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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/20 in all areas

  1. It’s time for some rock music on a Saturday morning before I drive to see the granddaughter Artist - Deep Purple Title - 24 Carat Purple
    5 points
  2. Those asshats wouldn't know a "military grade" weapon if it bit them on the ***. Just another feel good do nothing left wing bunch of hooey. There is no such thing as an assault rifle,it's just a rifle that can be used as a defense weapon just as sure as an assault weapon depending on who's hands it's in. The same can be said for a claw hammer or about any other tool and those so called " assault rifles" have many cousins not dressed in black that can be just as deadly. There have been semi-auto hand guns and rifles around for well over a century,the guns aren't the problem the people these days are. If some idiot wants to hurt people he or she will find a way,there were no guns involved on 911 or in Oklahoma City,the Boston Marathon wasn't gun related and the list goes on. What a great idea,lets take away the rights of law abiding citizens to protect their homes and families with these weapons so that only criminals who don't give two shits about the law will have them.😠
    5 points
  3. I also have an unpictured R112SW to pick up a little more low end.
    4 points
  4. You did not have to buy them. Unless a gun was involved, you decided what you would pay. I understand your desire to have paid less; I would never have paid anything close to that for your speakers. I kind of fancy a new mid-engine C8 Corvette. Perhaps if I berate GM they’ll sell me one at a price I name.
    4 points
  5. Welcome! Are you having buyers regrets about the price? You agreed to the price in a eyes wide open deal? Is any of this correct? If not, please say, what is the spe cific criticism. Thanks!
    4 points
  6. I am just an ordinary guy Burning down the house...
    4 points
  7. Cool babies, strange but not a stranger....
    4 points
  8. I disagree. The idea is not to die, and perps rarely work alone. Statistically, you will never need to shoot anyone, nor would I ever unless my life was in danger or I had no other choice. But the chances of ever having to do that is about the same as being hit by lighting while being bitten by a shark.....................but for women and old men, we are the prey of Criminal youth and it is a great equalizer, especially since no one EVER talks about the lives that are SAVED by just brandishing a gun and the crime never happens because of it. The CDC and FBI estimate that, every year, between 500,000 to 2,000,000 crimes like rape, murder, and robbery do NOT occur because a potential victim brandished a gun and the potential perp ran off. It's only an estimate because there is never a police report unless someone is actually shot. "More Guns, Less Crime" is a real statistic that the Media and Politicians ignore and rely on the Ignorant Sheeple when they Blab their BS about guns. This "discussion" was settled in 1791 and there is no need for further discussion.
    4 points
  9. I'm half Canadian. I'll ask myself and get back to you.
    4 points
  10. All of them! And I grew up in Michigan deer hunting with a bolt action, shooting squirrels and rabbits with a single shot ithaca .22. Had to make em count, no second chance. Every time there are nut jobs on TV I pray let them be from Florida, not Michigan..... I'm often disappointed
    4 points
  11. I can't wait for GlennyC's estate sale...
    3 points
  12. To the OP, a number of us are not understanding what actually happened and when. 1. Was this a purchase that happened very recently (i.e., within the last few months)? 2. At the time of the purchase, were the La Scala IIs available for sale? Were they both available locally or via the internet? 3. Were you aware of the La Scala IIs as an option? 4. Are you aware that when you buy a new car, as soon as you drive it off the lot, it drops in price (most things depreciate)? I'll be honest and brutal. Right now, it looks like you need to point the finger at yourself and not someone else. What are we not understanding? On a happier note, if you like the way these sound in your house, then you should be happy. The depreciation will sort itself out since you will probably keep them for a very long time.
    3 points
  13. who cares... Do you actually do any due diligence prior to making a high value purchase?
    3 points
  14. Depreciation on ANY NEW audio component is brutal... it's not indicative of the Klipsch brand. GTFO with that misguided assessment. As a matter of 'FACT(s)'... once depreciated and stabilized, Klipsch holds value EXTREMELY well and stable... Over many decades in many instances.
    3 points
  15. @JohnJ glad you're back. I feel similar to you, I have no time during the week to listen to music, work 14 hours a day and then too tired in the evening. But I always take a little time to beam myself across the Atlantic and have fun with all of you. You said : " Taking a short trip south tonight and picking up a couple hundred pounds of vinyl " Apparently you´re like him ? And you're right, sometimes a little break is good .........
