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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/23 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Got our copies yesterday. Very nicely done!
    4 points
  3. It's better being a little late than pregnant
    4 points
  4. Received mine as well!!! Thank you for using "Dope From Hope" for the shipper name. Living in a small town and receiving a package from "Love Injection" would have raised some eyebrows Thanks JJ
    4 points
  5. our weather is nice for the moment wet and cold predicted . 50`f highs... The wood we bought is almost too big to build a good fire in our stove .... so, I burned off some energy splitting wood. Mano y mano ... splitting wedges and [my favorite tool] a big hammer. a little bit of "Old Folk's Boogie" "... with the right medication, won't be lazy"
    3 points
  6. It's been a while - very busy for work, and a bit down due to winter, but this package, delivered today, put a smile on my face! Dope from Hope!
    3 points
  7. I got mine just now. I'm very proud because I'm Belgian and the book was Made In Belgium!!!! It looks fantastic!
    3 points
  8. Received my copies..🙂 I’m absolutely blown away by the Quality, Feel and Beauty of the “DOPE FROM HOPE” book…!!! Packaging was 1st class all the way..!!! miketn
    3 points
  9. Beautiful! Tabernacle choir Maynard
    3 points
  10. Spent the summer remodeling our retirement house in Colorado. New paint, floors, molding, all plumbing fixtures and shut off valves, new windows, and a full demo and re-do of the kitchen. (The last two were contracted out) Before the countertops were installed in the kitchen, I put Billy Bones in a “Dead Space”. Playing the long game here. My wife put a note in the rib cage with our kids telephone numbers, so that whoever next remodels (after we’re gone…) can let the kids in on the joke.
    3 points
  11. Just to make it clear, keep this on topic. I was very fond of mr Bob. This misconception that Crites, the business and mr Bob are one in the same is not true anymore. Thanks.
    3 points
  12. My understanding is that the OSU elders think beating Michigan is more important than the national championship. JJK
    3 points
  13. I'm sending them to @KROCKhe will play them over the phone for me !
    3 points
  14. Could be good genes passed down My father had a pencil style moustache But I can hardly grow any facial hair, so I save a bundle on razor blades More money for records 🤘
    3 points
  15. https://syracuse.craigslist.org/ele/d/delphi-falls-klipsch-khorns/7692078267.html
    2 points
  16. I think everyone is familiar with the history of the La Scala. Mentioning this, however, adds nothing to this topic.
    2 points
  17. It's just cold where I am. Yesterday. 40 was the high and it was like after midnight and went down to the 20s today it got into the 30s. It's below freezing and not dark yet. After dark it's going to be in the 20s until the sun comes up so I'm glad I got lots of wool.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 3:30 PM and it's a balmy 23 here. Fired up the electric blankie last nite and went a full six rounds until I game up. It won and I wound up pulling about half of it back up on the bed when I rolled out at 11:15. I have zero clues as to how many times I woke up in a strangle hold. Toss in a couple dreams and my night was complete. Don't even know what those were about anymore. 😂
    2 points
  20. Just because the La Scala was first utilized for sound reinforcement doesn’t mean it wasn’t for HiFi utilization and as a matter of fact PWK advocated it’s use between his Klipschorns in a 3 speaker array where it was used in the most critical position as a center channel speaker in a HiFi System for the home. miketn
    2 points
  21. How big of a center can you handle? BTW, in my setup I have 5 Heresys. Three across the front and two for surrounds. For anything I throw at it, it’s absolutely the best setup I’ve ever had.
    2 points
  22. I would have gotten some passive speakers to use with that amp.
    2 points
  23. Really, really good for how small they are. I used a set for a really long time at our office until I downsized to a The One.
    2 points
  24. Edwards Electronics on Ebay...send them the guts..they'll fix it. I checked with them a few months back(anticipating mine will need someday) because I no longer saw them soliciting business for this type of sub. They said yes they will still work on them. You could go the external amp route as well. I can email you the service manual if you want. I have to believe it is the power supply.
    2 points
  25. It´s snowing here , the forecast told us allready to be prepared for a cold wheather period. Today I took care of my audio gear in view to place my RF7 Evo´s correctly, didn´t cared about yet , but today I had the wish to get it done. I redesigned the audio rig as well and changed some of the components w/in the rig . AND THAN ..you won´t believe me ....I recorded a tape with music from my tt , can´t remember when I did that the last time ....maybe more than a decade ago , it was fun , gonna listen to that tape tomorrow. It midnight here ..going to sleep now ...
