CECAA850 Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Yes Jim. Most people would pull for the pilot knowing he or she had your life in their hands regardless of their training or who they cared about. I honestly feel badly for how miserable you must be. I hope things get better for you. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Woofers and Tweeters Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 1 hour ago, jimjimbo said: What's really tiring is the willful disregard for peoples lives for the supposed benefit of the economy and the excuses people make for the incredibly naive actions of those that are supposed to protect all Americans, not just the rich and well connected. If you and others here are so confident that everything's going to be OK, it's just going to go away, it will be a miracle.....please, be my guest, take it from the great state of Tennessee who just "opened" their state, on the same day that they reported their single highest daily death count from the virus. Have at it. From what I can tell, the Wuhan Virus will be with us beyond Easter, beyond the end of the month and maybe for years. IMHO, we have to set safeguards in place and do what we can to put food on out tables. What would you suggest people do (seriously, nothing to do with Trump or any political figures, only the masses of people)? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geoff. Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 15 hours ago, tube fanatic said: I tried to buy a new freezer also because mine is 24 years old. The appliance dealer I’ve known for 40 years, who belongs to an east coast buyers group, said that freezers are totally nonexistent and that some may start trickling in by summer. As to the food shortage, I ask that everyone read this paper and draw your own conclusions (it will take 10 minutes). https://academic.oup.com/jicj/article/17/4/699/5721410 Please, make any comments general and stay away from politics. What I want to know is what is being done with the millions of chickens, pigs and cows which are being “depopulated”? It is beyond my comprehension that food is being thrown away at a time when there isn’t enough to go around. Maynard I too am trying wrap my head around the logic of destroying food at this juncture. Purely profit oriented. Should this not be considered a form of price gouging? Ok, you have no market for the product... Is EVERY foodbank, Mission, and soup kitchen in North America stocked to capacity? Donations are tax deductible, DUH! ...Houston, we have a slight problem! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geoff. Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Holy crap! I just now read the link. Correction, Houston, we have a serious problem! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OO1 Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 3 hours ago, Woofers and Tweeters said: What would you suggest people do hope for the best , protect your old folks who are weaker facing this virus and keep social distancing effective until this virus dies down , 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sancho Panza Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 1 hour ago, jimjimbo said: Would you pull for the pilot if you knew he/she had absolutely no training in how to fly the plane, or that he/she didn't give a crap about anyone in the passenger compartment? I don't think so. What's really tiring is the willful disregard for peoples lives for the supposed benefit of the economy and the excuses people make for the incredibly naive actions of those that are supposed to protect all Americans, not just the rich and well connected. If you and others here are so confident that everything's going to be OK, it's just going to go away, it will be a miracle.....please, be my guest, take it from the great state of Tennessee who just "opened" their state, on the same day that they reported their single highest daily death count from the virus. Have at it. Bet most were in the Memphis area...haven’t looked it up; so, be my guest, have at it. Screw protecting all Americans at the expense of my Constitutional Rights, I volunteered, & did my part on that front, a long time ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigStewMan Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 26 minutes ago, geoff. said: I too am trying wrap my head around the logic of destroying food at this juncture. One thing to remember is that a lot happens between the farm and your table. Is the farmer also going to be the butcher and the inspector? is the dairy farmer also going to pasteurize the milk? Selling raw milk is not legal everywhere. i would think there would be a solution other than destroying the animals. Can they be sold to another country that has the ability to slaughter and pack them? Just thinking out loud, i’m not a farmer and never have played one on television either. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sancho Panza Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 P. S. Screw mandatory socialist distancing, voluntary OK. Right to Peaceably Assemble is not limited to less than 10, voluntary OK. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NBPK402 Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 So you are ok with being a unknown carrier of COVID 19, and not having social distance or masks?Sent from my SM-T830 using Tapatalk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimjimbo Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 59 minutes ago, CECAA850 said: Yes Jim. Most people would pull for the pilot knowing he or she had your life in their hands regardless of their training or who they cared about. I honestly feel badly for how miserable you must be. I hope things get better for you. No Carl, not miserable at all except for considering how diluted, stilted, and brainwashed your thinking must be through all of this. My number 1 priority is in trying to protect my family and others around us, that's all. Amazing how some believe that it's their right to put my life and my family's life in danger while disregarding the opinion of the scientists who know better. If you can't see that, well, I feel sorry for you. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sancho Panza Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 39 minutes ago, Negatron said: So you are ok with being a unknown carrier of COVID 19, and not having social distance or masks? Sent from my SM-T830 using Tapatalk So you are ok with suicide, and divorce, and having mandatory socialist distancing and masks? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mungkiman Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 What does suicide or divorce have to do with any of this? 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave A Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 8 hours ago, jimjimbo said: If you and others here are so confident that everything's going to be OK, it's just going to go away, it will be a miracle.....please, be my guest, take it from the great state of Tennessee who just "opened" their state, on the same day that they reported their single highest daily death count from the virus. Have at it. Driving home from working in Nashville yesterday. They were talking about keeping some sort of behavior control in place for some time yet to come. Then they say the new infections crossed 100 for a single day. So first we have this. The Davidson county is Nashville and the state and the county can't even agree on how many wuhan infections there are. So first off another indication many numbers are spurious. 