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John Warren

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We don't get the kind of posts from Bob like we used to. Anyone that hasn't noticed that is obtuse. We get about dozen keystrokes a month out of him.


When D-man started his own loudspeaker business, he quit posting and disappeared: www.soniphase.com

When Panacea Engineering started selling loudspeakers, he quit posting and disappeared: http://panaceaengineering.com/

When Greg of Volti Audio and started selling loudspeakers, he quit posting and disappeared: www.voltiaudio.com

And then when Bob started selling loudspeakers, he for the most part quit posting and mostly disappeared: www.critesspeakers.com


So, I always wondered if maybe Klipsch sends out a nice letter from their legal department. I don't know, just something I noticed and there might not be a thing to it. Hey, I'll just call him tonight and ask!

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D-man and Greg's exit wasn't exactly a soft spoken exit.  Threads became a little ugly.......maybe because the conflict of interest naturally made it that way.


One of the last threads D-man was in got nasty.  All kinds of finger pointing like "stealing".  He was not in the speaker building business at that time.

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Yep.  Competition has gotten nasty here.  Here is only one brief thread that mentions the "stealing".  He was accused of stealing the "elephant horn".    Also somewhere he was accused of taking the credit for something else.


D-man left soon later.  He and I interacted a lot prior to that.



Edited by jwc
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How about this:  I have given my opinion about just about everything over the years and will let you know if my opinion changes.


Good caps don't change at all for many years, so no break in.


PWK said letting impedance rise was a good thing to the amp.  I agree with him.


A few of Al's customers have called me to ask why they keep burning up swamping resistors.  Why does Al not seem to have ever heard that?


A speaker with it's crossover, drivers, cabinet and porting should be considered a unit and tested as such.  Acoustic output is the important thing.


Bob Crites

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Here is one w/o shortcutting....copy and past in your browser


Anyway......just one of many sad moments on the forum..

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Good caps don't change at all for many years, so no break in.


PWK said letting impedance rise was a good thing to the amp.  I agree with him.


A few of Al's customers have called me to ask why they keep burning up swamping resistors.  Why does Al not seem to have ever heard that?


A speaker with it's crossover, drivers, cabinet and porting should be considered a unit and tested as such.  Acoustic output is the important thing.


Bob Crites



so it is written... so it shall be!



Edited by Schu
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A speaker with it's crossover, drivers, cabinet and porting should be considered a unit and tested as such. Acoustic output is the important thing.

And that should be the end of the thread right there.

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How about this:  I have given my opinion about just about everything over the years and will let you know if my opinion changes.


Good caps don't change at all for many years, so no break in.


PWK said letting impedance rise was a good thing to the amp.  I agree with him.


A few of Al's customers have called me to ask why they keep burning up swamping resistors.  Why does Al not seem to have ever heard that?


A speaker with it's crossover, drivers, cabinet and porting should be considered a unit and tested as such.  Acoustic output is the important thing.


Bob Crites


Too bad Bob is so busy with his Klipsch related products business. I would have hired him in a  NY Minute a few years back when my marketing guy retired. I don't know what he would think of a minus 40 degree day or massive Canadian style blizzard when compared to wintering in the tropical climate he's been used to living in.  ;)

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You wrote: The smiley faces don't work.  You were more arrogant and insulting in this thread than Al was, even worse you are his tool.  Which is a shame given the length of time you have been on here and the knowledge you have shared on here previous to this, without being arrogant or abusive.  Especially in the  area of reel to reel.  


Now he is gone, again.  So I guess the question you probably need to be asking yourself is "am I on their radar?"  Yes, you most certainly are.  Do you care?  Time will tell..  Will you continue to defend Al 's behavior and actions or act as his conduit/proxy?  That is of course up to you.  I  would say that you are probably going to need a serous attitude adjustment if you are planning on continuing that for any significant length of time. 


The Dark Side has its perquisites. :)  :)  :) 



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  • Klipsch Employees

How about this:  I have given my opinion about just about everything over the years and will let you know if my opinion changes.


Good caps don't change at all for many years, so no break in.


PWK said letting impedance rise was a good thing to the amp.  I agree with him.


A few of Al's customers have called me to ask why they keep burning up swamping resistors.  Why does Al not seem to have ever heard that?


A speaker with it's crossover, drivers, cabinet and porting should be considered a unit and tested as such.  Acoustic output is the important thing.


Bob Crites

And this is why I respect Mr Bob.......
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