    2 points
  26. Magnets (powerful magnets)are considered dangerous cargo . E mail , FAA at , hazmatinfo@faa.gov. Good luck 🤓
    2 points
  27. Spoke with Jim at JEM, capacitor kit is on order now.
    2 points
  28. I had a look at the Vinyl Studio site. The interface isn't glamorous or slick looking, but the software is up to date with output types, etc. $50 for the pro version is right u my alley. No subscriptions is another plus. I think I only transferred one album in the last 15 yeara..years... however, this wouldn't be a great loss/write off if is didn't work, and it would be easier that me using the tools I have. By the way, welcome back! Those of us still here are still loons...
    2 points
  29. Wow, this sounds like my story. I had the Cornwall 4 and upgraded to the La Scala AL-5 a few months ago. I also struggled initially with the La Scala's sound – hearing aspects I liked better, but also some things I didn't liked at all that made me initially think the Cornwall 4 sounded better then the La Scala. The fact that my Cornwalls are soon going to my brother while the La Scalas stay here indicates my perspective has shifted. May I ask which Cornwall you had before, and which La Scala you have now? Are the speakers entirely new?
    2 points
  30. I think it means he won some at gambling. I would spend it on audio too.
    2 points
  31. Hey guys! So I bought the La Scalas, but there's something not so great about the sound and I'm trying to figure out whats happening. I'm using the PrimaLuna Prologue Premium as my integrated amp. I've had a Cornwall that I've enjoyed for almost 4 years now. But when I compare the sound of the La Scalas the magic just seems to be missing. The vocals are not forward and magical as they used to be. The sound stage is great. But it almost feels a bit too clinical and lacks some warmth. And yes the low end of the bass also is bothering me I guess, but that was expected given the La Scalas don't go below 50Hz whereas the Cornwall goes down to 34Hz. I am struggling so badly for words when it comes to what I'm experiencing! But it's not just me, my wife also feels that the Cornwalls were better! Which is crazy so I'm trying to figure what happened. Here's a couple of theories I have: Amp pairing: Could it be that I just need a much better amp? That maybe the one I have is not doing the speakers justice? Low end: Or maybe I'm just reacting very badly to the low end being capped at 50Hz instead of 34Hz? Many of the people who recommended the La Scalas also recommended getting a sub. But looks like getting a tube amp which has a separate out for the subs is going to be quite an investment. Also it could just be my mind playing tricks on me. I've moved the Cornwalls to another room so will be a real pain to try and do an A/B test just to see if I'm tripping or what. Maybe my expectations were too high.. Or more likely maybe I'm just going through a rough patch in my relationship to music and sound. Please do share your wisdom, it always helps!
    1 point
  32. Ask for info on how to build your own Khorn and you will get their attention 😁
    1 point
  33. @wayneair Care to explain the laugh reaction? An exact matching LCR is always the best way to go, period.
    1 point
  34. Correct! Strong magnets that can't be shipped on passenger planes can be carried on air freight.
    1 point
  35. @merkin https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/220194-2-hsu-tn1220-for-sale/#comment-2823692 Academy...
    1 point
  36. I used an academy between forte I and II for years. Always sounded small and veiled. Been using a C7 for the last couple years and there is no way I'd go back to an academy.
    1 point
  37. A third 5.2 would be the best center.
    1 point
  38. Bose whatevers to KG5.2....enjoy the upgrade Nice refinishing BTW.
    1 point
  39. Got mine too. Damn near forgot I contributed. Nice sharp corners.
    1 point
  40. you might want to find a way to listen to the gear and forget the reviews.....trust your ears!!! Save your wallet!! I wouldn't buy any of this trash because sooner or later that is what it will be, most likely sooner! But that's just me!
    1 point
  41. I've twice had LaScalas in my house. Super efficient, articulate, great for just about any style of music. They were for music only, and for me, had plenty of bass. Most of the music I listen to is acoustic and orchestral. They were great for low level to high level listening. Missed them as soon as they were gone. The first pair left due to finances, the second pair went to my older son. They were replaced with much larger Klisch speakers, not wife approved, but she loves me and let me have them. Currently using Klipsch Heresy IIs until the next big system is installed. I could easily go back to La Scalas, though.
    1 point
  42. It it wasn’t for you Claude I don’t know where Klipsch would be…..amazing.
    1 point
  43. Sez the guy who was on my porch shaking his head in disbelief after experiencing my horn subs several Augusts ago, and controlling the remote volume while in the room! LOL.
    1 point
  44. And more along those lines...
    1 point
  45. I realize that this a bit unusual, but two variations on the traditional CS I make occasionally: a) Gorgonzola cheese Sharp imported provolone
    1 point
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