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1 hour ago, grasshopper said:

.....or she will have the windows/doors open until the house gets cold and then want me to build a fire.....


I only said "I like women"    nothing about understanding them


That’s pretty primordial.  She’s giving you the opportunity to be a manly man and make fire for her, so she can cuddle up with you on the sofa.  Or maybe model her great sweaters.  


As for understanding women, here’s an added complication, as if we needed one:  women are attracted to different types of men at different phases of their monthly cycle.  During one phase, they’re attracted to the big tough good hunter and protector, while during another phase, they’re attracted to the caring, nurturing, type.


If it sometimes seems like you can’t do anything to please her, that may be why.  In her mind, you’re not the right kind of man for her that week.  I remember hearing a woman of some note (don’t remember who, but she may have been a writer) mention on the radio that she was happy menopause had finally arrived, for now she had a clear head, for the first time in her adult life.  No longer was she controlled by her hormones.  


Life is not simple for women, unlike us dudes, who need only to find food, find a fast bike, find a mate, find a house.  Okay, one of those middle ones may be optional.  My feelings on which one vary with the state of the pavement outside.  And we need our music, of course, for when the weather makes use of the pavement a bad idea, like during monsoons and blizzards.

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2 hours ago, Marvel said:


I will be downsizing... after all, it's just stuff.


And the Phils runs on 220-240.


if you are leaving from LA, Seatac or SF and driving there....you can drop the MWMs here ...


wife sez she likes the bass bins on my LS... wonder how she would feel about their big brother?

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29 minutes ago, grasshopper said:


after using a woodstove 20 years for heat,  I notice the same thing.

............Furnace cycles... I wake up.


Doesn't matter whether it forced air or hot water.


I’ve got baseboard heaters.  I hear the faint click of the thermostat, near the head of the bed, on the side away from me, turning on or off.  Then I hear the faint sounds of the heater itself expanding or contracting in its mounting brackets.  The little creaks come from two or three spots along its length.  It’s not enough to keep me awake, though.

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8 minutes ago, grasshopper said:@Islander



confirmed bachelor... no. Been married to the same woman 13 years. That I didn't marry until I was 52....


Good for you.  Sincerely.  As for me, I let 13 years slip by while living with a woman with an apparent fear of ever being straight or sober.  I can get too comfortable in a situation, even if it’s less than ideal.  Since then, a number of women have come and gone.  Some have come several times.  Sorry, couldn’t resist.  Anyway, I’ve lived alone for a long time, and now my health means I need a housekeeper more than a partner.  I try to keep an open mind, and heart, though.  One never knows when you’ll meet someone you should have met a long time ago.

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1 hour ago, oldtimer said:

Hey westie, fine ham abounds man!




Good one!  The Kids in the Hall rarely disappoint.  As everyone can see. broadcast standards in Canada are a bit different from those in the US.  This was on CBC, Canada's national network..  


That reminded me of this 13-minute short about a young Chinese guy who spun a globe in a similar way, and resolved to move to wherever his finger landed.  He should have done just a bit more research first.


Yu Ming is Ainm Dom:  


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2 hours ago, grasshopper said:

if you are leaving from LA, Seatac or SF and driving there....you can drop the MWMs here ...


wife sez she likes the bass bins on my LS... wonder how she would feel about their big brother?


Well, show her the pic of my music area, with the MWMs and La Scalas together. 😁


You do know  they are supposed to lay down, notbeon one of their non parallel sides?

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7 hours ago, Islander said:

As for understanding women, here’s an added complication,

There are endless complications, that's an understatement,  so many they don't even have a clue.


Einstein gave up, said it hurt his brain to try and figure it out. 

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6 hours ago, billybob said:

Just keep a good lighter out of sight and handy along with some starting fluid. Magical...

Gasoline, it makes it more exciting lighting a fire, and colorful.


But really I use a couple things, either lighter wood (pine tree roots) or a firelog, the cheapest they sell cut or broken into small pieces, works every time.

5 hours ago, grasshopper said:


after using a woodstove 20 years for heat,  I notice the same thing.

Same here, when we built this house 23 years ago I wanted one, it ended up working so well we never did anything else for heat. And it's cheaper than gas or electric and works even if the power is out.  

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3 hours ago, Marvel said:

You do know  they are supposed to lay down, notbeon one of their non parallel sides?

We talking about wives or MWM's ?


Only crazy people would put something like that in there house.

Yes we still could be talking about MWM's or wives.

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13 hours ago, dtel said:


Einstein gave up, said it hurt his brain to try and figure it out


He worked with logic... women don't...


not men's logic, anyway



Put up my "tree"... took a couple hours, pruning on the arborvitae, securing the frame to an old rim/tire and then stuff the frame with the trimmings

....and then the clean up...

Wife was shopping. She did bring a not pre-cooked turkey home. Honestly, I feel a turkey is a damn fine vessel to cook stuffing/dressing in...That it's best attribute.



Not expecting the new speakers to come until NewYear's...  Hope the UPS driver doesn't throw the box over the fence, like he usually does. If tracking is good, I can intercept him.

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