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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/19 in Posts

  1. They only come out at night The lean and hungry type Roaches aren't new We've seen them before Watching and waiting Eating crumbs off of the floor.....................................
    4 points
  2. Have bad things been done environmentally? Yes. By man? Yes. Can we do better? Of course. Why is there so much oil under the deserts of the Middle east? Because they were once jungles. Has the earth been almost completely covered with ice in the past? Yes more than once. Mankind is now going to "fix" the climate? NOPE. It is delusional to think we are that powerful or significant.
    3 points
  3. It's too early for me to shift into Jim Morrison mode... I'll get back to ya'll... Ya gotta love em madly though! 😂
    3 points
  4. Getting back to the critter topic I need your help writing a song for my house share partner who is terrified of roaches. I've got to run out to a dentist appointment but hoping you can come up with a few lines by the time I get back. Royalties will be shared. I would like to base it on Hall & Oates "Maneater". I'll start........ They only come out at night Bugs that love to bite....... We've seen them before crossing the floor the lean and hungry type..... It doesn't matter yell at them if you like you're not going to break their heart....... Watch out now he'll eat you up he's a maneater...... Now if I was you tell you what I'd do I'd turn on the lights keeping track of their flight and carry one big big shoe......... Smash em and bash em do what you will but you're never going to win the fight. Look out girls he'll chew you up He's a maneater.
    3 points
  5. It is probably best to first get the cabinets tucked into the corners. Then judge the imaging. The biggest impact of refreshing the crossovers is that you will hear a bit more energy in the highs.
    3 points
  6. Painted 4 362 speakers and hung the 2 side surrounds, the other 2 will be rears on some kind of stands, there about 70 pounds I think. It took 3 of us to get them up on the brackets which had 4 3” lag bolts and 2 200# drywall anchors in each bracket. The grills were painted white also but they didn’t really show up in the pic.
    3 points
  7. Just got them home Jesus they are huge!! Hoping up tomorrow see if they live up to the hype!!!
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. hi guys. Im max from Argentina. I just finished my HT that took me a lot a sacrifice bescause here is hard to find this equipment and its very expensive. I will show you some pics. I hope you like it just like i do.
    2 points
  10. We can't fix it. But we don't have to make it worse.
    2 points
  11. I'm an Annie Lennox fan. Does that count?
    2 points
  12. === ‘round these parts “huge” speakers is a relative term — just sayin’ -
    2 points
  13. I think you will be in for a very nice surprise when you hook up your Cornwalls. The Luxman should do nicely and I would not worry about it. By all means play them and enjoy them before you start doing and modifications, although re-freshing the capacitors is a sensible thing to do (and does not need to be expensive). If the imaging or the bass is not to your liking, then certainly experiment with speaker (and chair) placement. Changing the relative distances to walls and corners can make a dramatic difference. Good luck and enjoy them, -Tom
    2 points
  14. I bought a handful of 4K demo material and was able to calibrate the system and test some stuff out just before it was time to get back to work. Covers on the height speakers. They blend right in. Look great in person.
    2 points
  15. You've got 70wpc ... will be just fine Using my Cornwall's as rear speakers with a 35wpc vintage Yamaha ... still will blow me out of the room
    2 points
  16. End of one bit^&in' last 30 hours "Gotta Keep On Smilin' "
    2 points
  17. If you do a search, you might find the posts where someone took out the passive and replaced the hole with a piece of wood with ports. The Chorus line (see what I did there?), changed from ports to passives as well as the Forte series. Each has its advantages, they both accomplish the tuning. It is not such a crazy idea.
    2 points
  18. Finally had a chance to get back to this project. Today I finished trimming the excess bendable plywood edges, sanding all the polys, and filling each with Ultratouch denim insulation. Next will be cutting the MLV and stapling to the back, adding french cleats to the back and finally covering with fabric. I used thicker 8" insulation in the largest two sizes. The 3.5" thick insulation went into the smallest of the polys. I lined them up for size comparison as shown in the pic.
    2 points
  19. WOW - apparently its a sensitive topic for some. Thanks to those that have reached out on here. I do appreciate your feedback and information / tips you have provided. As for the others, I don't really care, I'm not an easily offended person. I think sometimes people like to give the new guy a hard time, I'll take my licks and get back up, not to worry. I have always worked hard for my money. I try to be smart with it, that includes looking for the best price and the deal. Thats how you keep your money and or buy more nice stuff glad to hear there are other just like me, and for a fact have never paid retail. gives me hope. So here is what I got so far - tell me what you think : --Brand new La Scala AL5 - have to be ordered from factory - so a few weeks out ($9500) this does not include shipping which, worse case add 500 --The B stock AL5 - $7500 - so far have only seen the natural cherry - and that is a little light for my house ( I imagine if I look further I could find others) --New La Scala II - about 7K-8K delivered (getting) harder to find --La Scala II - demo- at a dealer- on the floor - about 6mo old - perfect condition - delivered 4500K The last one seems like a hard deal to pass up - any reason NOT to buy a nice pair of demos? (Question to "dwilawyer" - you stated the AL5 are your choice because of the new horn / tweeter - its it $5,000 dollars better? and if so - any idea if someone can purchase those and put in a La Scala II - I mean there sure are a lot of folks on here that do upgrades and modification to their older speakers.)
