) at a local fair.... Good times, a full two hour performance.... ........Gary
    3 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Couple of breakfast tacos down and now recording some vinyl to DSD128 files.
    2 points
  18. I'll definitely ulpoad pics as soon as i get them
    2 points
  19. Welcome, that's a very nice system you have coming to you. Like Michael said on the cables. I don't think the surrounds come with stands, your room might dictate whether you need stands or wall mounted, I personally like stands better, especially if you want to move them around. Oh…..the new guy buys the beer
    2 points
  20. I normally hate garage sales but yours sounded fun. Glad it went well.
    2 points
  21. Afternoon Gang Up from Nap, hot outside 90+, no MCM work till this evening. Belgain Waffles sound pretty dam good, then a Nap. Im so done with this heat, 80 tops, any higher, im veggin inside.
    2 points
  22. hoping the shipping company is as gentle as a neurosurgeon....
    2 points
  23. Stew, quit yer bi tchin, standard OC lifestyle, you have delt with for years, keep your chin up wile driving through GangLand (Riverside), one thing you can count on with an OC lifestyle, it get's worse by the year, and if you do not have enough Drama in your life, Fret not, someone is ALLWAYS handy and can/will instill theirs upon you, and of course hold you responsable for their Drama......it's amazing i escaped alive.
    2 points
  24. I reign supreme. Locked and done.
    1 point
  25. Say that in Texas and the next thing you will hear is "Get a rope..." Dave Swensens is in Texas - - Midland Saddle Club Plaza 900 W. Loop 250 North C Midland, TX 79705 https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Swensen%27s+Ice+Cream,+900+Loop+250+Frontage+Rd,+Midland,+TX+79705/@32.041795,-102.097673,3a,75y,343.02h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sh0TSMyhB-Swva5ufnSed_A!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x86fbd8cbb5997da1:0x877a90d9df8b9bcc Have you been to Midland? Real dairy country, that. Dave
    1 point
  26. For most of my speakers I like 14 g. and get the wires and cables from Parts Express most of the time. I have also used Monoprice. Parts Express also has some decent banana plugs to choose from. They are not really need but, make life a little easier.
    1 point
  27. Yeah, thanks guys. I'm supposed to stay away from ice cream because it's fattening, I haven't had it in months. So my wife calls from the grocery store and asks if I need anything. Without even so much as a thought I answered "Chocolate Paradise." That pic didn't help
    1 point
  28. I'm supposed to stay away from ice cream because it's fattening, I haven't had it in months. So my wife calls from the grocery store and asks if I need anything. Without even so much as a thought I answered "Chocolate Paradise." So yeah, thanks guys.
    1 point
  29. Good afternoon everyone..... MKP, I love that story about your dinner experience and also about your favorite 'server' as we foodies in the NE call them AND they like to be called... Sounds like a great guy too ! Nice shed there Duder! Ward, sounds like a fun project with your tape transfers... Wished you lived closer to me so we could enjoy a M.A.D. session here, would love to get your take on my hybrid 'vintage' system..... We had our show at the local fair today, fun and relaxing, great crowd, two hours straight through, no intermission.... Came home around 3pm. too tired to unload the gear from the truck, so, I just came in and decided to fire up he audio and listen to some new recordings.... Got Spotify premium on the laptop, HDMI into the DAC then to the new CA pre. Using the iPad as a remote controller for album selection etc... BIG glass of white wine poured into the dtel etched glass, relaxing, getting a nice buzz going listening to this one.... ....Gary
    1 point
  30. beautiful country - amazing city - the most advanced archeology in the Pyramids - yeah - fantastic
    1 point
  31. well i have 6 total boxes to build. 4 to replicate what i already have and then 2 very special boxes but then i plan on using the saw for any future products. more shelving for my blu rays. a new entertainment center. might look into building my own dining table as i have a bunch of friends that have built their own lately and i love them. so this will be a tool i will use a lot hopefully. If you have all that to build, and continually have more projects, buying would be better, we all love to but good tools correct? Just curious…..what are the two "special boxes"? Jubilees maybe - or Palladium -he aint saying
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Can't wait for you to get your new babies! Roger
    1 point
  34. Thank you Roger so much for your warm welcome and every Klipsch member. I'm already excited to be part of this great community and own one of the best speakers in the world.
