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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/21 in all areas

  1. Have a set of '81 HBR H1's which were pretty rough looking when I picked them up. Made new rear panels with 5-way posts, re-sealed them, new midrange horn gaskets and a new veneer using white oak. Also threw some solid maple risers together to finish the look. Oh and rebuilt Type-E crossovers since I had all the parts laying around and selling the originals paid for the veneer.
    7 points
  2. Guys, we've been cutting firewood. Could you imagine cutting that by hand?
    4 points
  3. Enough about hints and modifications. This is a Garage Sale thread so let's get back to the classified ad (please remember to be respectful and do not pollute a Garage Sale thread with off-topic stuff - you can always start your own thread in the Technical / Modifications section) So Gentlemen, you have a choice in life. You can either enjoy the finer things in life like my friend here and get some Jubilees. Notice that he is suave, debonair and the man about town (and a hit with the ladies) Or you can fail to get Jubilees and end up like this fellow - living in his Mother's basement and taking care of her 17 cats The choice is yours EDIT: upon further research, I conducted a seance last night (induced by the Pinot Noir that the Women's Volleyball Team from UCONN had gifted me). During that ceremony we channelled the spirit of Paul Klipsch. His spirit, from the beyond, told us It really was remarkable, but it did not stop there. His next words were direct and profound. He said: "I think insert your name here must buy Tom's Jubilee speakers" Forgive the irreverence, but selling Jubilees is never an easy thing to do. I will be moving and homes by the water (my dream) are small and the extra money for extra square footage would be outrageous.
    4 points
  4. We owned both a pair of La Scalas and Heresy Is when the original RF series of floor standers was introduced. I loved the LS and Heresies because they were the only speakers to which I'd listened that truly approximated the sharp transient attacks and dynamics of live music. When the first RFs came out, I went to an audio store in Houston to ask if I could listen to the RF-7s....which I did. The salesman turned them up way too loud, trying to impress me with how loud they could play (which they did very well), but I told him I was more interested in what they could do a lower SPLs. He asked me what we were using now, and, on telling him about our La Scalas, he laughed, and explained that I obviously didn't know how music was supposed to sound, and that the LS was intended to be used ONLY as PA speakers or by disc jockeys. I told him I was sure he was right, but suggested that preferences in music playback equipment was, at best, a pretty subjective and personal sort of thing. Sort of like mayo or ketchup on fries or pomme frites. I prefer mayonnaise; mi esposa, ketchup. I though the RF-7s were gorgeous slabs of speaker though! But despite how cool I thought they were in that sense, they just seemed unbalanced to me in terms of frequency response; and that fact may actually have been the result of the comparatively upward tilt of our pair of LSs. As confident and self-assured as the salesman had been (sort of rude might be a better description his character....at least during my encounter with him), in retrospect, maybe he wasn't too far off the mark. For a long time afterwards, then, I just forgot about the then-new RF series, and enjoyed all of our Heritage speakers, which included a couple more pairs of La Scalas, Heresies Is, Heresy IIs (which I gave my dad) Klipschorns, and Chorus IIs (which were pretty awesome, actually). I had also been using and enjoying the crazy-efficient Lowther full-range drivers in rear-loaded horns, which were as efficient as our K-horns, or slightly more so. I still use them, and for some kinds of music, that crossover less full-ranger simply can't be beat. But for anything with real bass -- think of some modern bands like Tool, Perfect Circle, Sound Garden, Audio Slave, Alice In Chains -- all of which my wife loves (and much of it me too!), the Lowthers just can't cut it, and finding a sub fast enough to keep up with them in order to fill in the bottom octaves seemed next to impossible. And so, just last week, I was looking through CL here in Tucson, and found a very nearly mint pair of RF-5s for $300. I went to see them the same afternoon, and they were setup in the seller's garage. They were playing along with an older, but great-sounding Klipsch subwoofer, which, just like the audio store in Houston, was turned up way too loud. I asked him if I could play with the controls a bit to even things out......and I was mesmerized. Even inadequately setup up in a garage they sounded like a completely different speaker than what my acoustic memory serves regarding the RF-7. The 5s were balanced and just amazingly articulate -- truly the equal of any Heritage speaker we had owned and used. But, to me (just my opinion, mind you....) they had an organic, sort of living quality that the big mid-range horns of the Heritage stuff didn't. I'm thinking, though, that the coherence I'm getting from these things is likely more due to the fact that they are two-way systems rather than the three-way of the Heritage. Which makes me now understand why lots of LS owners I've known have gone to some trouble and effort to transform both their LS or K-horns into two-way systems using horn Altec horns. That's something I actually never tried myself. We have a large listening room with a vaulted ceiling, and the way these medium-sized speakers, the RF-5s, are able to fill this quite big space is just kind of amazing. They are capable of very loud undistorted sound, which just seems incongruous with their physical dimensions. I was worried we were going to drive amps into clipping in order to get enough volume, and it's not even close to that. Even with the several watts of single-ended 300Bs they are fantastic, and provide deeper insight into recordings than I think any other speakers we've owned. With the far more powerful Parasound Halo, they can play painfully loud (just as a test), yet remain totally in control. These RF-5s are end-game speakers for us, although I would like to replace some of the crossover components - particularly with respect to inductors. They already have film capacitors, which are likely mylar types, but I may opt for some nice electrolytics, particularly in the critical midrange/tweeter branch. wink wink erik
    3 points
  5. Those look great! How can anyone dump these in the trash?!? They were raw birch, right? That means Klipsch left it up to the buyer if they´d be stained, verneered or just oiled or laquered in pure birch. So there is no need to go back to OEM. Any way YOU want them is OEM now. For my part, i like the color of the wood as is now, i would just oil and wax them, or give them several layers of laquer. Awesome find!
