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    • Ahhhhh, another worthless day in Duckburg.  71 @ noon and here I sit on this stupid machine again.  Adjust fire and fire for support .  Stay low and never take a prisoner comes to mind.  Think Imma gonna stir the pot in the hood today.    Fire up the garage system and plant the last of 6, yes 6 flowers I bought this spring.  6 for $50 sound about right today?  They're some hybrid that are totally outta the box color wise.  Think psychedellic!  I already put a lil bounce in the walkers step w/the rig cranked for the walkers so may as well give 'em a lil light show to go with it.  "Are you experienced" comes to mind.  Some new outta the box greenhouse down the road 40 miles south called Groovy Plants Ranch is killin it w/people.  Kids makin big bucks doin what we've always done.  Rock!  😂   Gonna grab the mugga, slip into the Crocks and stumble out.  Play nice!    💪💪😂
    • When almond joy becomes a mound..   I'll send you his pair You'll never know when you need a extra pair !              
    • I own them, I know they are great speakers. When searching about Forte's on this forum, most threads say to just get Cornwalls, or Chorus. From what I have been reading, they are in the middle of the range. They are not a middle of the range speaker, at least for me. In my room, the Cornwalls are a bit on the big side, as good luck trying to find a set of used Chorus's.  That's all I was saying. 
    • Actually, NO. You are talking about a multitude of engineering decisions.   So, it depends on a lot of things. The producer generally is at fault. The engineering part can be done with great dynamic range and unless you are mixing from tape, you shouldn't have any hiss at all, and it's not been a problem for years.   I listen to a lot of music with top notch production and wide dynamic range. If you want to reverse the compression on a track, the link babadono shared above, point to a methodology the do some of that successfully,  but not perfectly. All you have to work with is the final mix. Individual tracks within the mix might, shall we say, fight against each other and end up worse if you expand any part of the final mix.   You will read contradictory information on the process and what folks think has been done or can be done.  Just listen and enjoy the music or get a different hobby.
    • Sorry for the late reply, but yes, I could sell just the amp. PM me if interested.
    • https://www.discogs.com/release/673625-Enchant-Blink-Of-An-Eye  
    • For the 2-cents it's worth....   First time I ever heard these in Hope (actually, ONLY time I've heard them!) I walked outside and Roy had some jam's playing.  I might point out, it sounded fantastic.  Looking off in the distance,  I saw his new MWM replacements (Grande's??) and a mega subwoofer.....     Alas, the closer I got I realized it was NOT the Monster stack playing but rather, the 396 playing (sitting on top right of sub) and the sub.   It was astounding to me how good it sounded and still, how "big" it sounded.   Roy punked us yet again by having the monster stack out there BUT secretly playing the smaller speaker.                
    • I had a pair of '83 LS with the AL crossovers. I personally didn't like them, and built simpler networks designed by a forum member and sold the ALs to someone.   They aren't necessarily a bad crossover. The '88 LS would have had newer models. The K-401 resin mid horn is better than the earlier cast aluminum K-400.   The LS are great speakers, kinda wish I still had a pair. Enjoy yours, get used to them, and try them for low level, late night listening.   (As an aside, and really not trying to get you to change anything. ... but... I always felt the mids were a little too hot, and everyone knows the bass rolls off. I adjusted my mids down 2 or 3 dB. This meant that adjusting the gain back up, the bass came up a little more and sounded more balanced to me without the mids being a 'chainsaw in your forehead' as some folks put it. )   We're all different, just enjoy!
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