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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/20 in all areas

  1. My bi-polar sister won tickets to the Super Bowl in New Orleans several years ago. She is one of those people who regularly wins radio show contests. When they ask recent winners to sit on their hands, they’re talking to her. I made a brief attempt to suggest that she should consider selling the tickets, before I was reminded who I was talking to, so I told her to enjoy the game. There is NO WAY I would lose an opportunity to exchange Super Bowl tickets for thousands of dollars. Seeing a Super Bowl Live is not important to me.
    6 points
  2. Anyone going to the SuperBowl? I know I am economically challenged and do not have $4600 for a cheap seat. Even if I did ... I can think of things that I would get before a seat at a ball game, so far up/out, tha you need a tv to watch the game...
    4 points
  3. Well, this didn't take long at all. Please remember this is my purely subjective impression and you will have to play around with your system to find what you like. The following differences are super obvious and it took just a couple of minutes of music to notice. First, my bass bins are 30" off the floor. This may become important if you are using a Khorn, or other tall bass bin. I noted two major audible differences immediately, and eventually moved the stack forward again to see if I was imagining the difference. Moving the stack back caused the following: - Image was very similar to the same. - Soundstage was a little less engaging, but not a deal breaker. What is a deal breaker is that the entire sound stage moved UP, as though it was now above my head. It is very obvious that the sound was now above me, not directly in front of me. When I moved the stack back up front, the sound stage moved down to where it normally has been, in front of my listening position. This is less than desirable for my sitting LP. However, this could be a big plus if you are using this setup in a shop or garage where you are normally standing when listening. This little test seems to confirm that for me, I prefer the stack closer to the edge of the bass bin. I find the soundstage just a little more expansive and 3 dimensional. The big and obvious difference is the perceived 'height' of the soundstage. What might be really cool is to have the stack back for movies, so the sound is at the height of my video screen. But, for music I prefer the forward position thus far. Back for more listening..... Edit: After more listening, the above is confirmed. Overall, in my room, the more you move the stack toward the back of the bass bin, the more the soundstange moves up. Also, you start to lose some of the 'magic' these drivers produce. YMMV, this is just my impressions and I would like to hear what you guys find as time goes on. The closer to the edge, the more the high's sparkle and the more airy and open the soundstage becomes. Honestly, I hate using all these 'audiophile' terms, but it is the only way I can telegraph what I am hearing. I am now going to re-time the stack in the current position, wings flush with the front end of the bass bin. I will keep the crossover as low as possible and go on to enjoying the setup until you guys have a chance to get your drivers and do some experimenting.
    3 points
  4. My dad had season tickets to the Rams back when they were in St. Louis and way back when they were good. Twice he won the drawing to get SuperBowl tickets. The first year it was in Atlanta and my brother has in-laws there so he went. The next year they were going again (the year the Patriots cheated) and that was in New Orleans. No one was willing to go, so I bought the tickets, sold them for enough money to cover the season tickets for the entire next year so my dad didn't have to come up with the cash. That was the last year he had tickets.
    3 points
  5. Gotta test the motor, rest of the stuff gets here Wednesday they've got 1.5 gallon jugs of distilled for sale several places around so have to pick up a few and get started while it's too nippy for most anything outside for me. Got the first three candidates lined up already two new to me and the first mfsl I ever got. Hope the ultrasonic doesn't interfere with the wifi
    3 points
  6. Everyone who has ever played vinyl has had a record get stuck in a groove, caught up on a bit of dirt, grease,weed, spilled wine (oh that's where that came from!), dried booger, a bit of rubber from last night's bacchanal. I could go on and on and get grosser and grosser. It repeats over and over and over and over. I call it it a "loop" and I'm sure most of you do too. However, Van Morrison, being a genius of sorts, has another take on it. He calls it a "Broken Record": I could get stuck in his groove all night long:
    2 points
  7. Welcome. Those amps will do fine, I use 2 of them to run a bi amped 2 ch setup. I got them after having problems with different amps thinking it will be a cheap way to go until I run across something else at a good price. Still using them, I like the way they sound, clean and easily puts out the power they are rated at with no hiss or other problems you might expect at that price, there a really good deal and built very solid. When I say no hiss, I would know it, there connected to speakers that are rated over 110db with one watt with huge horns, you would hear any hiss and there is nothing, none even with my head inside the horn.
