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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/20 in Posts

  1. Amazing condition for 50 years old, and all the moving trips. I prize it to this day. Not the biggest bass in the world by any means, but the memories associated with it. I was age 10 at the time. Caught it on a purple worm fished on the bottom.
    5 points
  2. Wow he's getting old, as I am. He sure calmed down, but we were all younger back then, probably 35+ years ago. Another place we like is Rock n Bowl, on Carrollton ave, cool place. It's a huge metal building, along the back wall is all bowling lanes, the front is a big stage and bars. It's all open so if your bowling your also listening to the band. It's a cheap place to hear live music and always fun, the crowd kind of changes depending on the band. We have brought our kids and grandkids there, kids allowed, they loved it. https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A0geKIxe_Q9eL2YAcGNXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycGtnbjI4BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjkwNTBfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=rock+n+bowl+new+orleans&fr=uh3_news_vert_gs
    4 points
  3. Donated today in honor and memory of my Dad, Boxx.
    3 points
  4. Gonna leave this right here for anyone interested! Gonna be one heck of a nite in NYC! AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! The Brothers – Celebrating 50 Years of the music of The Allman Brothers Band will perform at Madison Square Garden in New York City for one night only March 10, 2020. The Brothers— Jaimoe, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks, Oteil Burbridge, Marc Quinones—will be joined by Duane Trucks and Reese Wynans and special guest Chuck Leavell. Tickets go on sale to the general public next Friday, January 10 at 10am. Gonna be one H3LLUVA SHOW! I was told a tour MAY be possible but NOT probable. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming! Thank me later!
    3 points
  5. Welcome back Paul. Knew you'd survive it. All the fires there I can't think of a safer place to be for a while. Relaxing. Hopefully things are good your way. Sitting back waiting impatiently for my Nils Lofgren LP. I'm gonna soooo be down and cranked when it shows! @JohnJ, Queensryche huh? This was an easy find in one of the piles. I've gotta watch out for the nay sayers and authenticators now yanno! Great bunch of guys! Just for you! hahahaha!
    3 points
  6. When I joined about a month ago I posted that I was looking for some RF7's. Well on the good news side one of the many great new friends I have made on here Like BillyBob has turned me on to speakers that were great deals and have helped me complete my system. Now for this warning. A person on here contacted me about his RF7's. I'm not going to name him yet because after telling him I was looking for Cherry per the post and he had maple...he gave me the Email of a man named Richard. Richard sent me pictures of an "A" set of RF7 ii's that looked mint in a great room. Everything looked clean. Great price I felt for 1050.00 delivered. Well he immediately wrote back ..ok put the money in my bitcoin acct and send me your address. Well I'm 62 and although I was born during the day, I wasn't born yesterday. While I sat stunned wondering how exactly this bitcoin thing worked...I wasn't about to send out money with no middleman or at least great references from here. He and...the first man then sent me Richard's phone number for texting to make it easier. I recieved 3 texts asking for my address so we could get on with it. I then told both of them, which actually could be one in the same..I didn't feel comfortable about the whole Bitcoin thing and offered to come pick them up so I could hear and see them. This next move cinched it for me. Richard turns out was leaving to go out of town until March so that wouldn't be possible. This was long enough so I will cut it short. Neither one has contacted me back about me going "after" he returns in march. I hate to judge but this was surely a con. So please buyer beware.
    2 points
  7. On Dec 10th 2019 I was medically terminated from Glad Mfg after 28 years of company service. 401k!! My dream of having a pair of Klipsch Heritage Speakers is right there! The Cornwall’s IV! Every one thinks I’m crazy even some of my all knowing music lover friends. People I share my dream with poo poo it so fast! I’m here seeking shelter from the dream killers!
    2 points
  8. Well since I on the forum now......it is an updated woofer. The part number is #1067961
    2 points
  9. You can have your older networks brought up to klipsch spec by contacting Jim at Jim Moorhouse JEM Performance Audio 412-401-6915
    2 points
  10. OK, This one on ultralight! Not huge but smallmouth can really fight (especially on light weight gear)
    2 points
  11. All this talk about fresh water fishing means i have to break out my catfish photo again. Caught this bad boy on an ultralight as well! (made that last part up)
    2 points
  12. that's about as exciting as freshwater gets. I've landed a few big bass on my ultralight. All of them started out as ,"Damn, I snagged a tree"... until it started swimming away.