    1 point
  35. Oh, and PICTURES of your setup once you get it or it DIDN'T HAPPEN !! LOL Roger
    1 point
  36. AliRashdan, Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Klipsch Forum. I too can't comment about the new Reference Premiere speakers from personal experience but can say that I have not read or heard anything negative about them. As a matter of fact there are quite a few testimonials and reviews that are very favorable. I am sure there are others who don't love these new speakers also. Either way, it looks like you have chosen well with your speakers and gear and are in for a treat when you get it all set up and cranking. Ali, where is your home? I see some extremely large land animals in your avatar photo. Bill
    1 point
  37. If you're handy, you can buy some bulk wire and make your own. I used Mogami and some cool Neutrik "Profi" connectors http://www.neutrik.com/en/phono-rca/profi-cable-connectors/ The ground is spring loaded so it hits first and releases last (so you never get that "thump" when you rip one out!)
    1 point
  38. Not selling Blue Bell in Louisiana yet, but I'm seeing their trucks going down the highway. Might need to hijack one
    1 point
  39. Nismo, I have been waiting read a real word review. Been kicking around unloading my 2 RSW 10's for one of these... or the VT1800...I do like the fact that this has both front and rear drivers.And being made in America to me is also a plus. Where did you end up placing it?
    1 point
  40. I'm sure I'll leave some out but I own Dewalt, Craftsman, Hitachi, Bosh, Skill and Festool power tools. They all work well. Best bang for the buck might be the Dewalt stuff. They're well made and do a good job. None of them are the caliber of tool that the Festool is. Are they overpriced, yes. Are they better and more accurate, absolutely, without a question. There's a lot I never even touched on like the soft start, the ability to plunge cut, the motor that keeps constant rmp regardless of load, the ease of changing saw depth, etc. I once checked the bevel gauge with a protractor and it's dead on, set it where you want it and it makes a perfect angle. It was great building the BFM stuff with it as he has a lot of weird angles in his designs. Joe, you have to admit, they both change digital to analog, which was my point. Of course, the DAC is the better tool for the job
    1 point
  41. This pix is old and the bins look empty, The # 1 Klipsch fan (Dr H) and KP-600s gets a here. Yeah, when Bill Hendricks, Kev and I went to Texas to score those boxes, drivers were few and far in between. That guy had a 30 Box system that he used to do sound with. Bill got the only remaining 18 inch drivers, and wire for his boxes, so Kev didn't have the 18s, but Kev got the Klipsch Electronic Cross overs. When I went to get mine, there were no 15 inch drivers or 18 inch drivers left and no wire either. I scored the last four correct 15 inch drivers in existence that Roy still had laying around the lab from back in the day. I also reconed my two 10 inch drivers. I will be selling four of my KP-600 boxes, two high frequency boxes as well as the two boxes with the four NOS 15 inch drivers in the two horn mid section. I will be offering these with my two KPT-684 subs which are the same woofers that go with KP-600 stacks, as well as my two KP-450 cabinets. Roger
    1 point
  42. They are incredible. How was Gabby's solo? I saw them with Robert Trujillo, mind blowing. Sadly, I took photos, so maybe it was all just a dream.
    1 point
  43. I use 6011 at work but really prefer 6010 because it has even more BITE. Humm, was not aware of this, it's been a few years since iv had the need to weld anything, you know how it is, you get spoiled on a Rod type and use no other. Better buy a case of spool wire, could be a long winter.
    1 point
  44. What is her type of choice: mig, tig, stick or acetylene? So far Mig with Argon and Stick with Lincoln 7018 H8 sticks dad is gonna let her get used to the wirefeed Mig before teaching her how to Tig Ahh, good old 7018, my personal Fav is 6011, once she gets into that wire feed you know what's going to happen, she will say the hell with those Sticks! HA! Already has!! Text I got earlier "Ran out of sticks....finishing rest with wirefeed....YAY!! Sooooooo much easier!!" Pics of her welding please!
    1 point
  45. Which Onk AVR do you have? Mine is an Onk 717 (2012-13 model) and it sounds great with my CF-4's, but the CF-4 does not respond as nicely to the tube amps like the Heritage speakers do. TX-NR609 Sounds fine for HT just not as good for 2ch. The HK 430 has more of a live presence to it. It seems faster, tighter, more detailed, punchier, etc. I'd love to try some tubes someday when money permits it.
    1 point
  46. Shawshank redemption on Blu Ray. Great movie!
    1 point
  47. $149.00 shipped from Audio Advisor , well worth the money
    1 point
  48. And, did I mention FREE?
    1 point
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