    2 points
  8. Some Newfoundlanders making the best of 'what is locally available'.
    2 points
  9. The last couple days was enough for a long time. H Someone asked is this how you used to do it when you did landscaping, I looked at him crazy and said we would have never done this kind of job. I asked if we could dynamite or a flame thrower, both were refused.
    2 points
  10. Shouldn't you be clearing vines??????
    2 points
  11. I would positively sell the tickets, for one thing you can see what is really going on in the game much better on TV. Plus you could just about add on a new room with a new TV for the cost of flying, hotels parking and game tickets and other expenses. It would be an experience to see but not for me at that cost anyway.
    2 points
  12. 1. I would never go for a soundbar period. 2. The main difference between those two centers would be the woofers and the cabinet size. This info can be found on klipsch.com in these speakers own spec sheets. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful here, just don't know anything worthwhile about these speakers... However, the general rule is to get the biggest center you can, which in this case would be the 504c. 3. 8000F without a doubt. I myself have both the rp280f and the rp250f. Tried them both as fronts and the difference is immense. You'll notice much more power in the 8000f. Always go big on the front stage(LCR). 4. Ehm no, this information is false. However, having the same type of tweeter across your system is quite important. Thats why its always safe to have speakers from the same series or line within a brand.
    2 points
  13. congrats on the cf4's! they are great speakers. i tried to find a pic of the rear of your sony receiver & didnt find any clearly showing the outputs, but there is a surround RCA output section & RCA main in/outs. so if there is a single sub out that most 5.1 receivers have, you could use that with a Y splitter. BUT older 5.1 receivers dont have any real bass management & when you tell it sub on, it cuts the main speaker at 80hz. the cf4 are a full range speaker & you dont want to cut any of the low bass out of them. your other option is to use the main pre outs with a y splitter & have 2 going to the sub & the other 2 back into the main rca inputs on the receiver. that will keep full range to the speakers. another suggestion on that sw15 sub is to not use it at all... the sw subs are very old from the early 90's & dont compare to todays subs. they are lower power & dont go much lower than the cf4s anyways & definitely not at the volume the cf4's can do. if you want a real sub, consider a newer option with better inputs/outputs & freq options. personally i would sell the sw15 for a better sub or just run the cf4's alone full range. & another suggestion is to get a newer receiver with more power & output & bass management options. the sony ES stuff is decent, but these speakers are made to handle a LOT more power than 80watts. they will really come to life with great bass with a real 150-200 watts. you could keep the sony as a pre & buy a better separate amp with more power that will make a world of difference vs the sony & let the subwoofer quality bass of the epics shine. so basically, try the speakers by themselves & i bet they sound better than with that sw sub. or try the sub with the main outs & a y splitter for full range to the speakers. & if you really want/need a sub, sell the sw15 & find a better modern sub, even an entry level modern 12" sub will best that ancient sw sub. ive owned the sw10, sw12 & sw15, they are mediocre at best compared to newer subs.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. It’s like looking in a mirror. We’re literally almost in the same boat in terms of room size/description, gear, usage and end target. All I can say - after a lot of time/research - is that I’m extremely pleased with the output of my Marantz SR7013, RP8000’s and RP504C. I don’t feel the need to keep the drivers the same across the front stage. The 504 is a beast and no slouch. I was told the PRO 180 (or 160) sets will be a good match for the heights and rear. Because you have the X4500, I’d stick with the higher Klipsch series. They’re a very good pairing. Post pics when ur done. Cheers
    2 points
  16. One thing I always do when I buy old speakers is open them up and disconnect and reconnect each driver wire several times at the driver and at the crossover network. This will give a good connection and will help remove oxidation.