    2 points
  13. I landed an 8lb bass on 4lb test and size 10 hook . Funny thing... it wasn't hooked. It inhaled the 1/4inch plastic maggot and blew it out thru its gill, it wound around the main line, essentially, I lassoed the fish
    2 points
  14. No I never thought that at all, that could be taken a bunch of different ways but I never thought anything of it, I could/have been called much worse. Thought it was a good thing when I read it, sounded like a complement to me. That's how I took it anyway, Thanks. I need to get some grapefruit juice, in a way it reminds me of liquor, the first taste can be a little rough sometimes. .
    2 points
  15. I have liked Florida's Natural since it came out in the 90s and was the least expensive. Not sure but I drink the ruby red a couple times a year. If I buy the fruit in a couple weeks it would be torture to not have it with first ☕ at six! You know there was nothing derogatory with the bohem remark? Like live, eat, drink, and "make merry" to the fullest!
    2 points
  16. Yes gang. Collect all your favorite Klipsch action figures: Paul, Valerie, Roy, Jim, and Trey and join them as they battle Amar the Merciless. They make terrific wire supports too. Thebes action figure available 3Q 2020.
    2 points
  17. Thanks for the heads up. You did the right thing. Here is some details and a picture for reference! I want the Sansui amp. Who is your contact on here? Be careful out there, there are scammers everywhere.....it's sad. I hope you find a good pair of speakers. I'm in Albuquerque and will be happy to go audition for you. All I ask in return is reimbursement for any ammunition used for incidentals... Just checked that address and the house is for sale, I wonder if he'll accept bitcoin? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5424-Vista-Sandia-NE-Albuquerque-NM-87111/6803776_zpid/ Not seeing the wall and doorways where the system was set up. Ha! I just did the same thing and was about to post "I see a green wall, but not THAT green wall". No wood floors either That's extremely funny @bitcoin. By the way if you are ever looking for work... CSI Albuquerque could use a talent like you!!! I don't want to expose him yet because his lead to Richard may have been legit. I don't mind pointing a finger to protect you my new friends here because although he wrote me like 20 emails and 6 texts within a day telling me "Let's get this done" after I called his bluff and said...ok but I'm coming to see them cash in hand I have had zero replies except him telling me he was leaving to go out of town until March. Even after sending him a called your bluff text and telling him I'm reporting this in the forum. I also contacted the member here and he sent me 24 emails and now he has also dropped off the map. If he doesn't respond shortly I will post his member name here. Yeah, I still want the amp. 😜 Do you use bitcoin???🤪😜🤪😜 notify the moderators via a PM , asap - - I have the fat stacks and can make it rain. James.....that looks like my banking account 😀 Mine too, but minus the 500's the 100's the 50's and the 20's thanks to joining this site. Yea these folks are experts at spending your money.
    2 points
  18. me too. I'm 6'2" and might weigh a buck and a quarter ... soaking wet. The only way I can gain weight is to let my hair grow. Bulking up for winter means more clothing Spent yesterday flatback. [Wife and I discussed this terminology given we do not endeavor to...] I caught a cold/flu..I wasn't trying to catch it.... Coughing and hacking... Don't get too close to your computer. I might still be contagious. We know about "Jewish Penicillin"... Wife has one better. "Sick Soup". A broth of hot Hungarian paprika and a lot of parsley. It works. I tried the chicken soup first Off to a slow start this AM. House was full of smoke when I got up. Wife accidentally damped the fire off, as opposed to down. When I made coffee, it ran all over the place when I was letting the grinds bloom. Something [a coffee grind/ground?] holding the valve open..
    2 points
  19. @Maccagirl83 and @MrsBoxx, Our thoughts go out to you today.
    2 points
  20. Thing of it is, were I there with you it would've taken about 127 seconds to have it all up and running, and adjusted.
    2 points
  21. I have H3's and had them in corners and did not fell the need for a sub. I moved and one speaker is in a corner and one is against a wall. So, I added a HSU VTF-2 MK5 subwoofer. It's not expensive, is very tunable and has a 30 day return policy. I kept it. I did not know what I was missing. In another life I ran a sub with La Scala 1's. Big smile.
