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This 4 pics sequence was done by a friend of mine, it´s quiet creative imo .5 points
Well across the street from me is one of the normal homes around here. Three or four thousand square feet and in a higher tax bracket. I've waved a couple times with no reciprocation so I really don't want to bug them. Besides that, there aren't too many windows in the den where I'll be set up. Believe me with the 10° this morning, I like more brick around me!4 points
4 points
We managed to somehow avoid the big snow event yesterday. Friends of mine 30 minutes north of here got about 10 inches and we got zilch, just lots of rain yesterday as our temps stayed in the upper 30’s until the precipitation passed us by. This afternoon after the temp dropped into the low 20’s we started getting some flurries. The kids have a remote day for school tomorrow so we decided to go out for a walk around town while there was still some snow on the ground. it was around 11° by the time we got back to the house after stopping by the grocery store for some donuts and bacon for breakfast in the morning.4 points
I sent this in a message to Iteachstem and thought it would be fun to see if anyone else on here enjoys being an internet sleuth - AKA I'm trying to find XYZ, or I can't figure out what this item is that I have, etc. Here's my best one: Around 20 years ago, my boss where I worked was looking for a children's book. The book was written by his wife's sister who had passed away. They were hoping to find one more copy of the book so that all of her children could have a copy. I ended up finding two of them, one hard cover and one soft cover. I didn't tell him that I had found it, I just put it on his desk at work. He came out of his office holding the book and his eyes looked like he had seen a ghost. "Where did you find this???" I told him that I had found it on a used book store's website and that I actually had another copy coming as well. It was right before Christmas so he wrapped it up and gave it to her and the family had another one to keep as well. It was pretty awesome. The family was floored that I found not one but two copies of the book!3 points
And neither is inherently superior in all things audio... Same with the tube versus solid state cliche's. It's sad after all these years all those same cliche are being spewed all over the poor audio consumers...3 points
My real-world experience with that is if you change the capacitor type by much which with brand new network you would have to make some serious changes to net yourself any difference, you'll also change the balance of the speaker in one direction or the other. Klipsch is pretty damn good at getting the best out of the components they use. Changing part types or "upgrading" blindly is a recipe for disaster.2 points
Same here, without the elevation change, snow and large rocks. Ok just lack of close neighbors is as close as we get to that pic.2 points
looks so familliar to me JJ , could be the same forest like the one where I lived 2 decades , the nearest neigbour house was approx. 1.700 feet distance to mine2 points
Man, I remember this rabbit hole. I don’t agree with your generalization of push pull sound Henry. Same with SET. Different topologies just sound different.2 points
A couple years ago, right after Russia invaded Ukraine, My good friend Brad, decided to go over there to help out. he spent the next year and something helping to deliver food and medical supplies to folks in and around the Bakhmut area. He also provided evacuation services to the elderly and infirm. At times he was literally carrying people out of apartment buildings as they were being shelled by the advancing Russian forces. During all of this he mentioned that he had heard a particular organ piece on public radio some years before and that it wasn’t available anywhere. This piqued my interest, I had actually remembered Brad mentioning this same piece several years before. I started searching. Eventually I was able to track down the website of the organist in Norway who had recorded the only known copy of the work in question. I entered my info on his websites contact form and waited. Within a day or two I had a response asking for my address so he could send me a copy of his CD. A few weeks later a copy of the CD showed up at my house.2 points
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I know you will appreciate this next video as the musicianship is over the moon Genre is prog / jazz fusion Enjoy a track from Bill Buford - Rock Goes to College2 points
I upgraded from a Denon AVR-X2500H to an AVC-X3800h. speaker setup front r820f center r504c Surround r51m subwoofer r120sw Previously I got decent bass from the R120SW. almost nothing now. I have my front and center set to 80hz. Surround at 120hz. subwoofer connected to LFE. gain at 40% crossover on the subwoofer on LFE. crossover subwoofer via denon at LFE and 120hz. what am I doing wrong?1 point