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Hi, my Heresy IIIs are my first Klipsch loudspeaker ever. I've had stands built for them to raise their voice to ear level, but aesthetically I like them with their original slanted bases more. They are paired to: an Esoteric K-07Xs CD player and a PrimaLuna Evo 100 amp. In comparison to the picture they are now more distant from the wall and slightly toed-in. After years of solid state, mainly British audio this system surely is a full immersion into another sonic culture, which I love. My personal impressions on the Klipsch/PL match are to be posted in a dedicated thread. Thanks, Max
    3 points
  8. First things first. I have carefully chosen my words. These are not entirely factory made Jubilees. That is why I call them ”Jubilee-style”. Bass Bins: They are made according to the details from the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society article by Delgado and Klipsch (2000) and further confirmed by others with hands on knowledge and inside information. The geometry of the back volume, throat, expansion, corners, reflectors, mouth and baffle are correct and identical to the factory versions. However, I made these as two half-height bass bins that can be stacked on top of one another. I’ll talk about the advantages of this later on. The frequency response and impedance measures are the same as the published values. The drivers (K-31s) are the same ones used in the factory version. I have them currently stacked (as shown in the photos) as Woofer-Tweeter-Woofer. This has a number of benefits that I will discuss later. Tweeter: The Tweeter horn is the Klipsch K-402 and purchased from Klipsch. Although the stock Klipsch K-69 is a good sounding driver, I upgraded to a JBL 2445 driver. It is also a 2 inch throated driver with a higher extension and a bigger & stronger magnet (For those interested, a JBL 2445 or 2446 can be purchased new with a street price of around $800). Since the drivers were upgraded, the DSP settings on the crossover were correspondingly adjusted after measurements were made and verified. Okay, that is now taken care of and there is no reason for anyone to corrupt a Garage Sale Post by arguing whether these should be called Jubilees or not. In this initial post, I will list the specifics for the sale. After that I will discuss some things that I learned along the way that I found interesting and that others might find useful. Since they pertain to this classified ad, I will do this as part of this current thread. If folks want to discuss these issues further, that would be great – but NOT in a Garage Sale Forum. Further discussion would need to be initiated in separate threads elsewhere (probably in the Technical / Modifications Section). Nuts and bolts: The Jubilees come with the components listed above. They will also include the cosmetics shown in the photos. If the grille cloth is not to your liking, then a trip to the fabric store can solve that. A staple gun will be your friend. Location: These are at my house in Preston Connecticut (06365). I am in the Southeast corner of Connecticut (near Foxwoods Casino & the Submarine Base). This is just off I95 or I395 and about an hour from Hartford CT, New Haven CT, Providence RI, about 2 hours from NYC, or Boston. They are currently hooked up so they can be auditioned (source is a CD Player). I am mostly retired, so scheduling should not be a problem. Price: I am asking $3,300. For the pair. However, If the transaction is quick and simple, then I am willing to knock off 5% to 10%. For those of you who have sold used cars on CraigsList you understand what I mean. Those transactions are usually something that are not quick and simple – I am looking for the opposite. If someone is interested and wants a plug and play setup, I can toss in a DSP Crossover (Berhinger DCX 2496 either new for $250 or used for $150). I will also include a so called “passive preamp” (6 channel potentiometer in a metal box). The Behringer is nice in that it has plenty of processing power and can accommodate a digital input (AES/EBU or a S/PDIF). I am a believer in using a digital input and having the “passive preamp” after the DSP (since it will knock down any hiss or noise from a processor as the signal is attenuated). In either case, the buyer will receive the settings required for the DSP (mine or theirs). You will not leave here without knowing what to do. The Jubilees will require an active (DSP) crossover and four channels of amplification. Price-wise, on the lower end are Behringer and some of the dBx, Ashley, miniDSP units, moving up to Electrovoice and Xilica and further up to Yamaha, DEQX, BSS etc. There is quite a spread in price. My hint is that if you can get one with a digital input and place a multi-channel pre-amp after the processor, then it should sound pretty good (even with the less expensive units). The audition will be done using a Marantz CD player, Behringer DCX 2496 (DSP crossover), "passive preamp", a pair of Adcom 535 amplifiers. If you let me know the dimensions of your set up (distance between the speakers, and distance of the chair to the speakers), then I can compute the "listening angle" and re-create that in my living room. You can then preview the same stereophonic spread during the audition. The factory