    2 points
  22. The woofer is the same as the H3. The Tractix mid and the tweeter are different as is the xover. I'd have to hear them before I sold my H3's. The proof is in listening. I'm sure they are improved, but will they sound better in my room? Hmmm... I bought Heresy I's HBR in 1977. The dealer had a one year trade in policy with 100% of the purchase price credited to and upgrade. I traded them in for HBR La Scalas. I spent countless hours with Tung oil and steel wool. 25+ coats of Tung oil on Baltic Birch. Kept them for 23 years. Present room dictates Heresy sized speakers.
    2 points
  23. You'll feel so much better getting into a regular work out routine... Man if I lost 50 lbs I'd blow away🤣🤣 The BOSS lost a bunch of weight couple years back, all she did was stop drinking soda, she comes with me when I work out. But all she does is sit there and watch, she says "I'm not doing any of that and getting sweaty" MKP
    2 points
  24. Leave it to @Emile "to go to where NO man has gone before." 😂 Luxman's older tube stuff has ALWAYS sounded good to me!
    2 points
  25. Could you imagine trying this sport! Popular in the 20s and 30s, motorcycle chariot racing was kinda dangerous.
    2 points
  26. This is what life is about...Thanks @mr clean 🍻 cheers
    2 points
  27. OK I know it’s been a while but I finally pulled the trigger. I ended up going with the NAD. And talk about going from a broken hyperdrive to lightspeed, what a improvement. I haven’t completely ran Dirac yet, But to this point I am thoroughly impressed with the receivers quality and sound. It is a marked improvement over the Denon X 1000 that it replaced... So far well worth the money... I will give more feedback after I run the room correction.. One thing I noticed immediately is that the unit does not run hot Compared to my two previous denons.. More to come down the road I’ll keep you guys posted.
    2 points
  28. Each wing is 7 1/4" wide. I wanted to keep the build as simple as possible. I used Oak stock from local lumber big box. Each piece started at 7 1/4" x 3/4" x 6'. I then cut the wing pieces at just over 12" to span the stacked drivers. One edge was beveled at 45 degrees to sit flush with the driver. The other end I routed half-round purely for aesthetics. Super simple and inexpensive. I'm sure somebody can improve on my idea, but that was my starting point. I selected Oak since it was the stiffest hardwood they carry. Turns out the Oak selection helped in the paint area. Very minimal sanding was required with 320 grit to even the surface. Paint turned out really good on the Oak surface. The wings are then glued and brad nailed to a base. In this case, some scrap Baltic Birch I had from a previous project. I supported the wings with smaller oak pieces that also have a 45 degree bevel, which serve as a holder for the ends of the drivers. I will run two rods through the driver pre-drilled holes to keep the drivers in place. I also built a plywood top to finish the top and give it a standard 'horn' look. I plan on filling the voids you can see along the vertical edges of the driver/wing interface with black modeling clay, which I picked up from Hobby Lobby for $3. Frankly, I don't think I have ever built anything for my audio stuff that was this inexpensive. I plan on placing the waveguide on four isolation pads to keep bass bin vibrations from affecting the AMT structure. Not sure if that matters, but what the heck.
    2 points
  29. Depending on what part of the day it is 😀
    2 points
  30. Sometimes it's a warning🎵 Sometimes it's not🎶 the #o&'s got nuts 🎵*a+r$ don't
    2 points
  31. Looks Like ZzTop Terminator... Like the song list much better than over radio, other: Sorry again...need to look into too many MB Would think had it down by now. Took a couple of pictures of me. Quite revealing. No wonder I don't look in mirror. May explain no trick or treaters...
    2 points
  32. Got my tranche of LP today from 2 member source... Pardon me for pic but Best of Alan Parsons Project some here have. I like it:
    2 points
  33. Not to butt my nose into your business.... (as I butt my nose into your business!) If you haven't done it yet, you should move your 401K to an IRA. If you decide you need "X" dollars out for spending purposes, the 401K is required (by IRS law) to take 20% off the top and send it to them as prepayment towards taxes you may or may not owe. If you move it (or a portion of it if allowed) to an IRA you are allowed to have as much (or as little) as you wish held back.....you are not required to have the 20%. You could hold as little as zero..... or 10% or $100....whatever you want. It doesn't absolve you of what you owe, it just allows you to better control how it's paid. If you are (for easy math example) in the 10% tax bracket, why would you want the 10% you owe AND an additional 10%, totaling the 20% to go to the IRS and then ask them to give it back to you next April (2021 since we're in the new year). Some examples: If you called 401K and told them you needed $1,000. First off, they SHOULD then ask "do you want it out of the account, or in your hands???" None the less, you will receive $800 because they've sent $200 to the IRS. So, if you want $1,000 "in your hands", you have to take $1,250 out of the account to get the $1,000. Ok, I'm getting my nose out of your business now.
