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Well, it's a very long story. But our big day was July 10th, 2017. We met in 78' when she was 13 and I was 12. By age 16 (1981) we were falling love. She got into an argument with her parents for smoking cigarettes and was caught trying to run away from home by our school. The school sent her to a psychiatrist the next day (talk about over reaching). After her appointment, she was waiting for a bus to come home. But while waiting at the bus stop........... .......she was abducted. The man that took her beat, stabbed, had his way with her and was going to kill her like he did a few other girls already. She escaped his car and got his plate number. Before she even testified in court against him, she was relocated with some foster families without telling anyone what happened.....including me; she wasn't allowed to. I only knew she didn't come around anymore. I've been looking for her ever since. In 2017 I finally found her. She had gotten married twice but didn't love either one of them. She was pushed by her court-assigned psychiatrist and the first husband's family to marry him. It was as if she had no choice of anything. Much the same as the rest of his family. For instance: women in their family sit on the floor and not on the couches or chairs. The second husband was/is a severe narcissist. To propose to her he just slid the ring box across the table at a sports bar and said "Sorry I couldn't get that to you sooner." THAT was his proposal. He also insisted on sadomachism that she wanted no part of. Said it was his fastasy.........for 12-years?? Really?? He was also very violent. With me back in her life, she said to me that I was the only person her heart had trusted enough to believe that what he was doing to her was NOT normal. She divorced him too. I then moved into her house.....together again. We're writing a book but I can't get her to finish her part of it. She just wants to forget the past and live on.7 points
So, I've driven 400 miles from home to visit my 100 year old mother in an assisted care facility. I'm limited to 1-20 minute visit a day w/ 6' separation and no contact due to the current situation. This is a great improvement considering there was no physical visiting at all until very recently. Anyway, with extra time on my hands and wanting to find my mom a little jewelry gift before heading home I stumble into a little Antique/gift shop near where I'm staying. After not finding much that she would find appealing in the jewelry section decided to just browse the rest of the store. Only took 30 seconds to notice this............ Immediately started looking for it's twin. Couldn't find it anywhere so asked for assistance. 30 minutes later it was found covered in wrapping paper and used as a Christmas Tree stand. Price tag on each speaker said $198. Explained to the well meaning but uninformed sales associate that those prices were well outside of reason and they must have been priced as a set not individually. After coming to a mutual understanding regarding this pricing error it only seemed prudent to make an offer. Ended up carrying them out for $150 for the pair. Will be several days before getting them home and tested. Hoping they are operational, new x/o's will be in order. Just couldn't help but give these survivors a 2nd chance. Not my best score but not my worst.6 points
5 points
Find a local apiarist and have them come take a look - they should have sufficient resources to get a good look inside and help you safely remove the hive if you want to go down that path.5 points
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They’ll probably charge the home owner with manslaughter by ‘’entrapment’ and there will be protests calling for mandatory burglar safe windows and defunding of police.3 points
Makes sense. Nothing wrong with that. You don't need the government's blessing to be in love.3 points
I'm the original owner of Heresys bought new in 1977, Fortes bought new in 1986 and Heresy IIIs bought new this year. Plan on keeping all three pairs until I die.3 points
3 points
Now I've seen it all. Open and shut case. https://www.cbs42.com/news/burglar-killed-when-window-unexpectedly-closes-pinning-him-and-leaving-him-suspended-in-air-sheriff-says/?fbclid=IwAR3pFuIQgkatatTctyc5H9HLTUj9x4WYUItrByLnGSp_Daa0lG0wO2pxS4U2 points
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Bi wiring separates the connection in the crossover between low and high frequencies. It puts the connection back at your amps output. It makes the low and high frequency energy travel down separate wires. Can you hear a difference? Only YOUR ears can tell you that.2 points
Same ol' stuff for me lately, from the time I was turned on to this group they have always sounded like good times and music to me! Good pick-me-up on a cold gray rainy day!2 points
Then they will show a picture of him when he was 11 years old, mostly to make the window look guilty, it's a media thing.2 points
Her main hobby is, believe if or not, are small die cast cars. Yes, Hot Wheels. Mainly one of them called a "Drag Bus". It's to the point where she's in the Die Cast Hall of Fame and other accolades. One day, shortly after we met again, she gives me a birthday gift. A mint set of 4-cars from Hot Wheels called Farbs. They came out in 1971 as a ceral box offer. And these things were about $400!! She did this and we're still getting reacquainted. 😎2 points
He was a good boy, never meant anyone no harm. All he wanted to do was make a little extra money for his Christmas gifts list.2 points
