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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/23 in all areas

  1. Big breath….again….Mr K never understood the difference between home speakers and commercial. He told me that it should not matter what you have hooked up to the speaker….a turntable or a band….the speaker should faithfully reproduce the input signal.
    11 points
  2. you think chaos ... you should see it ,here, when we get snow. Folks don't seem to know that snow/ice is slippery
    4 points
  3. Snowed here the whole night through , it´s still dark at 5 .50 am but looks nice outside , the moon´s light is reflected on the white landscape . Good that I don´t have to use my car today , it will be a traffic chaos here . Have a further appointment with my lawyer at 11.30 am. I can walk to him as his office is near by, maybe a 15 minutes walk. Like every morning I´m drinking a green sencha tea right now, coffee not before 10 am. So let´s see what´s going on today .......
    4 points
  4. Sittin here waiting on my Dope From Hope books. Read where one of the guys said the return addy was "Dope From Hope" on the box. So I went out of the box over thinking it. New girl on the mail route, my old carrier who knows I'm bat sheet crazy wouldn't think a thing about it but her? Could be another chapter in my "Duckburg" book. "Postal Inspectors, Federal Marshall's, County Sheriff and local law enforcement officials raid home in drug related search." Sound about right? 😂💪😂
    3 points
  5. Don't ask why I'm up and in here @ 8AM. I'm clueless. City boys just drove up out front w/the vac truck. Maybe they did me a solid but it's doubtful. They've got the guy across the street figured out and just laff when I'm out and they're in the hood. Sittin here waiting on my Dope From Hope books. Read where one of the guys said the return addy was "Dope From Hope" on the box. So I went out of the box over thinking it. New girl on the mail route, my old carrier who knows I'm bat sheet crazy wouldn't think a thing about it but her? Could be another chapter in my "Duckburg" book. "Postal Inspectors, Federal Marshall's, County Sheriff and local law enforcement officials raid home in drug related search." Sound about right? @the real Duke Spinner I took my girls out one winter and started making donuts in a big parking lot. At first they didn't get it then they did and we had a blast. Naturally they told mom and I got chewed out about it. As if... So we went out and made some more the next time it snowed. 😂
    3 points
  6. I was in Abilene Texas one time It snowed 3" or so ...Common thought was that if you locked up the wheels, they would dig down to Pavement. 😀😀😀😀😀😀 Being a NYer . I was doing donuts 🙂
    3 points
  7. No thread drift please but I'm not sure if I agree with you on this point. The way you talk about the JJ preamp tubes is a little too harsh for me. I like them and they need some break-in time themselves. They are not "cheap" but the only 12A/ECC tubes that are still made on original Telefunken machines from 1972. Of course I respect if your taste is different. But, and now I come back to the thread...Klipsch La Scalas core properties do not depend on certain tube brands.
    3 points
  8. The magic of the La Scala AL5 and Tubes sometimes things just come together if your open minded. They appear about 1:45 in the video and you can tell they are still like little kids having fun with this audio stuff after decades in this hobby. miketn
    3 points
  9. "Need" sounds as if it wouldn't be complete without a subwoofer, as if a sub would have to be added after two days at the latest. In my experience, this is not the case. Unless it's lowest pipes organ music or earthquakes in movies, I personally don't see a compelling need for a sub. You can certainly add a sub, sooner or later. But when I listen to jazz, rock, classical or pop music, I don't miss anything, at least in the rarest of cases. Buying a La Scala is a complete and well-rounded choice in itself. Familiarisation and musical preferences play a role. By the way, apart from the lowest organ pipe registers, organ music sounds absolutely goosebump-inducing on the La Scala.