two-way Jubilees were being sold for roughly $8.5 k (raw cabinets, no grilles or veneer, and no crossover). That price usually included shipping but whether sales tax would be added was ambiguous (my guess is that one can seldom avoid taxes ….). The current two-way Jubilees (raw cabinets no veneer or grille cloth) were still being sold in early Spring, but it is rumored they are no longer available (probably not relevant to this Garage Sale thread so let’s not digress). I only bring this up as a point of reference. If you are seriously interested, please PM with an offer. Let me note what an offer should consist of. First – When and how you are going to AUDITION them. Second – When and how you will PURCHASE them. Third – When and how you are going to TRANSPORT them from my place to your place. Please think about the details on your offer. It will help me decide on whether the transaction is “quick and simple” and worthy of a discount. If you can assure me that they will be loved and cherished in a good home, there may be room for negotiation. Let me tackle the usual questions before you PM your offer. NO trades NO, I will not deliver them NO checks of any sort nor paypal. This is cash only NO, I will not part them out These are on a first come first served basis. Whoever pays for them first, owns them (again think of the idiots you meet on CraigsList who promise to have the money "next month") The cabinets are modular and can be easily carried by two people. They would probably fit in a cargo van (remember the grilles are big) or a box truck (perhaps folks on CraigsList doing side gigs). A SUV would be tricky but I moved them in two trips using a Honda Odyssey. Let's have a look .....
    2 points
  9. https://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/ele/d/cohasset-klipsch-la-scala-speakers/7385766968.html Why selling? We are moving to a different lake home and she-who-must-be-obeyed has decreed that "those giant speakers are not coming with us." So my loss is your gain. I would take a similarly nice pair of walnut Heresys in partial trade. Heresys are the new size limit.
    2 points
  10. so... you didn't have a good time? lol and you didn't get down here... so you could fall out of the chair [like another guest did]. That was pretty funny. The look his wife gave was priceless. I suggested we get some fresh air - take a little cruise. Told him to leave his 4 X 4 here. Wouldn't want him to break something .. and then piled them into my Oldsmobile for a drive down dirt road.
    2 points
  11. Slipped in and out of Phoenix on a mission. Eagles show and helping the youngest daughter fire up her lil "The Three" I got her last week during their sale. Works great and she loves it in her room. Sounds even better than I thought it would! It's those little things yanno! hahaaha
    2 points
  12. Ha, I'm a survivor! Out to Phoenix and back home in one piece! Talk about a great time w/my youngest? A TOTAL hoot to say the least! Her favorite "wrap" place was pretty stinking incredible. Fantastic is an under-statement. Drive-thru with someone physically taking your order in the line. Hand them a card and a quick pickup at the window and poof you're gone. Yesterday morning I asked her if she wanted some ketchup for her burrito. She said, "Dad, that's salsa not ketchup!" Dunked it and it was even better. Yea, we were both laffin hard then. Damn you and your ketchup thoughts @BigStewMan 😂 The Eagles show at Talking Stick, Suns Arena or whatever it's called this week? New venue and done the right way for once! Walk in the front door and there is one HUGE bar with 14 bartenders staffing it. That, in itself, was amaze balls! $14.21 sucked for a large Bud Light though! Merch concessions were run by the venue and tastefully done with prime locations throughout. All card only sales. Same at the bar. Quick and done. Barkin for beers and t shirt crowds are gone I guess. hahaha Sad! That used to be fun! I opted for the cheaper floor seats just for a change up so I could sit back and take it all in. Night 2 there so everything was totally dialed in from the previous night. Sound was fantastic! The guys? Didn't miss a thing. Joe took 'em all down to the river for a baptism imo. He bent those strings like never before. Killer! Mairssa (my youngest) did the vid work on her phone. She actually laffed at the dude who told her it was her 3rd and FINAL warning. hahaha Chip off the old block cause he never came back. Set list? You tell me... https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/eagles/2021/footprint-center-phoenix-az-38dadcf.html The addition of a symphony and choir for the Hotel Cali album set was also a beautiful twist and it's why I snagged this show. They're out and killin it! There were only 10 or 11 stops w/the choir/symphony. The rest are w/o that touch. My thoughts? You already know... Grab someone, snag the tickets and head to the river. Joe and the boys will be there waiting. Money? Pffffft it's only money. Now get on the phone, grab Momma and get there or be square. Worth every penny! Yes, covid cards or a negative test w/in 24 hours of the show time IS enforced upon entry as well as masks are asked to be worn during the show. I did see a few masked peeps inside but not many. "They will never forget you ''til somebody new comes along..."
