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So how many here are attempting to drop some weight now that the holiday pig-out festivals have passed? Ever wonder what you actually lose when you lose (or conversely gain) weight. Keeping in mind that we are ‘carbon’ based critters when we gain or lose weight we are gaining or shedding carbon as we vary our body mass. When weight is lost we lose most of it exhaling carbon dioxide which is a pretty heavy gas. The next greatest loss comes through losing water which we urinate, exhale and sweat away. Carbon dioxide and water comprise over 90% of weight retained or lost. Humans are carbon sinks, repositories of that bad stuff also called ‘greenhouse gases’. 


So, if you want an excuse not to diet just tell yourself and others that you do not want to contribute to global warming.🤓

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I could afford to lose a few carbons.


Greenhouses are short and fat, coincidence?


The batteries in my scale died toward the end of the year, I haven't replaced them yet, I know it's going to lie to me.  true story

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31 minutes ago, babadono said:

When losing weight you lose carbon into the atmosphere? Or better yet when you exhale?  Don't tell Al Gore.

If he would only not exhale, but then we would have never got the internet. 

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My diet as dictated to me by my doctor:

1...no sugar

2...no salt

3...no ice cream

4...no cake

5...no cookies

6...no pies

7...no candy

8...no pasta

9...no white bread

10..no white potatoes

11..no white rice

12..no processed food

13..no lobster

14..no salad dressing

15..no red meat

16..no egg yokes

17..no soft drinks

18..no booze

19..no shrimp

20..no liver

I am now so skinny I have to turn sideways for people to see me.


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14 minutes ago, dtel said:

If he would only not exhale, but then we would have never got the internet. 

Here in Tennessee the interstates were labeled as being created by Gore Sr for some time. That family is just creative genius unleashed. He deserves that 24,000 square foot modest dwelling.

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1 hour ago, Edgar said:

While dieting we also tend to eat less chocolate and more broccoli, which leads to production of methane - yet another greenhouse gas.

I have noticed getting older produces more methane from the same amount of source material and as a bonus I care less about subtle emissions release.

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The best diet is no diet, always watch what you eat.


I was over 300 lbs at one point now hitting upper 250's it has taken some time but hear fast weight loss is the quickest way to put it back on so maybe I'm doing something right. 🍕🥓:emotion-22:

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7 minutes ago, jason str said:

The best diet is no diet, always watch what you eat.


Unfortunately, one of my new medications seems to add weight no matter what I (don't) eat. I'm not sure how I can gain two pounds per week without eating, unless it makes me sleepwalk to the refrigerator.

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1 minute ago, Edgar said:


Unfortunately, one of my new medications seems to add weight no matter what I (don't) eat. I'm not sure how I can gain two pounds per week without eating, unless it makes me sleepwalk to the refrigerator.


I went through that as well and had the doc change medications, sometimes the side effects are worse than the ailment.

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