    2 points
  20. PART 1 My name is Max, Im from Argentina and today i just finished my little HT that took me some time and a lot of money because here all this equipment is too expensive, but little by little i got it. I hope you like it just like i do because i did it with a lot of sacrifice.
    2 points
  21. this is my system , 5.1 excellent condition..price is awesome 675$ for . all.. Marantz SR5009 7.2 channel , 2 klipsch RF-42 II 1 Subwoofer klipsch R-110SW 2 Klipsch Surround RB-41 II 1 Klipsch Rc-42 II 1 samsung blu-ray 4k ultra hd
    1 point
  22. Hard to find center, same in size to the KLF-C7. Matching center for the Epics CF series. https://grandrapids.craigslist.org/ele/d/grand-rapids-klipsch-kv4/6946319865.html
    1 point
  23. No whine until it's time...
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I can see Indiana not having the issues we have. In the newer tighter house around here you wouldn't believe the mold issues.....and lawsuits
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Yes. ***EDIT***I will verify the serial number of the second speaker.***EDIT*** *** EDIT***My apologies. I misunderstood my friend on the serial numbers and manufactured dates. Speaker number one is serial number 1050 manufactured in 1955. Speaker number two is serial number 1263 manufactured in 1956. The speakers look, from what I could see, very similar.***END EDIT*** Should have taken pics of both. I'll try to drive out to his house and grab some pics of the other one.
    1 point
  28. Sold Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. All height channels placed after spending hours trying to find the most ideal placement in room and working with the placement of the trusses. Of course when the house was built all those years ago they didn’t have it in mind I’d be installing a Dolby atmos cinema in the living room. I had to “modify” and reinforce the truss on the left side. That took about 8 hours in the scalding attic on a 100° day. Thinking the whole time that this better be worth it. The used crown cts4200 arrived from eBay, but I wasn’t able to get any output from the 4 channels. Sent it back and ordered a couple crown xls1002 from amazon. I work out of town and was not willing to wait another 2 weeks before I heard the fruits of my labor. Getting tight on space in the rack. Only 4u left for future upgrades.
    1 point
  30. if you are going to go to that much trouble I think it would be a good idea to actually clean all the connections!
    1 point
  31. Now you can see what your Luxman can really do... enjoy! And congrats...
    1 point
  32. I can't believe what I am reading. If porting the cabinets was a good idea, then it would have been done at the factory (ports are cheaper than drones). Dampening the interior will only take you so far. Do the modeling! Not all drivers work well in sealed cabinets. Please do some design work before you start trashing the cabinets. Good luck, -Tom
    1 point
  33. LSM are the initials. Thank you once again. I can't adequately Express how much joy owning this speaker has brought me.
    1 point
  34. Well you know how it is Claude it was the smallest wattage they had for that line. Fall will be here sooner than you think and I am going to point the big boys out at the roll up door. I will call you and let you know when so you can step outside and hear them.
    1 point
  35. You can't rely on a 3.2L Taurus motor to drive you across country, race it, then have it bring you back. :p
    1 point
  36. Why not leave the guy alone. He is making a considerable investment. You guys have mentioned that his expectations may be unreasonable, but you can't fault someone for shopping for the best price. Asking for info on this forum is entirely appropriate. If, as you claim, it is not possible to get a better price, then he will soon figure it out and the expectations will correct themselves.
    1 point
  37. Erik's account got messed up at some point, and he has been back on here as erik2A3. He's always been helpful and pleasant to have around here. Bruce
    1 point
  38. I think this is the one I have. I use it for work (actually I have a few) and at home I just keep it clipped to the brim of one of my hats so whenever I need it for whatever (especially stereo related) it's ready to go. It really makes it easier to do things when both hands are able to be used and the bright light is great. My vision isn't what it used to be. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. They probably wouldn't laugh to hard, they have seen worse, that might not even get much attention.
    1 point
  40. How many KG does it weigh? Does it come with a shoulder strap? Or a Tripod? John Kuthe...
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. It will continue as long as Political correctness rules the day. (the people in this country have got exactly what they have allowed to happen) I get sick to my stomach every time I watch the news. I rarely watch television anymore, when I do it only acts as an antagonist that sends me on a rant I will bet this will be locked very soon...................
    1 point
  43. I am having a problem with the drag queens teaching the New York kinder-garden classes. JJK
    1 point
  44. This build is of my own design and I would be more than glad to share what I did with any of you who are interested. I will be taking more pics in the next few days since there may be some interest. I currently have built 4 different sizes. Details to follow.
    1 point
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