    2 points
  13. If I win the lottery I will buy you one.
    2 points
  14. I would like to see the man in person who can pull and push that 24 foot saw. Especially when it binds up. JJK
    2 points
  15. No, I don't think so. There are no chop marks present. It's a hand saw through and through.
    2 points
  16. Interesting post, thanks for taking the time to write it Erik. : ) The voltages are amazing in tube amps, but when you need a given amount of power and can't do current you're stuck with it. This reminds me of an event from my concert production days - 2017 and I'm providing sound for a Warner Bros. event in Ft. Walton Beach FL called Bugs Bunny at the Symphony II with full orchestra and a few muso's that toured with the show. One guy brought the original slide guitar from the 30's they found in a Hollywood warehouse that was used by the original orchestra for the Bugs Bunny opening theme. They spec'd a Fender Twin (the source of that schematic I posted above) for the slide, which I brought along with a backup. So the amp starts buzzing during rehearsal after the cocky engineer with the tour connects it to the slide. I offer one of my cables in place of the ragged thing he brought and he says "nope! it's the amp!" I offer the backup and he says "nope! I got this, this isn't my first rodeo." So he reaches down to the underhung power tubes, amp still on and hot, and then proceeds to fly about 5ft of so backwards before landing. A bit reminiscent of a Loony Tunes episode. I help him up and see his hand and say nothing. Obviously. He's the expert. Turns out it really was the amp, probably a cracked tube glass that fell apart when he touched it. It wasn't the heat that got him - it was the plate voltage! We used the backup. Here's a clip of the opening where you can hear the slide guitar start off the theme that modulates from about 250Hz up to 550Hz: Bugs Bunny Opening Theme.wav Here's the rider I was given for the event for anyone that's bored today: Sinfonia - Bugs Bunny Symphony 2017.pdf God bless you and your precious family - Langston
    2 points
  17. Had to thoroughly clean the bike a couple of times because of those things. Worse is that in FL they were so thick I had to pull over because I could not breath anything except for them when I was moving. Always had denim on, more than not with at least a t-shirt but it's was my face that usually got hit by the stuff that was "in the wind" like Ron White says! Another day more fun here with life on the highway. Deputies are searching the premises next door, guns drawn as they approached taking textbook precautions. Got to have some kind of rush going on when there isn't any good Tiger news going on around here at all this season.
    2 points
  18. I have seen a few within a days drive of San Diego in the past year. Not too many "deals", but they are available. The discount gained by driving farther may not be worth the gas.
    2 points
  19. Nice, but you NEED a large area rug on that floor badly. It will help tremendously.
    2 points
  20. Hello everybody,my Heresy II..... the turntable is a Gyrodec MK I,the cd player a Mac mcd 205 ,the pre is a Mac C 15 and the power amp a Mac MC 150..... XLO reference cables
    2 points
  21. Not me, but my wife, got a fantastic new sewing machine today. Pretty big deal for us. Top of the line Pfaff from a few years ago. Performance 5.0. Decided to buy a used model with not too many hours of use and had been serviced. These computerized machines are pricey, but do not need to be replaced too often. I guess I won't be seeing her around much for a while.😘
    2 points
  22. New window blinds in every room...Yahoo! Oh, sorry, not audio gear.
    2 points
  23. Grok is a hipster way of saying understand. You know cool people have to have their own inside lingo so they can self identify to others of like mind. Grok... from the book 'Stranger in a Strange Land'. It came into use from its context in the story... and Dave is certainly correct. Robert Heinlein wrote the novel.
