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    • He likes his coffee black because he won’t admit that things were better with cream.     things are okay. The debris recovery teams with the tall dump trucks have been grabbing a bunch of downed trees and brush from the roadside in the county. They have been clearing out riverside park near our house.   we are still a month or two from anything on lower street downtown opening back up.
    • He didn't really mention it on here. He had sent me a link to his Word Press pages, but it was already sometime after the fact.
    • Wow...how come I did not know about this tragedy in Dave's life. I came on board the forum too late? Gee whiz my wife and I spent a night at his house in Texarkana on the way to a pilgrimage. Way too painful to reminisce about I suppose. He had 2.1 system in that house with Klipschorn mains and a F20 sub that cecaa850 built for him. Room was lined all the way around floor to ceiling with records. Must have been at least 5000. There was a small cleared out area for gear. A turntable and amps I don't remember and a DBX 4BX dynamic range expander which intrigued me. From this inspiration i have acquired 2 of them and completely refurbished. Learned a lot about RMS level detectors and voltage controlled amplifiers because of this...because of Dave...RIP Mr Mallette.
    • Well you may have seen the story on the news that a gentleman that finally got back in his home after roads were rebuilt lost his beautiful log home to the wild fire.  I think he lives in Henderson, NC.  Sad.....
    • well yea there's that too
    • "My problem is that I have a very hard time hearing and understanding the human voice."   It's time for hearing aids. Resistance if futile-you WILL be assimilated.
    • My $0.02...as we get older (as we all do) intelligibility of the human voice gets harder and harder. IMHO you need a center channel. That is where all the dialog (OK most) is sent. Without a center it gets split Left and Right along with everything else and becomes even harder to pick out for our old ears.
    • Try a multi band equalizer, 21 band for example, something with a plus or minus 12 db adjustment, or more. Usually the lower frequencies can be attenuated and the frequencies that are most associated with voice intelligibility can be boosted . Every one’s needs are different so experimenting is important . Another thing to try is running a  dialogue channel ,( center channel) adjust it  a fair amount louder than usual as the other channels tend to drown out the dialogue for those with hearing trouble. 
    • 75W Yamaha stereo receiver. Thanks
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