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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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it’s only 11:27 pm here in the wild west; but, i put the coffee on for you of the other time zone persuasions.

Told the boss today that this is my final lap -- next year spring, i’m calling it quits. I had promised him I’d give him as much notice as possible since it takes forever to get a replacement. he said he was going to be bummed. i told him me leaving is something to look forward to because he can hire a young person still building a career so they’ll be a hard charger. He said, “But i’ll have to show the person everything. I don’t have to look at a thing that you do.” 

I decided to work one final year so i could pay off some debts before i quit. 

​When i get to Oregon, i’m sure i’ll look for a part-time job -- guys like me can get in trouble with too much idle time. 

​Enjoy your Friday gentlemen -- it’s my day off (these three day work weeks are grueling).

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Congrats Steve. It sounds like you have a game plan, and and end date to shoot for. It's admirable you giving them another year to find your replacement, I'll bet that year will move by quickly. Did you officially chose Bend as your retirement location? Good luck man :D

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Ok so I did have coffee today (and the in the know folks hang here) so I'll ask this OT question here. We have an '07 Honda Odyssey Touring that I de-paxed and now need to find a spare; what years will fit? I found a new spare kit on line but with shipping it's over $200 and want to look around at the junk yards.


OMG... those PAX tire's were one of the worst things to come out of Honda in a long time....The dealer's had to get special tire machines for those things... I want nothing to do with things at my shop...

Anyway.... any spare off a Honda SUV or truck should work if it has the 22mm lug nuts....


I'll send ya PM with some thoughts...


MKP :-)

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Good Friday morning gang


Installed the power supply in the Cave Pc last night and found hard drive has gone south :lol:

Good to have back up's, Pc's that is.

Have a few spare "New" hard drives, so I dig those out, I find they have changed connectors since 5 years ago ^_^

It seems my stash of "New" hard drives is older than the Pc I built.

Maybe a trip to Fry's a little later, 5 year warranty on these things and I made it six, no biggie :emotion-21:


New Receiver came in yesterday, still acquiring "New" ant goodies for the new radio.

Of course I just had to hang a wire on it and throw the wire out the window, it works well.

In fact someone, somewhere around here has a "Bug" in their house, HUMMMM?

I could hear everything going on in a normal home, interesting.

Never heard a "Bug" in the lower KHz range, and we are talking 200Khz, just below AM radio. 


Packages arriving daily for "New" Ant/install.

Neighbor's be-a-talkin, Man, That guy sure get's a lot of delivery's :cool:

Postman say's anymore packages he wants his own coffee cup.

FedEx guy wants to come over for a beer and see the new "Listening" station when completed :emotion-21:   


This is what im doing spending the SB winnings, the wife has had her share, can you image, a wife who does NOT want to go shopping?

Huevos rancheros sounds pretty dam good right now. 

Happy Friday.

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Congrats Steve. It sounds like you have a game plan, and and end date to shoot for. It's admirable you giving them another year to find your replacement, I'll bet that year will move by quickly. Did you officially chose Bend as your retirement location? Good luck man :D

Yes, pending site visits of course.

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old the boss today that this is my final lap -- next year spring, i’m calling it quits. I had promised him I’d give him as much notice as possible since it takes forever to get a replacement. he said he was going to be bummed. i told him me leaving is something to look forward to because he can hire a young person still building a career so they’ll be a hard charger. He said, “But i’ll have to show the person everything. I don’t have to look at a thing that you do.” 


Strange how when you give a notice you are suddenly needed much more, should have given a month and for a nice raise stayed the extra year.  :)


Good for you, the year will give you time to have no need to rush with any decisions and to get everything set up for whatever you decide.  

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Congrats Steve. It sounds like you have a game plan, and and end date to shoot for. It's admirable you giving them another year to find your replacement, I'll bet that year will move by quickly. Did you officially chose Bend as your retirement location? Good luck man :D

Yes, pending site visits of course.


Road trips :D  

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