    2 points
  17. Most interestingly, when comparing my current 7" wings IF placed at the back of the bass bin to the 21" wings, the response is darn close.....hmmm. The 7" wings seem to have a flatter overall response and identical performance at 566Hz. The difference below that point is about 3dB in favor of the big wings. All this to say: Chris was correct...again! Based on this comparison, I am leaning toward keeping my 7" wings and moving them way back on the bass bin. The down side to moving them back is that the AMT stack will now be closer to the front wall. I will still have a little over 3 feet to the wall, so should be ok concerning the dipole. I really like the flat response of the green line in the 600hz-2khz region. That is nice! Of course, the big test will be the 'sound'. What I have found to be the best part of these drivers is the open, airy feeling with a gigantic, yet accurate, soundstage. I won't do anything to lose that. I will report my findings tomorrow...hopefully.
    2 points
  18. It's just nice to see some different teams playing in February.
    2 points
  19. Jimmy G will be MVP! Jimmy G will have to pass for more than 100 yards if he's going to be the MVP. Jest sayin'. 😎 This is a tough matchup to call. I'm going to go with the better quarterback and pick KC for the win.
    2 points
  20. SOLD. MARCH 2021 BUMP: Amp has been sitting unused for a year - Covid broke up the pony express plans and I refunded the buyer's funds. Make an offer for local DFW and let's see if we can make a deal. Amp is in good shape consmetically. All 5 channels were recently recapped due to age. There's a hum in the center channel which comes and goes (it used to be all channels). It could be environmentally specific to my house, but I'm really just not sure.
    1 point
  21. Hey Guys....Someone should look up the crime events around the NORTH SIDE PARK where you plan to gather. Things grow legs around there.... Arkansas is a carry state...you should.... Watch your 6.....
    1 point
  22. Welllll, was feelin it and saw this "Color of Money" soundtrack layin out and couldn't remember if I'd played it so threw it on. Great movie and soundtrack from about 1986. Mitch Ryder fresh outta Detroit with this album in 1967. That funky Motown sound and so controversial with some of his hits like "Ring My Bell, Sock it to me Baby, Little Latin Lupe Lu, and Devil with a Blue Dress On" There it was all beat up callin my name. Needs a MAJOR cleanin but still works for me! First person I thought of was @Thebes!
    1 point
  23. A little soulful music this morning and just love the title track written / composed by Duke Ellington around 1928 Not much information on this jazz band that does a great job on this record Artist - The Maryville Jazz Band Title - Creole Love Call From 1973 - ID VS 1157 ( but can’t be found on Discogs)
    1 point
  24. One in EVERY crowd! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    1 point
  25. I don't want to speak for Roy but believe he's moving in that direction. I asked that specific question to him about the 402's. It takes time to re-engineer a horn and put it into production. He described the shape of the sound exiting the horn like a bubble and the mumps helps hold it to the sides of the horn. Of course he did a much better job of explaining it than I ever could.
    1 point
  26. Why is this? If they're in the same plane as your mains they'll be out of phase with your mains. You should check phase with pink noise or test tones using an SPL meter.
    1 point
  27. Just finished the new timing and EQ setup with the Stacks at the back of my bass bins. Distance of drivers from BB front is 23.5". After spending some time looking at the various distance plots I took yesterday for my 7" wings, I felt the rear most position offered the lowest cross-able frequency. I estimate the crossover point now to be 600hz. The reason I can't give an exact number is that I am using the Danley style no-name crossover. That is, no crossover at all and just Attenuation at the cross frequency. The AMT drops off pretty dramatically below 400 Hz, so I played around with the settings until I got something that at least 'looks' good on the graphs. The Main SPL measurement shows a dropoff of the very high frequency range that is due to mic placement. Once of the issues with taking these measurements is that HF response is very sensitive to mic placement. Since I was mostly interested in the crossover region, I tended to place the mic closer to the center of the AMT and BB vs. getting the optimum AMT response. As it turned out, I needed NO delay for my L/R mains. The center channel needed less than 1ms delay since I cannot move that driver as far back as the others due to the front wall dipole issue and the fact that my movie screen sits right behind the ctr speaker. Here are the graphic results. Now, on to an afternoon of critical listening.