    3 points
  16. Sorry gents ..it´s about Road to Red .... @dirtmudd I was so impressed by these wonderful King Crimson Jazz interpretations that I was almost speechless. Rarely has jazz music touched me so deeply. I have been searching for weeks to get the album King Crimson Jazz Trio Vol1.Nowhere to get within Europe. I could have ordered one in the USA for $130 plus shipping, customs and import taxes would have been about $179. That felt a bit too much for a CD. Two days ago this album was put on ebay Germany " New " in unopened jewel case.I bought it immediately for only € 39,90 incl. shipping . Next week I will get it delivered. I am really happy
    3 points
  17. Copper doesn’t foul the barrel as easily as lead does. Chrome-lined bore & chamber helps prevent fouling, & greatly extends barrel life.
    3 points
  18. Happy Saturday morning all. 3 cups o' joe down and ready to get to work. Dry and warm enough around these parts (finally) that roundup may do some good. After that back to wall building, going to run out of block today. I under estimated what I was going to need, oops. Well I guess it's better than having too much. Later.
    3 points
  19. Bad approach, I'm guessing you have no experience with guns in general. FMJ rounds are friendly rounds, lead tipped and hollow points, not so much. Get's old watching politicians grab at anything then trying to rationalize their actions or approach, their proposals do nothing to stop the bad guys from getting guns and killing people. You need only research gun violence within the City's and States that enforce the strictest gun ownership laws in the nation..... I think you'll find they're also the City's and States with the highest incidences of gun violence.
    3 points
  20. Man, so do I. We use the system for several hours, daily. TV, movies, and casual/critical music listening. Poor source material sounds like a dumpster fire, but everything else really shines. It's probably a combination of the new drivers, transitioning to active XO, and focused measurements + PEQ, but regardless I still have no regrets for jumping feet first into this system evolution. We've grown accustomed to the raw birch x-wings and I've moved on to farm/garden/greenhouse projects for the time being - so I think the two-tone mains are here to stay for the foreseeable future.
    3 points
  21. Police have guns to protect THEMSELVES from criminals. Otherwise they just show up and take a report of who's dead.
    3 points
  22. While it may be impossible to totally eliminate smuggling, that’s no reason to just give up and stop trying. Each gun stopped at the border may be a life saved, because they’re being bought by gang members who intend to kill people. On second thought, maybe those illegally imported and owned handguns do save lives, like when gang members brandish them to intimidate members of other gangs. Of course the members of the second gang could just return with bigger weapons to brandish at the members of the first gang, like it’s a street gang arms race. That doesn’t sound like it would end well, so let’s keep trying to stop guns from being sneaked into Canada.
    3 points
  23. The answer to a gun problem is not adding more guns to the situation, it’s to reduce the number of guns. Most of the illegal weapons in Canada are imported from the US by smugglers. Hopefully, the new bill will do something to reduce the number of weapons crossing the border.
    3 points
  24. Right on. Your comment is more complete than mine was. Except for New Jersey, New York, and California, oh and Illinois.
    3 points
  25. Silencers are 100% Legal in the USA, requires a tax stamp, $200 I think and an FBI background check and sub sonic rounds. A silencer quiets the expanding gasses of the round fired but can't do anything to the sonic crack of the bullet if it is over the speed of sound, arround 1160 feet per second. Roger
    3 points
  26. He's prepared, like many of my friends are. You don't need to have lived in Detroit for this, but it helps.
    3 points
  27. BOOM 2nd Amendment Not applicable now a days .
    3 points
  28. Back at my fathers today. I tried several attenuation settings. First I tried 9 on the black wire and red on 0 giving me 9db on the mid horn or the mid at 99db to the woofers 98 and setting the tweet at 4db.Way better than 6 on the mid, but still not quite right. Next I tried 12db which should give 96 on the mid horn to the 98 of the woofer. Thought it sounded pretty good but wasn’t sure as I need to get used to the huge mid horn so I tried 15 attenuation giving me 93db on the mid. For sure went too far. Last one was 10db giving 98 at the mid matching the woofers 98 with tweet still at mid setting of 4db. I liked it but some songs sound a bit like too much mid horn. I then brought them into the house from the garage to listen and thought it sounded much better and very close. So looks like 10, 11 or 12db will be the final setting. Lots of listening left to do.
