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    • Wellllll put your feet up and have at it @wheelman.  Runnin a lil hot w/those boys today?  lolol  Those guys been around the barn a few times.  lol  Might just get along w @JohnJ throwin that metal down like that.  😂
    • NFL is borrrring!               
    • Running a Schiiiiit Modi into my MAC 4100 and using my Heresy when I'm o/l w/np at all.  HDMI outta the laptop into the Schiit then RCA out into the MAC.  Cake @ $150. 
    • https://www.discogs.com/release/2578165-Rush-Fly-By-Night  
    • Mike, thanks for your valuable input. It seems to be the clearer approach also to make it easier to implement. Important is that it is done right.  
    • Just glad you're safe and almost back to abby-normal.  Sounds like it's gonna take a lon time to sort but it will.  Just crazy!      Here's how this stuff works Think flow chart.     Whatever, comes from county to state, Gov signs off, each state's NG mobilizes and starts heading out.  That happens w/in 24 hours usually.  Hence choppers, etc military.  Wherever & however they can get in.   The Gov has notified DC and FEMA along w/the NWService were  on it prior to the destruction.  It was all over major brodcasting nets.   President signs off to bring in FEMA, who by the way, come in from all over the US to work.  Takes travel time.   Factor in getting food and supplies into the first responders and victoms?  The Guard is running every piece of equipment needed into the area, which, for the most part, have zero roads.   Here's another thing I've seen first hand.  The do-gooders.  Yea, I get it.  Sure it works and that's great.  But if it doesn't work who do they call?  I've seen it happen.   If you're a NG pilot in a complete med-evac helicopter on your last run loaded cause you need fuel.  What do ya do when ya get ANOTHER life or death call 80 miles off flight path and ur carrying one already?  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.   There will be blow-back either way it's handled.   Gottom line is, it's a state mission directed by each county with guidance from FEMA.  Ya work with them on a the entire plan to get back to normal asap.   That's exactly how it rolls.  Carry on!       
    • While there are other ways to accomplish this I’m going to suggest the following to minimize any mistakes or possible equipment issues.   * Important Note*: First it is absolutely not necessary to change any DSP settings to perform this test as described except when needing to adjust the DSP Output Level for amplifier gain matching later if needed.   Note (1): This method is using only one of the DSP LF Output Channels for a reference testing signal. Note (2): Both amplifiers will be connected to a UJ LF Horn during their individual measurement testing. Note (3): Any amplifiers with Input Gain Controls or amplifiers with Output Transformer Impedance Taps like on tube amplifier’s or McIntosh SS amplifiers *will require new measurements if any change is made later to them* in order to achieve proper amplifier level matching.       (1) Use REW to generate a 500Hz test signal. FYI: My understanding is the acoustical crossover of the UJ is 500Hz in any Passive or DSP implementation by Roy.   (2) “Use only one of the (DSP LF Channel Output)” as your reference signal source for the amplifiers under test.   (3)  Connect the (DSP LF Channel Output used for reference) to -> [Amplifier (A)]’s Input and adjust the 500Hz test signal volume to a comfortable level and then measure [Amplifier (A)]’s “AC Output Voltage Value” and note it down for later reference comparison. *IMPORTANT NOTE*: “Do Not” change the 500Hz test signal level after this because it is now our established reference signal test level.   (4) Now Connect the (DSP LF Channel Output used for reference) to -> [Amplifier (B)]’s Input and then measure [Amplifier (B)]’s Output AC Voltage and adjust { [Amplifier (B)]’s gain control if available} or the DSP Output Gain Level to achieve a “AC Output Voltage Value” to match with [Amplifier (A)]’s reference value reading. If using the DSP Output Gain Level for compensation the dB Level needed for matching will be the value you will need to use in the DSP Channels that this amplifier will be used with.   For example if Roy’s UJ programs requires the following when using matching amplifiers. DSP LF Channel Level = 0db DSP HF Channel Level = -3db   Now after testing we discover that [Amplifier (B)] required the DSP Output Gain to be adjusted to (-7db) to match [Amplifier (A)] test levels then this will need to be added to Roy’s program value and the change implemented in the channels using [Amplifier (B)] to maintain Roy’s program balance for the UJ’s LF Horn and HF Horn.   ie: If [Amplifier (B)] is used for the LF Channels then the DSP LF Channel Program Level will change to: (0dB)+(-7dB) = (-7dB)  ie: If [Amplifier (B)] is used for the HF Channels then the DSP HF Channel Program Level will change to:  (-3dB)+(-7dB) = (-10dB)     miketn    
    • We had folks with Baptist relief missions here within two days. I believe FEMA had some administrative staff showing relatively early but didn’t start operations at that point in time.   Some friends of ours that live outside of town had bags of food delivered by some marines and or national guard folks, I don’t know if that was coordinated by FEMA or not.   the vast majority of road clearing was done by private folks with chainsaws and farming equipment. our local LEO and FD have done a good job of coordinating with legitimate volunteer orgs and other rescue teams from out of state.   Our parish in Linville has been able to receive helicopter drops with a ton of donations and we are working to get those distributed to the parishioners and neighbors that need them here in Spruce Pine and the surrounding areas. They were also able to set up a medical clinic today for doctors visits and some medication prescription options for those that need it. https://www.stlucienbernadette.org/   We got our power back today. No word on water and sewer.   So far I’ve received word of two friends/acquaintances that were killed in the flooding and that number is probably going to rise as time goes on.   Still lots of work to be done cleaning up the town and rebuilding the infrastructure.
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