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Jubilee Amplifiers?


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I had an Audion Silvernight 300B as an amp for my underground Jubillees' K402 for a while. It was not bad at all. That's why if I were you I would listen to it first before buying other amps. You can still switch later on. Besides, in my case I always want to keep a bit of familiar components if one of them is very new, otherwise I would have the feeling that everything is new and in sum also a bit strange.

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Blackcat, Why would 300b's not be able to drive a 8ohm 104db+ celestion driver on a 402?

I guarantee you that combo will blow you out the back of the room if you wanted it to.

Give the 300s a try, you will be very happy I am sure if you like them now. Noise floor may be an issue, but give it a try.

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When it comes to gain matching, having matching power amps for bass and treble makes things simple.  Plug and play, as the saying goes.  As well, it makes the sound quality/timbre consistent from the very bottom to the very top.  This could be very apparent if you’re listening to music that has a lot of content right around the crossover frequency.  


In the case of the Heritage Jubilee, the man at Paducah says that they don’t want to get into any complicated setups, requiring lots of follow-up.  Customers buying these speakers should be knowledgeable, and not new to high end audio.  The Heritage Jubilee processor is set up for matching bass and treble amps, and if somebody wants to experiment with big SS amps for the bass and little tube amps for the treble, they’re on their own.

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On 8/20/2022 at 2:24 PM, mark1101 said:


Not to offend anyone here but this has become a very much "budget" forum.  REALLY good electronics DO make a difference. 

I’ve thought this also.  With the price of newer Klipsch Cornwall, LaScala, Khorns, and Jubes, I’m wondering if many members have moved to higher priced components and found differences? I love spending less, but am interested in experiences where members have moved up in price and found  improved sound. 
I understand diminishing returns, but wondering if people have spent more and got that magic little bit more that made all the difference.

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Of course if you spend more you will certainly see that little bit more of magic that makes all the difference -- How could it be any other way ?


But some are able to spend less, way less, and get extremely good results from that, knowing the real gains are made in room treatment.  Resonant chamber and comb filter effects anyone ?

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19 hours ago, Racer X said:

Of course if you spend more you will certainly see that little bit more of magic that makes all the difference -- How could it be any other way ?


But some are able to spend less, way less, and get extremely good results from that, knowing the real gains are made in room treatment.  Resonant chamber and comb filter effects anyone ?

This hobby is definitely an art.  No argument that you can build a nice sounding less expensive system in a good sounding room and be very happy.


What concerns me sometimes is the gushing threads over a chip amp that costs less than a night out with my wife.  Then, a few months later the truth comes out.  If I had to choose some "budget" amplification I would immediately go to the DIY amp builder guys.  I know what I could find among them.

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9 minutes ago, mark1101 said:

This hobby is definitely an art.  No argument that you can build a nice sounding less expensive system in a good sounding room and be very happy.


What concerns me sometimes is the gushing threads over a chip amp that costs less than a night out with my wife.  Then, a few months later the truth comes out.  If I had to choose some "budget" amplification I would immediately go to the DIY amp builder guys.  I know what I could find among them.


Stated by a guy with MCM-ll and two KPT-684 subs .........in his basement      smile 

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22 hours ago, VDS said:

I understand diminishing returns, but wondering if people have spent more and got that magic little bit more that made all the difference.

I may speak from some experience once you top, say $1500 on electronics

I fail to hear much difference


I worked in Studios for years, just to give some insite

An example might be, a Jolida CD player vs Sony

The Jolida just has a bit more " life"



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On 8/25/2022 at 9:57 PM, Blackcat said:

Class-A  for the sweet top end though not SET with Class-AB for the base for a tight bottom end?

I have K-402s with AXI2050 drivers. I have tried Class D, Class AB, Class H, chip amps, tube monoblocks with push pull KT120s, 300B SET, and Pass design Class A.

I am running the class A amp on the AXI2050s. To me it has the best dynamics and the most natural sound. I am running Class H (AB with a fancy power supply) on the bass.

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I know it's UJ not the new Jubes but I like my First Watt SIT2 on the the top with TAD 4002s and Hypek NC400 monoblocks I built from their kit on the bottom.  I've tried various chip amps on the top including the NobSound TPA3116, VTL TinyTriodes in both triode and pentode mode (a bit noisy), and Welborne Labs Laurel IIs (too noisy).  Tried the TPA3116 on the bottom (surprisingly good) and Behringer EP4000 (overkill).


When switching amps I had to get out the RS meter and play some test tones because these all have different input sensitivities.  I had to adjust the gain either on the amp itself (Behringer and Nobsound) or in the Xilica xover otherwise more bass can just sound better or make the top dull in comparison and more top end can seem like a revelation in "air" and "detail" at first but makes the bass seem lacking and gets tiring.  Matching and balance like so many things...


On a side note I'm looking for a fanless amp to run the 2 Danley DTS-10s anchoring these UJs.  (powered by the Behringer now but too noisy even with a fan mod).  A used Crown K2 can be had for about $400.  Should I start a new thread?

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Thanks all for the input.... I guess I am getting the cart a bit before the cart on the amps but starting to get excited about the Jubilee's.  I do think I'll give my trusty Coincident Frankenstein 300B's on the top before making any rash decisions.  My current horns are 112dB and the amps are dead quiet, well helped a bit by a Shunyata Denali of which I was a long time power denier that got proven wrong.  We can pick this up in the spring when my room is done and I'm ready to go. 

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