    3 points
  29. It's only STYLE, not function. Still only one shot per trigger pull, like any rifle. ALL gun laws are unconstitutional as far as I'm concerned, but there is MONEY in licensing, dontcha know.
    3 points
  30. Any kind of silencer is illegal -----in NYS------In 42 of 50 states, it is legal to own a silencer for your firearm. New York is not one of those states. In New York, their sale or possession is illegal. ... A silencer, suppressor, or sound moderator is a device that can reduce the sound intensity, muzzle flash and recoil when a firearm is discharged.
    3 points
  31. that sound work ya do know that sweat is an allergic reaction to work?
    3 points
  32. Why, because non of us has retaliated to this demeaning thread yet? While illegal guns flow in our country from the "good citizens" of the U.S.A., we "subjects" are left reeling with the consequences. This was a campaign promise from the democratically elected Liberal party, they are only enacting what the people want and voted for.
    3 points
  33. You can run a Y connector in the same fashion to branch off.
    3 points
  34. Not my photography nor my favorite song; but special because I WAS THERE.
    3 points
  35. Well this would never happen in 'merica. No sir, not at the Michigan State Capitol. This is how we peacefully petition the government to reopen the State. No threats, no problemo, cause we aren't' making any sense, but we get to parade around wearing masks to protect ourselves whilst we encourage people to get out their and visit their local nursing home and see their aged parents. Wonder which one has the smallest penis. Me I'm guessing the 2nd one in from the left.
    3 points
  36. Some States have citizens. Looks like Canadians are still subjects.
    3 points
  37. Here’s a good video. The .410 ammo he shot does much better than I ever thought but then again, Jerry is the man.
    2 points
  38. Yup, you're definitely not right! I've always had fun telling people that Hendrix worked outta 2, 40' semi-trailers on tour w/room to spare. Today? 20 semi's isn't enough. You had it made. Even a phone for ET to call home on! Stellar!!!
    2 points
  39. Feel like a stranger here after my infrequent visits the last month. Lots to deal with that just has kept me from spending time on the pc. I NEED A BREAK, Big Time! Taking a short trip south tonight and picking up a couple hundred pounds of vinyl Got Apollo's blanket and a couple others then cardboard on top of that to keep from denting the seats too bad. Appears i'll get two in the back seat, one in the passengers Dave that's what I have envisioned every time I have helped a friend or relative put that ikea type pressboard stuff together. Those cam and post built thing-a-ma-bobs I tried once and that was it. The damage to those turntables looks awful!
    2 points
  40. We were not being invaded by anyone in 1776 either, we were British colony's under England's rule. The Colony's fought back against a tyrannical government and THAT is why we have the second amendment. I suggest you fully read ALL of the constitution. You will find the whole thing is about limiting Governments Power to keep them from stepping on individuals rights, NOT about giving government power to control the populace !!
    2 points
  41. Yes , I did , they had enough firepower and clips to start WW3 ------
    2 points
  42. Preferred method of hitmen.22 caliber with silencer.
    2 points
  43. Does anybody have a reasonable argument about why a private citizen should have a military style weapon ? Who uses an AK for hunting ? It's all about compensating for a shortcoming and of course FREEDOM . I own a hand cannon and it vacations with me but otherwise it's strictly for home defense .
    2 points
  44. I'll be leaking a LOT I'm sure. My ladder days are long gone and I'm not gonna drive a roller. A lil butt work slidin around on the floor is a piece of cake. I can run w/the best of 'em and no painter likes to cut. I loved the challenge of it and once you learn how it's cake.
    2 points
  45. Kinda funny here in Ohio. IF you're masked and carrying a weapon openly or concealed w/permit it's a felony.
    2 points
  46. What I would like to see, more than anything, is the whole recording and reproduction industry getting together and agreeing that all recordings will be full-range and not manipulated, and playback devices engineered to protect themselves if need be. If it could be agreed on for overall compression, loudness, dynamic range, and frequency response, and then the devices can add whatever emphasis they want, great. Home A/V receivers with room compensation routines & microphones can get most people close enough. And then there's "us"...
    2 points
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