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13702 topics in this forum

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  1. *SOLD*

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  2. SOLD

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  3. Selah Audio Ribbon Tweeter

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  4. Selah Audio S6

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  5. for sale

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  6. RF-5's, RC-3ii, RSW-12

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  7. Onkyo TX-NR809

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  8. WTB K 402s

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  9. Feeler: Klipsch KG 4.5s

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  10. FS: Marantz 2252B, SOLD

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  11. WTB Fostex FE103E

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  12. Forte 2's For Sale (Sold)

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  13. Radio Shack Multitester

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  • Recent Posts

    • Mike Oldfield - Hergest Ridge First of many reissues; Japan, 1974    
    • I have the rp 600m ii front speaker ,no rears right now and saw a good price on the 404c center, gen 1 . My question is, will will they pair well?
    • Buy a pair of LaScalas and sell one of them.
    • A duo of Moody Blues    Artist Moody Blues  Title - To Our Children’s Children’s Children  Title - Long Distance Voyager       
    • I’ve used Heresy II and Cornwall between my Khorns , and they sounded ok. The problem is that the center speaker that most closely matches the  performance  of the Klipschorn is the Lascala . I was never satisfied with the sound and the obvious compromise of not using the Lascala , so eventually I put one in at center. The difference in my situation was day and night , and worth the trouble.The Cornwall , while a good speaker is not in the same league as Klipschorn , playing these speakers together will not result in the best sound  possible. Klipschorns with  Lascala at center is about as good as it gets for a three channel front stage , I’d definitely wait and finish it off the right way , good luck .
    • I think there are 10 Moody Blues albums in the collection  So your comment has prompted me to play them all in my personal best of order     
    • I have had both of those models. Since the 2270 was recapped, you did well. I upgraded my C26 to the C32. I need to recap my 2270.  If the LS are tuned in (wired right lol) then I would AB them with the Heresy IV using the Marantz in the same room and at the same time.  Willing to bet that the grass is greener where you are. lol  
    • I appreciate the typos.  Nowadays one prints things out three times on their printer , untill they've rooted them out. Trees fall by the wayside. (Sorry for the diversion...)
    • If the LaScala is set up right, I mean right for your taste as far as the xover is concerned, then it is one of the best speakers I know. I only have a handful of speakers: a small LS3/5a, a medium-sized LS3/6, both BBC speakers. Then a big Tannoy Canterbury with a 15’ Alnico, two pairs of Quad 57 ESLs, a 1977 LaScala and a 1973 Klipschorn. Of course, I know a lot of speakers that I don't have myself. The LaScala is an exceptionally good speaker. I wouldn't trade it for a speaker that combines a conventional bass with midrange and tweeter horns. On the amp side I have two Mcintosh power amps, a MC 275 and a MC2102, a C22CE pre amp, old Quad tube amps, old Leak tube amps, and several young only 35 to 40 year old Quad transistor pre and power amps and a Marantz 2270 that I inherited from my uncle and that has been restored by a specialist. A few other devices as well. The LaScala sounds awesome with most amps. The Marantz does it brilliantly and so do the Quad transistors. There is hardly a speaker like the LaScala that allows delicacy and a fantastic transition from the midrange horn to the bass horn to sound so seamless and natural. It is, absurdly, as good as the BBC speaker in this respect. The only difference is that the LaScala are powerful when the BBC speakers are out of breath. If I had to give everything away and could only keep two speakers, the LaScala would be one of them; the other one is the small LS3/5a, which can't reproduce low bass either. Personally, I'm less and less of a low bass fanatic. It could be my age, but I'm more in the middle of the frequency range. The LaScala conjures up such a fantastic sound in the room in the frequencies where it can play. If your LaScala is gone, it's gone and you'll cry, in a week or in four weeks.
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