626,681 is the population for Davidson/Nashville and they have something like 138 deaths now. so according to those numbers you have a 1 in 242 chance of even getting this and a 1 in 4,541 chance of death. So basically we have been locked up and businesses and peoples lives thrown in turmoil for something that does not kill as many people as the flu and also pneumonia does around here each year. You can choose to panic as do people who believe whatever CNN tells them to believe but for me this is all bogus and by the numbers I have utterly no fear of going out and about and intend to do so. For people in the identified high risk categories you make THEM stay at home while the world goes about it's business. So today the Democrat Mayor of Nashville who saw a 24% increase in tax revenue over the last three years and then spent every penny of it is now whining about losing $300,000,000 in tax revenue and will have roughly the same 24% decrease in revenue this year. He still wants to keep things shut down but will thankfully be forced to open up as surrounding counties are opening up and business will go there and not pay his Nashville bills due. His answer? While we all take pay cuts and many lose their life's savings businesses and homes because of this perfidity the government shall suffer no decrease in employment nor take pay cuts nor reduce their budgets. This idiots answer is to raise property taxes 31% to cover his swollen budget. So the people who have been made to senselessly suffer under the heavy hand of government over reach and abuse are now to pay even more so those who caused all this nonsense can get off scott free. Why are you so against the American way of life as it has been for centuries and unwilling to even consider you have been sold a big lie for nefarious purposes? I was thinking of your new icon and wondering if it was for electronics or because you consider yourself a "resistor". If you are afraid then stay home but don't tell me to. Bonus is if you are right and I am wrong if you stay at home for the next thirty years you won't get wuhan and twenty years from now when I fall into those high risk groups you can watch me pass away and then say "see I told you I was right". I was going to die anyway in short order at that point in time from something but I am not selfish enough to want to punish working people around me because i got old. They deserve the same opportunities to be successful as I had and it is un-American to take that away from them. "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) " Metro Public Health Department officials reported 2,588 cases of COVID-19 in Davidson County on Tuesday morning, a difference of 205 cases. MPHD also released the latest heat map which now includes cumulative cases in Davidson County. In its Tuesday morning update, the Shelby County Health Department reported 2,358 cases of COVID-19 in the county, 18 fewer cases than the state reports. Tennessee Dept. of Health Confirmed Cases (This only reflects what the TDH is reporting each day at 2 p.m. CST. For updated totals listed by agencies across Tennessee visit WKRN.com) County Cases Anderson 24 Bedford 167 Benton 6 Bledsoe 589 Blount 55 Bradley 46 Campbell 14 Cannon 11 Carroll 18 Carter 12 Cheatham 42 Chester 10 Claiborne 5 Clay 5 Cocke 16 Coffee 33 Crockett 7 Cumberland 70 Davidson 2,383 Decatur 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave A Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 6 hours ago, Negatron said: So you are ok with being a unknown carrier of COVID 19, and not having social distance or masks? Sent from my SM-T830 using Tapatalk YES just like I am for the flu or whatever else may be around that I might have and don't even know since it has had no effect upon me. All this fear for so little provable risk. Stay at home if you fear but don't shut the world down for nothing. Did you stay at home for the H1N1 swine flu thing? I thought not and you did not give going out a second thought. You fear this thing today because the media tells you to fear and then never really ask if they should be trusted. We were talking about this yesterday as I was working in Nashville and not one of us even knew a person that had this wuhan flu much less hospitalized over it. We all know someone who has the flu each year though and know old people who have died from pneumonia. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tube fanatic Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Finally, something positive about the food supply: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-defense-production-act-meat-processing-plants-open-coronavirus/ There really is no choice with this as the 80% reduced processing which the White House official said could happen would be the end of the country. Maynard 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sancho Panza Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 7 hours ago, mungkiman said: What does suicide or divorce have to do with any of this? Stay at home has consequences, & repercussions. These are just two; of many possibilities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CECAA850 Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 8 hours ago, jimjimbo said: No Carl, not miserable at all except for considering how diluted, stilted, and brainwashed your thinking must be through all of this. My number 1 priority is in trying to protect my family and others around us, that's all. Amazing how some believe that it's their right to put my life and my family's life in danger while disregarding the opinion of the scientists who know better. If you can't see that, well, I feel sorry for you. I now have to remind myself when replying that I'm talking to a person who is so full of hate that he would root for a pilot to fail out of spite while he's a passenger on the airplane. There doesn't seem to be much logic to that. Let's not kid ourselves here. This isn't about masks, it isn't about the virus, it isn't about you keeping your family safe. It's about your laser sharp focus on your hatred for the president. Any opportunity you get you try to work it into any and every topic you possibly can. This didn't just start, it goes way back to even before you petitioned the moderators to allow you to have an anti Trump avatar. You seem to be consumed with it and from all the PM's I get, people are tired of it. Honestly, I don't see why it's allowed to continue but thankfully I have no say in the matter and don't have to deal with the repercussions you cause. There are SO many other things to talk about on this forum yet you keep wanting to go back to the same old same old. Sigh.......................... 2 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CECAA850 Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 2 hours ago, Dave A said: Stay at home if you fear but don't shut the world down for nothing As per THIS web site, our county of 255,000+ people has a death rate of .000075%. According to officials here, most deaths have occurred with patients that were elderly or had additional medical issues prior to getting the virus. I think that this type info should be factored into any decision that's made about social interaction. That site by the way is updated many times an hour and has the most current information I've found. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grasshopper Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 this is precisely why I have been avoiding these threads. Can't separate politics and science in this ordeal. I am reminded of a line from RedSun [SeanConnery/WesleySnipes].... Stop trying to fix blame and fix the problem we all want the same, regardless of politics. We want "back to normal"... Think that train has left the station. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grasshopper Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Just now, CECAA850 said: According to officials here, most deaths have occurred with patients that were elderly or had additional medical issues prior to getting the virus. somehow, I get the impression that a whole bunch of us fall into these criteria... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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