    3 points
  10. And there it is. Your class is oozing out of you. I’m well aware of the history of the LaScala. But leave it to a knucklehead like you to point it out in a negative light. Some would say that all horns are good for nothing but public address systems. Too bad you couldn’t rise above.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. It was right around 24 years ago I was recovering from a neck operation and was dealing with issues with a set of Klipsch Computer speakers.... I wandered into this forum looking for support for those and stumbled into this 2 channel section......guys were in here "Mobile Homeless" and "Allan Songer" being a few of the most vocal talking about Klipsch and Tubes, which quickly peaked my interest since I learned basic tube electronics from helping my father work om WWW II ham radio gear, he refurbished, used and sold as a sideline from his normal home appliance business which I also worked with him on in my youth. So "Mobile Homeless" was keen on the lowly low quality parts EICO HF-81, "Allan Songer" was a fan of the HH Scott line of vintage amps for a decent build quality and awesome phono section. My father told me EICO brand test equipment was garbage...I quickly gravitated toward the better built and handsome looking Scott line of amplifiers. So, on eBay I bought a pristine condition 222C that the moron eBayer packed improperly so the face plate ended bent over in shipping. I forced him into a deep discount and kept it. Which led me to decide to see just what I could do to improve it. In steps "Mark Deeneen" of Juicy Music Audio and famed Paragon preamplifier of the 1970's which none of knew that was who he was at the time. He takes me under his magical electronics wing! Teaches me most of what I know about tube audio! All the while "Mobile Homeless" obviously feels threatened a resident "tube guy" of the forum! Those 2 proceed to fight for my musical sole LOL!!! Man were those days a riot around here... All the while folks were watching as a reported what I was doing to the 222C... I started getting asked "would you do one for me". I did a few for the part and shipping cost no labor or profit. It mushroomed out my control! I was released back to work (home improvement contractor) and still did the refurbing for profit as a part time thing for about a year! Then I had a recurring neck problem and was told by the Neurosurgeon that I needed to stop working over my head or with any vibrating power tools. I talked with my wife and decided to take the leap and turn my new hobby business into my new full-time business! Man did that work out great! So fast forward 24 years I have become forced into semi-retirement from what seems like never ending nagging health issues to the point I have not taken in new work in 4 years! At 62 I was approved for Federal SS disability in 7 weeks without even seeing a doctor because my health records were that bad in 2021... including lung issue from smoking for years but had quit and sucking solder fumes for 20+ years. Here I am recovering from Total Knee replacement surgery my nagging health issues have stabilized from good health care providers! I design a ventilation system for my shop and I'm back here offering my services starting two months from now. Isn't it strange how things come full circle in life sometimes! Cheers Craig www.nosvalves.com PS forgot one detail I damn near died at home with COVID in 2020 of course it found my weak spot those lungs! But I'm a stubborn Bxxxxxxx In 2016 it was the Flu that almost got me...7 days in the hospital...
    2 points
  13. That was a terrible recording of his voice. Awful. JJK
    2 points
  14. Bob Dylan on Letterman in '92. Amazing list of musicians for the night...
    2 points
  15. As it was a cold and snowy day outside I deceided to continue to record some cd´s on my Teac V 6030 S Tapedeck. It´s my third mixed tape w/intwo weeks . The first was a CD Blues Compilation, the second a analogue Vinyl Rock Tape and the third was a CD Soul / Funk / Jazzfunk Mix . To give you an idea how it looks when I´m a busy DJ 😂
    2 points
  16. Update here: I am enjoying the Elekit 8600S 300B tube kit. After making sure it was operating correctly, I bought a pair of new WE 300B tubes, but didn't need a matched pair (the Elekit has auto bias with--sound the organ--transistor circuitry) or a wooden box, so that saved a few dimes. The sound is wonderful through my 72 Khorns with Type A crossovers. Way more than enough power with 9W output. I'm using Telefunken 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes in the front end. There is only one input on the amp so I have two four-position audio switches to select between my Vincent Pho 701 phono preamp, CD, iPot aka iPod, TV, and FM tuner. See my post under Two-channel about Elekit reviews and 12AX7 tubes culled from Stereophile. Peace be the journey
    2 points
  17. I hope my Dope From Hope book comes with a gorgeous La Scala like yours did. That's even cooler than the BS button
    2 points
  18. Vocals should come across as positively forward with Lascala , I believe that what you sense here is the very tight overdamped quality of Lascala bass,which is further enhanced by the relatively high cutoff at around 50 hz . The Cornwall goes lower , but overall which speaker provides the highest quality bass ? I prefer Lascala , all day long . Give yourself some time to adjust to the new sound.🤓
    2 points
  19. Just to add, LaScala's have been marketed for home use for around 4 or 5 decades. One would think good engineers would know what is expected for home use after decades being sold for that purpose. The Jubilee speakers have roots in pro use as well.