    2 points
  24. Dug these guys from the first time I saw them, it was this tour. Had heard their song that was beeped out unless it was played after dark. But maybe it's because half of my heritage is from Scotland also!
    2 points
  25. $800 is a fair price in this area, I'm in Massachusetts too. You could go higher, but they'll take longer to sell. There's a couple of the same speakers for around $1000-1100, but they aren't selling at that price. At $800, that's a good price for seller and buyer
    2 points
  26. ^^Agreed^^. They’re your speakers. You own them, not the other way around. Enjoy listening to your La Scalas, and by spending time on here you’ll get lots of ideas, along with seeing what other happy Scala owners have done. La Scalas were the speakers that prompted me to find the Forum, and it’s been a great fifteen years here. Congrats on getting your great new-to-you speakers, and welcome to the Forum!
    2 points
  27. These look nice This is a wider room: 12 ft wide and with an 8 ft ceiling. Let me remove some clothing You see that it has a Woofer-Tweeter-Woofer configuration. I'll talk more about the advantage of this later on.
    2 points
  28. Above are the Jubilees in a room that is 11 ft wide with a ceiling that is shy of 7.5 ft. Certainly they can fit in your house.
    2 points
  29. From below the cape up to St Augustine and back with my baby behind me on a cool upper 80s afternoon and evening winter ride. US1 and A1A swapped back and forth a few times. No thunderstorms to hide out from, just a less than 30 bike group raising $, having fun and good food at several stops along the way.
    2 points
  30. Why doesn't anyone tell the story of a glorious late summer evening ride through the mountains with a nice companion? It's always some catastrophe. WTF is wrong with you guys?
    2 points
  31. Last off topic and I promise not to bore you anymore, my Heresy II , the cd player is a Mac mcd 205 ....
    2 points
  32. The turntable was a Gyrodec MK I,the cd player a Linn Genki ,the pre was a Mac C 15 and the power amp a Mac MC 150.....
    2 points
  33. Sorry if I'm o.t. but just found an old pic with the Chorus II,I think it was the 2006.....
    2 points
  34. However this is my setup: Well tempered classic , Lyra clavis dc & step-up Useugi cd player Accuphase dp 65 Tuner Revox B 261 Conrad Johnson ( pre PV9 & mv 52 power amp ) Line conditioner Mit Powerbar Nordost norse & Acrolink cables Speaker Klipsch KLF 20 with upgradated tweeter and crossover Bob Crites
    2 points
  35. I like the pun. In Chalmette, LA the rabble tended to be rebels.
    2 points
  36. Always knew dtel was a rebel rouser!
    2 points
  37. KP250s I just picked up. I have owned heresy I-IV. The KP250s are my personal favorite. Haven't heard a super heresy either. I was visiting friends in Palm Springs and I checked if anything was around. Low and behold, I found them in excellent condition with original klipsch stands, an amp and speaker wires! What a deal. I just ordered Dave A's MAHL/DE10 combo and they will be in route soon. Crossovers don't sound liek they need to be recapped at all, plenty crisp up top in a good way. I'll be placing these on top of my PSA V1811 subs and powering them with my hypex amp. Can't wait. Excited about these little guys with the subs.
    2 points
  38. Mine are walnut Heresy 2's, with Crites Titanium diaphragms. They are in my HT setup (Chorus 1's are in my listening room 😃) with a KSP C6 Center, KSF-S5 rears, & an Emotiva powered sub. Watching a Horn loaded 4K Bluray like "Master & Commander" sounds unbelievably good !!!
    2 points
  39. ES9068AS Sabre chip. 0.00009% THD, 121dB SINAD. Should sound pretty clean.
    2 points
  40. My Heresy's I With extra panel on inside of back. Rebuilt crossovers. Lambs wool grills. I still enjoy listening o them. Best buy for the buck in audio.
    2 points
  41. We had a beautiful late summer day today in which was crowned with this sunset.
    2 points
  42. Those are cool looking. 😎 Love the woofer tweeter woofer arrangement. 👍 Would love to hear em.
    1 point
  43. Questions in Happy Valley 80 yards rushing on 34 carries with 3 QB sacks Not good against a Villanova team Get to work! Indiana next week
    1 point
  44. Seems you've passed the "First Step" Elden! Hi my name is John and I'm almost a success story. I switched addictions at your meetings😂🤣😂
    1 point
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