    1 point
  28. I think that's called an Italian Tune-up.
    1 point
  29. That hurt them more than anything.
    1 point
  30. } Wow. They pour the Kool-Aid north to Maine, huh. You might want to cool your jets until this season plays out and the off season run of “Patriot Playhouse” begins —
    1 point
  31. Thank you BillyBob! You're always spot on!
    1 point
  32. Adding an extreme closeup of the more importance differences. Red line here is the 21" wings with the structure 17" back. The deep blue line is the 13" wing structure at 10.5" back from the BB edge. The light blue line is the set of 7" wings, 6" back from the BB edge. Finally, the black line is the structure at the edge of the BB. You can clearly see performance at the low end improves with longer wings and further back along the top of the bass bin. The question of course will be, what are the 'sound' differences in terms of soundstage and 'air' from the stack. More testing to follow for sure.
    1 point
  33. @dian83 is looking for a pair of KLF-20s in Oak.
    1 point
  34. @314carpenter. Had forgotten to post it.
    1 point
  35. There is a member here looking for those. Where are you located? @sbcoffey42
    1 point
  36. The picture shows what, exactly? is the inductance changing that dramatically or what does that graph represent? If you haven't guessed yet I take people to task for wild claims. I've really been biting my lip hard so far...
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Can I hear an AMEN. I think this match up has the potential to be a SB that I can stay awake through.
    1 point
  39. Table dimensions are in Inches, The word feet is eluding to the 4 pods / feet that support the table. Rich is a great guy to deal with and he packs stuff like a mad man, Buy with complete confidence
    1 point
  40. That would be the crossover setting in hertz. If the speakers in your sound system do not go low enough in the bass, subwoofer will kick in where you want.More to it but for now set it to 80 for movies and listen for Abit. Then try it on 120. You may prefer setting on 60, or even 40. Just depends on what you are listening to.
    1 point
  41. Well, I'll have to play the keepers! Janis huh? She covered the airwaves here a decade later in `79 Now this gals voice grabbed me when I heard them on tv doing spring break or something in the rain at the beach. Not saying there is any comparison except in female and the emotions expressed!
    1 point
  42. Can't believe I have this on cd. Such a great cd too. Just wish it was on vinyl!
    1 point
  43. Rehab going great. Just got back from a 2.5 mile hike. Cold weather held off for a day, into the single digits tomorrow so walk today, bike tomorrow. Should have done this years ago, but.....
    1 point
  44. Mine are a much more manageable size. The Denver Airport was quite a feat, I know a few people who worked on it. WOW
    1 point
  45. Great room Mike. Good luck with rehab. Thought of you this week in Denver as family and friends admired the airport structures. I told them I have a friend in St. Louis who is in that business, but that you didn’t make those.
    1 point
  46. About nap time for me. 2AM is WAAAAAAY too early to be up. But... No plans for the day. Wife is going to Tucson. Her sister had a lump-ectomy and wife is going to see how she is doing. I have the house overnight. No wild party, even if it sounds that way. Have coffee, so, I may be up for a few [more minutes]. Coffee ground in this burr mill tastes different. I guess the spice mill cooked the beans more than I thought. This dark roast Kona is much less "dark" tasting. Calling for low/mid 70's next couple days. I'm good with that. I'd be fine with lows in mid 60's and highs in the mid 80's, depending on R/H.
    1 point
  47. I believe someone asked to see the CW4 filter: here it is You can send me 💙
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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