    2 points
  20. Your speakers need 100 hours minimum to break in. That midrange will open up like you won't believe. At about 80 hours the midrange really opened up on Forte IV's and Heresy IV's that I purchased new. The change was dramatic. Give it time. i didn't notice much change after 100 hours, but the sound was not very good before they reached their final stage.
    2 points
  21. Have you tried both the 4ohm and 8ohm taps of your amplifier to see which sounds best in your situation…? Never underestimate the importance of moving the speaker positions even a few inches can make significant differences and it’s free. Pictures of your room/system setup would help us understand your situation better if you care to post them. I do agree with some break in time for new loudspeakers especially for the bass. miketn🙂
    2 points
  22. That sounds very logical and understandable. It proves what philosophy PWK had in terms of loudspeakers. They were certainly not mini monitors that you put on the mixing desk. Ok, they also have their justification, but it was not PWK's intention. PWK wanted to reproduce the authentic sound of an acoustic event in your own home with as little loss as possible. The same loudspeaker could also be used outside the home. Of course, you have to adapt the sources, you have to use compressors at a live event, just as you have to do with a vinyl record or CD. So this is also the same in both cases. There's no difference between home recording and public address in terms of not using the same best speaker.
    2 points
  23. They benefit from a well implemented sub just as a Klipschorn would but “need” is more a situation and taste dependent factor IMHO. Dang and here I’ve been enjoying my Cary CAD2a3 SE mono-blocs on my La Scala AL5…. 🙂 miketn
    2 points
  24. I think everyone is familiar with the history of the La Scala. Mentioning this, however, adds nothing to this topic.
    2 points
  25. It's just cold where I am. Yesterday. 40 was the high and it was like after midnight and went down to the 20s today it got into the 30s. It's below freezing and not dark yet. After dark it's going to be in the 20s until the sun comes up so I'm glad I got lots of wool.
    2 points
  26. For something from that era, if you can find a KV-4 many have said it’s one of the best centers they’ve had.
    2 points
  27. Wish Dave could have seen it. He would have liked it I’m sure. T
    2 points
  28. https://syracuse.craigslist.org/ele/d/delphi-falls-klipsch-khorns/7692078267.html
    1 point
  29. My main system has a set of Forte IV's. They are my favorite speakers I've ever owned, and I've owned a few. I'm a rocker at heart and nothing pounds quite like a Forte in my experience. I'm temporary relocated away from my system in an apartment for 5 months. I brought some Dynaudio Special 40 speakers which do some things nicely. I've got them paired with my recently acquired Yamaha A-s1200. The combo is an utter snooze-fest compared to my Fortes. It's not a good pairing, to say the least. Listening to music is dull and uninvolving. It finally hit me today that what I'm missing is the live Klipsch sound. Nothing comes close in my experience. I'm feverishly attempting to track down some Heresy to get me by until I get back to my beloved Fortes. Heaven help the audiophile who doesn't have his Klipsch speakers.
    1 point
  30. None of that sounds off at all. The PrimaLuna should be excellent and it has plenty of power. It sounds like you may have 2 issues. The woofers are new. Woofers really do need some time to loosen up. After I first heard them, I was disappointed in my new Heresy IVs thin sound. So, I ran dub-step with full bass boost through them for about 80 hours (not too loud). Just shut the door. At 40 hours they were much better and probably didn't change after that. Give that a try. You can experiment with using the 4 ohm speaker outputs, too. Older La Scalas ran about 6 ohms in the woofer's range and I expect the new ones do, too. The other is that the La Scala's don't reproduce the lower 5 or 6 bass notes of a double bass/bass guitar very well. Cornwall's will, but also add some distortion that will "fatten" the sound.