@KT88 The dealer I will make a appointment show me: Camebridge EVO 150 Supernait 3 Leak 130 nad c3050 Cayin jazz (not in wearehouse, for this we are waiting for the testing) How I sad, I have no knowledge from the technical side. I like the vintage look of some of these amps. But the weight of the EVO 150 doesn't make a valuable impression. And I read something about ASR Emitter, but for the budget they can sell only second hand from 2000. I’m not sure if this will be a good deal (age)1 point
Yeah, I'd personally hold off more years before messing with the crossovers. I can't see Klipsch not doing a great job on those where they need to be altered. Now, if they were older CW's, that would be another story.1 point
The speakers are designed to be grounded to the floor. There is zero benefit to raising them. In fact, detrimental to sound quality. Why would you want to molest the crossovers on a Cornwall IV?1 point
That's about 2 hours north of me. Brutal in the winter but beautiful in the summer!1 point
Not to worry until it gets to -40F. Then you put a piece of plywood in front of the radiator to let the car engine heat up. Drain the radiator and fill it up with kerosene which won't freeze. Use as many block heaters and battery heaters you can strap on. Carry a benzine torch to thaw out the wheel bearings. Install those stickum plastic windows on the inside of your car windows because your defroster wont work in -40F. Chains on all 4 wheels. If you don't have 4 wheel/all wheel drive set your car on fire and buy a new one that does. JJK1 point
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I just figured ether no one that had one was willing to open it up or there wasn’t anyone with one. I really appreciate what you are doing here. Thank you.1 point
The Type AL-3 is the Klipsch upgrade from the Type AL.1 point
I have yet to pull the crossover. But my cousin gave me the idea to put my leads directly to the speakers and they are all in fact working. I will take a deeper dive into the crossover this week.1 point
Maybe eventually. I still have a lot of work to do to some speakers I’m building before cracking open a brand new amp. I heard the “Skunky mods” are winners?1 point
Thank you. I had given up on this forum and was only checking every few months for replies. Ill order the replacement this weekend.1 point
My first piece of advice I can give you is stop going by what you're told and go by what YOU hear. This is a self-gratification type hobby. If the sound from your own system pleases you the job is complete. Also do not be so presumptuous as to think just because you love how it sounds others should too! There are absolutely no absolutes in this hobby. Now onto the rest...I suggest you invest in a better digital front end...if everything is "right" you should hear very little difference in the sound of the two formats. Do not think this requires megabucks to be spent. Look for the latest greatest DAC from 5 or more years ago on the used market and also make sure you are listening to digital recordings up to the task. Good Luck Craig PS don't get me wrong I'm a vinyl lover! But digital can sound every bit as good if done right.1 point
Sounds like fun! The first arrow that lands in my back yard? Going out to get it when the range is clear, snap it over my knee and give it back to him in two pieces. This kid has zero common sense but I get that too. lol1 point
That's kind of what I pictured, or at the least looking out for arrows if he is shooting, a bow is scary, you will not hear it. Keep a lookout1 point
It’s the most brilliant album - you need to add it to the collection mate But first have a listen to the album and I’m sure you will agree Bass – Jeff Berlin Drums, Percussion, Liner Notes, Producer – Bill Bruford Guitar – Allan Holdsworth Keyboards – Dave Stewart Vocals – Annette Peacock1 point
Well... the temperature has stayed at 32 since I got up and it looks like we might get a couple inches. @MicroMara remember when we talked about making PWK proud? That's my friend's house over there across the creek. I'd need fully horn loaded speakers!1 point
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It's almost as if it's a mass produced product. . . . Waitaminute...1 point
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HI Von Hoellert, I'm located in Italy, I had Cornwall 3 for several years. Some weeks ago I heard Cornwall 4 at my dealer: very good speakers, especially in the medium frequencies. The dealer wants 4800 € for difference between 3 and 4: at this moment I think that 4 doesn't deserve this huge difference, but this is a very, very personal evaluation... I like my Cornwall's 3 very much, maybe in the future I'll think about for an upgrade.1 point