    2 points
  34. The heck with the naysayers, buy what you want as long as you can comfortably afford them. You only get so many trips around the sun.
    2 points
  35. my wife didn't understand either. When I brought my LS in and heard them.. she got it. And she likes the looks, too.
    2 points
  36. I wish I could share my experience of sharing with my neighbor the beautiful experience of Klipsch after years of crappy speakers! I get into talking about Klipsch, some say rather animated! The neighbor started to laugh and said he didn’t have a clue what I was talking about! I was speechless! I found something he didn’t know more about! Neighbor has a ‘ER’ complex. Better, faster, cheaper, 🤮
    2 points
  37. Well starting back up, hopefully my pics stick around this time. This time I am building 2 for the basement. Hopefully using some of the tips and tricks I've learned along the way will help me be more efficient and accurate. Heres a start with cross cutting the several horn path walls at 10", once dados are ran in the 2 biggest sides should end up at 11" TH Spud clone. Not much of a start, but it has been a bus day, so time to wash up for the night. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
    2 points
  38. Hi All, Don't think I am the only one that is having this problem Upload to this server used to be max 2MB ... for whatever reason it seems to get smaller and smaller Last 5 times I tried it told me "you are only allowed" 530/450/320/240/122kB (haha; only last number is "actual"). Used to be able to take a pic, crunch it a bit with Microsoft Photo to get it below 2MB ... now I have to use another program to get it into the 100 KILOBYTE size ... just annoying Maybe @Chad can enlighten us (or me if it is just "my problem). Cheers, Emile
    1 point
  39. Hi everyone, I’m looking to downsize quite a bit. All items located in Norther Colorado. Full speakers: split industrial La Scalas Kp-115x subs kg 5.5 Other: I also have two sets of Cornwall (one decorator and one beat up) cabinets and horns, drives and tweeters to build back up. Also all of the stock parts from a pair of La Scalas that I’ve upgraded and am happy with. I’ll post photos once I get the chance to move everything from storage, but wanted to judge interest before posting to Craigslist. Thanks!
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. I have 5.1. Ordinary CDs: Pro Logic II Music derives "hidden" information (due to phase phenomena) from normal 2 channel CDs, and pumps it through surround channels, while sending a mix of L and R channels to the center, and feeds the L & R with the normal 2 channels Subwoofer is also used via "Bass Management." Produces a better 5.1 channel simulation than I thought possible. For 5.1 Movies DTS-HD Master Audio, or Dolby TrueHD For the rare 2 channel movies, there is Pro Logic II Movie. For true stereo 2 channel movies, one gets the whole 5.1 simulation. For mono movies with two identical channels, one gets a strong center image, instead of spooky field wide voices. Multichannel SACDs: Multichannel In. 5 channels of music, often with hall ambience in the rear, sometimes with stuff happening all around, as with the QUAD version of Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon. For Parties: either All Channel Stereo (Multi-Channel Stereo), or Pro Logic II Music. All sound good with good program material.
    1 point
  42. I had a K5J horn with a JBL driver, that sounded really good on top of an FH-1 bin in the garage. I just had FM mono playing through it but I didn't think it was missing much.
    1 point
  43. It always fun, but there are a few oddballs that just don't get it. I recognize that license plate, looks good on your truck.
    1 point
  44. the Versa Note is a motorized packing crate for LS.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Jim has not gone anywhere for a few days. His eyes are still tearing up from El Gringo Mucho Caliente Diablo sauce.
    1 point
  47. LOL. And who knows what else? LOL
    1 point
  48. I hope they sell truckloads of new speakers and continue sponsoring this Klipsch forum website that we use for FREE, without annoying pop-up ads.
    1 point
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