    1 point
  31. He'd been doing it for over 30 years at that point so guess there's good nights and bad nights for him!
    1 point
  32. Tell y'all what... When it's 19 and you're out in it the whole time it isn't fun. But it made it to the low forties this afternoon. Got sick but I'll live, will have that home next Tues morning!
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. These are the low frequency enclosures with the factory crossovers. I picked these up from a local theater that closed down, with the intent to source some horns and get them going, but its become a bridge too far. $350 Located in York, PA
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Delivery to Belgium was FedEx. Needed to pay extra 28 cents import. Plus 5 euro admin costs... Thieves
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Just because the La Scala was first utilized for sound reinforcement doesn’t mean it wasn’t for HiFi utilization and as a matter of fact PWK advocated it’s use between his Klipschorns in a 3 speaker array where it was used in the most critical position as a center channel speaker in a HiFi System for the home. miketn
    1 point
  39. It's been a while - very busy for work, and a bit down due to winter, but this package, delivered today, put a smile on my face! Dope from Hope!
    1 point
  40. Received my copies..🙂 I’m absolutely blown away by the Quality, Feel and Beauty of the “DOPE FROM HOPE” book…!!! Packaging was 1st class all the way..!!! miketn
    1 point
  41. First of all, congratulations on your new speakers. You made an excellent choice. However, you've already identified a reason why the speakers might not sound optimal yet—they are brand new. Give them 100 hours to break in. It's quite likely that this will make a difference. Several factors could be at play now: - They need time to break in. - It takes time to get used to the different sound (this played a significant role for me). - You probably haven't experimented much with placement, toe-in, etc. (I had more difficulty finding the right placement for the La Scala than with the Cornwall). - The amplifier-speaker combination might not be ideal (this was a reason why it didn't sound optimal for me). - Your own emotions and doubts can influence your perception (I certainly experienced this too). In the first week, I was convinced my Cornwall 4 was slightly better than the La Scala. A few weeks later, with a different amp that matched better, speakers better positioned, accustomed to the La Scala's sound, I retested Cornwall vs La Scala. I immediately noticed how (relatively) tame the Cornwall sounded—less dynamic, less live feel, small kick drum, voices thinner. It was as if I were listening to a much smaller speaker. The Cornwall 4 seemed to disappear better and sounded a bit fresher, but overall, the La Scala was truly the superior speaker. Give it some time for breaking in. Experiment with speaker placement. If possible, try different amplifiers. Edit:I forgot to mention, you're accustomed to a much fuller bass, which adds a certain warmth to the music. I experienced this too. The AL-5 simply has a thinner bass. It took me some time to get used to it, but when I connected the CW4 again recently, I found the bass to be excessively present. I immediately missed the dry, quick bass of the La Scala. So pls get some time to get used to the sound of the lascala.
    1 point
  42. As a very happy owner of a NOS Valves Stereo VRD amplifier, I'm happy to hear you will be back in business. I've always wanted a NOS Valves-restored HH Scott amplifier. I'm bummed that I missed the one that just sold here.
    1 point
  43. Rub it in Paul. (pun intended) I've seen pics of you modeling a couple hats so I know it's true. Could be those Mediterranean genes helping out with that!
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Best wishes Craig and I look forward to seeing what comes next.
    1 point
  46. Well, after applying the Feed-N-Wax, over the top of the Restor-A-Finish, that treatment looked the best. Not sure if you will be able to see it in the pic. The treatment left a nice sheen. It does not look wet. Does not look like cleat coat. It does not look like the wood has a oil or treatment on it...... just looks like the wood has been hand rubbed and is very smooth. So, I am not sure if Restor-A-Finish with Feed-N-Wax is the perfect combo..... or if the Feed-N-Was is the sole contributor. Right now, I have a coat of Feed-N-Wax on all of the finishes. I will hand buff that off in about 20 minutes and the I'll share the results. Top box below is the Restor-A-Finish with Feed-N-Wax over the top.
    1 point
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