Spent the summer remodeling our retirement house in Colorado. New paint, floors, molding, all plumbing fixtures and shut off valves, new windows, and a full demo and re-do of the kitchen. (The last two were contracted out) Before the countertops were installed in the kitchen, I put Billy Bones in a “Dead Space”. Playing the long game here. My wife put a note in the rib cage with our kids telephone numbers, so that whoever next remodels (after we’re gone…) can let the kids in on the joke.1 point
I'm working on that. There are some pics in a PDF on page 1 of this thread. I just talked to Gil. He said he'd be glad to go with someone to the location where everything is stored and talk "turkey". You'll need to come with a truck or van for the larger stuff and pick him up where he lives. We will pack and ship the smaller stuff, at buyers expense. Contact him at w.f.mcdermott@gmail.com or PM me and I'll give you his phone number.1 point
1 point
Hi, I can vouch for the 3M command strips, the two sided ones, for not leaving marks on the walls. To mount foam panels I used duct tape on the back of the 12"x12" panels and created different shapes of 4 panels. Then, I attached the command strips to the duct tape, 2 commend strips per panel group. Then, stick the command strips to the wall. This is a method for temporarily mounting these. It sorta works...I've had lots of panels fall over the years but it always comes loose at the command strip to duct tape joint. So, I pull the command strip off the wall (pulling parallel to the wall) and redo it and it holds for a few months to a few more years. The command strips do not leave any marks whatsoever on my walls, which I why I like them. I'm going to try supergluing the command strip directly to the foam and see how that works. I might also try these t-pins to connect the panels to each other instead of duct tape, since that tends to not hold forever. Mace1 point
Hi all, I'm moving to Europe and don't want to take my CD's (but I can take my Cornwalls!). What I'd like to do is rip them all at AIF or lossless to a hard drive (preferably a 1 or 1.5 TB). I've done some searching here and haven't seen a "turn-key" solution. Does anyone know of any excellent hard drive based player (as good or better than my Sony SACD player) which I could use? I looked at www.redwineaudio.com/Olive.html but these Opus units are thousands of dollars which seems a bit steep. Any advice or experiences to share would be great. Thanks, Mace1 point
Yes the Olive is a nice option but at $1700 it is also an expensive one. With a Mac Mini and a 1.5 TB drive I'm out about $900 (if I buy new)... plus I get the benefit of having a real computer for other stuff as well, or for using as a video server. On the olive.us web site I couldn't find the power specs. Is it switchable 120-220 V and 50-60 Hz? This is important since my stint in Europe is around 3-4 years only and then I'll be back in the USA. I suppose power transformers are an option but I'd rather stay away from these for my audio equipment. Thanks much, Mace1 point
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Thanks for all the helpful replies. I've checked out all these links and it seems mucho dinero is needed for these things... Let's say I was to get a Mac Mini for a digital jukebox (or old iMac) with optical audio out. Does this mean that the signal coming out is just pure 1's and 0's? If so, can I run this directly into an amp with an optical in and pretty much have a pure signal going to the amp and then the amp does the D/A conversion? In other words, is it possible to forego the $1600 D/A converter such as the Olive unit? Thanks much! Mace1 point
Hi there, I really can't add to what's been said as far as brands here... but as far as your power range goes please consider that a 200 W amp gives you only +3 dB sound pressure than a 100 W amp. Can you really tell the difference between 112 and 115 dB of sound pressure? You may have more of an audiophile ear than you think. What are those old CW's rated for power handling? My old 1977 CW's are only rated at 100 W continuous. Regards, Mace1 point
Wow. What a great day! Many thanks to the Klipsch team, especially Trey and Amy and all the tour guides. Great facility, great people, great products. First class all the way around. It was also great to meet some old friends and make new ones and meet the good folks on this board. It was a treat for me to have my old crap (errr. "stuff") tested and even get the data files (which imported into the free REW software just fine, which was a nice bonus). While I didn't get a lot of listening in (spent most of my time in the lab) it was pretty impressive to hear the smaller non-round Klipsch. Thanks again! Mace1 point
HDBRBuilder would certainly add some value to this discussion! I bought some KHorns in the Chicago area for about the same buckaroos and these ones here are nicer looking. Mace1 point