I think this speaks for itself. I don't need to tell the guys in this Klipsch group to crank it up. 🤜🤛2 points
You’re asking marriage advice from THIS bunch ? I’d stick with the “should I get an eight speed automatic or six speed with a man pedal”, or “should I go active or passive with my Jubilees?2 points
I read that this morning, crazy, apparently they make smart windows now.2 points
2 points
She's already re-wrote her will and I'm still working on mine. If I was all of the sudden not in her life, financially she would not be hurting. Her house was paid for 10-years after they moved in. My estate is very small with no stocks, bonds or real estate. And only one very small life insurance policy that's enough to put me in an urn. No insurance companies want to write a policy for a Type I diabetic (me) for anything close to affordable. She might not be that book smart but she has a lot of street smarts.2 points
Yep what he said. As tough as it is on bee colonies right now it would be nice to see the hive relocated instead of exterminated. And here's a link for ya. Bee Keepers in Knox County.2 points
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I would suggest separating the Vidar amps for good air flow around the heat sinks. I have been using a Vidar in bridge mode for my sub with excellent results. miketn.2 points
A double album Going to be a split this listening session, one LP in the morning and one in the afternoon Artist - Frank Zappa Title - In New York Album ID - https://www.discogs.com/Frank-Zappa-Zappa-In-New-York/release/41638262 points
2 points
I just like the way this cable looks. That was worth the extra 30% cost to me. But whatever floats your boat.2 points
2 points
The first set of Klipsch I had ever listened to was a brand new set of forte IIs on loan in my house ~1992 Then I bought a new set of Quartets have since bought used: forte IIs Tangent 5000s klf-30s klf-c7 kg-4.5s 1975 La Scala* *stored in my living room for a friend2 points
Merry Christmas Boys & Girls! & aren't we all at least a little bit one time or another this time of the year!2 points
Had (I have seller's remorse for letting some of these go): KG-3.2 KG-4 Heresy BR Heresy WO Forte I WO Forte I WO Forte I WO Forte II OO Chorus II WO Chorus II WO Cornwall I WL Lascala Burnt BR LaScala BR Single LaScala BB RC-7 RC-64 RC-64 RS-7 RB-35 FR-63 FR-83 KLF-30 Black CF-3 Walnut CF-4 V1 Cherry THX Ultra II KP-362 Have: RB-35 Black RB-35 Cherry RB-75 Black KG-5.5 KLF- 30 Mahogany Chorus II OO Chorus II Black Quartet WO Heresy BR Heresy II WO Belle WO Khorn OO KP-301 KP-250 KPT-684 MCM-1900 4 way2 points
It was mostly the silliness of Jubes being to big according to him that I was really being snide about. I figure he can't possibly have ever heard a set or he would know better. I have a set of KPT-942's in the shop right now maybe 7' center to center and they sound really good. Jubes can be close together also and sound fine. The only pro Klipsch I have had that needed at least 15' center to center left to right to open up are MCM 1900's and KPT- 942/4's. You are invited to stop in if you are ever down this way.1 point
Surely you mean Forte III? I had the Cornscala "C" version with ALK universal xovers. They were good speakers but there was a boxy resonance that showed up on some midbass heavy recordings that I could never tame. I didn't add additional bracing but I did add dynamat to the rear wall, that did nothing. It's been over seven years and many, many speakers since I sold the Cornscalas, so take that into consideration. What I hear from the CW IV is a much different animal than what I remember with the cornscalas. Every aspect of music reproduction seems to be better. There certainly is no boxy resonance at all, but you might rid yourself of that with extra bracing. And the CW IV retains it's heritage sound while still having more resolution and detail than what came before. I have no doubt that some of the top shelf Cornscala builds I have seen here, like Justin Weber and others, will be as good or better than a Cornwall IV. But what I had wasn't one of those. YMMV........ Shakey1 point
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I'm not too interested in finding new internet friends. A few posts here and there are enough for me. But I really don't want to engage in the open forum. They've asked us to take it PM's, and I respect that.1 point
And your conclusion regarding speaker size as per Mr Decible? (He would have a fit if he heard some of the systems Klipsch forum members have in their rooms!)1 point
Geez, yo guys should know why the aliens use a green fog around them every time they contact us. That is an antiseptic fog that kills all bacteria, even the bad stuff on our bodies. JJK1 point
Yeah, and I gotta say......this stuff is the real deal. This company makes some real solid gear and sounds great. Very good to deal with. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
I've been using a Cornwall I for a center between my Khorns but to do that I had to split up the pair so one them has just been sitting collecting dust. I figured this Chorus II should be as good or better movies. I tried it briefly yesterday by watching The Patriot, the cannons, bombs and dialogue seemed awesome lots of depth and presence, think it does better than the Cornwall for that purpose. Very happy so far.1 point
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I am aware of that. It doesn't mean the Chinese government doesn't listen to scientists. It is anecdotal of what can happen when the government makes a mistake.1 point